Fischl | Genshin Impact- Appearence,personality,Rating,Best Builds and FAQs

Last Modified Dec 14, 2021 13:34 GMT

Guten tag, mein freunds! Fischl von Luftschloss Narfidort is a member of the Mondstadt Adventurer’s Guild and one of its most elite investigators. While her flowery, extravagant speech is hard to follow for most, her companion, the night raven Oz, is always willing to translate for the ignorant masses. Fischl is an Electro Bow user who can output a constant stream of Electro damage, allowing her teammate to constantly proc reactions with ease. To learn more of the dark skills of the "Prinzessin der Verurteilung", read this guide to completion!

How to get Fischl in Genshin Impact?

Fischl is a 4-star Character that is always available across all banners. On occasion she gets a rate up banner alongside the featured 5 Star character for the cycle that greatly increases your chance of rolling her, so keep an eye out in order to maximize your chance of getting him!

1. Combat Info

→ Ascensions and Stats

Ascension PhaseLevelBase HPBase ATK1Base DEFSpecial Stat2 (ATK)
MoraGemsCharacter Level Up Materials Materials Materials
Ascension Cost (0 → 1)20,0001 Vajrada Amethyst silverN/A3 Small Lamp Grass3 Firm Arrowhead
Ascension Cost (1 → 2)40,0003 Vajrada Amethyst Fragment2 Lightning Prism10 Small Lamp Grass15 Firm Arrowhead
Ascension Cost (2 → 3)60,0006 Vajrada Amethyst Fragment4 Lightning Prism20 Small Lamp Grass12 Sharp Arrowhead
Ascension Cost (3 → 4)80,0003 Vajrada Amethyst Chunk8 Lightning Prism30 Small Lamp Grass18 Sharp Arrowhead
Ascension Cost (4 → 5)100,0006 Vajrada Amethys t Chunk12 Lightning Prism45 Small Lamp Grass12 Weathered Arrowhead
Ascension Cost (5 → 6)120,0006 Vajrada Amethyst Gemstone20 Lightning Prism60 Small Lamp Grass24 Weathered Arrowhead

→ Talents

Bolts of Downfall-Normal Attack

Normal Attack

Perform up to 5 consecutive shots with a bow.

Charged Attack

Perform a more precise Aimed Shot with increased DMG.

While aiming, the dark lightning spirits of Immernachtreich shall heed the call of their Prinzessin and indwell the enchanted arrowhead. When fully indwelt, the Rachsüchtig Blitz shall deal immense Electro DMG.

Plunging Attack

Fires off a shower of arrows in mid-air before falling and striking the ground, dealing AoE DMG upon impact.

Nightrider-Elemental Skill

Summons Oz. The night raven forged of darkness and lightning descends upon the land, dealing Electro DMG in a small AoE.

For the ability's duration, Oz will continuously attack nearby opponents with Freikugel.

Hold to adjust the location Oz will be summoned to.

Press again any time during the ability's duration to once again summon him to Fischl's side.

Midnight Phantasmagoria-Elemental Burst

Summons Oz to spread his twin wings of twilight and defend Fischl.

Has the following properties during the ability's duration:

  1. Fischl takes on Oz's form, greatly increasing her Movement Speed.
  2. Strikes nearby opponents with lightning, dealing Electro DMG to opponents she comes in contact with. Each opponent can only be struck once.
  3. Once this ability's effects end, Oz will remain on the battlefield and attack his Prinzessin's foes. If Oz is already on the field, then this will reset the duration of his presence.

Stellar Predator-1st Ascension Passive

When Fischl hits Oz with a fully-charged Aimed Shot, Oz brings down Thundering Retribution, dealing AoE Electro DMG equal to 152.7% of the arrow's DMG.

Undone Be Thy Sinful Hex-4th Ascension Passive

If your active character triggers an Electro-related Elemental Reaction when Oz is on the field, the opponent shall be stricken with Thundering Retribution, dealing Electro DMG equal to 80% of Fischl's ATK.

Mein Hausgarten-Utility Passive

When dispatched on an expedition in Mondstadt, time consumed is reduced by 25%.

→ Talent Upgrade

Talent LevelRequired Ascension LevelMoraCommon Materials Talent Level Up Materials
1 → 22*12,5006 Firm Arrowhead3 Teachings of Ballad
2 → 33*17,5003 Sharp Arrowhead2 Guide to Ballad
3 → 43*25,0004 Sharp Arrowhead4 Guide to Ballad
4 → 54*30,0006 Sharp Arrowhead6 Guide to Ballad
5 → 64*37,5009 Sharp Arrowhead9 Guide to Ballad
6 → 75*120,0004 Weathered Arrowhead4 Philosophies of Ballad1 Spirit Locket of Boreas
7 → 8260,0006 Weathered Arrowhead6 Philosophies of Ballad1 Spirit Locket of Boreas
8 → 95*450,0009 Weathered Arrowhead12 Philosophies of Ballad2 Spirit Locket of Boreas
9 → 105*700,00012 Weathered Arrowhead16 Philosophies of Ballad2 Spirit Locket of Boreas1 Crown of Insight

→ Constellation

2. Availability

→ Paimon's Bargains

Fischl was available in 2 Paimon's Bargains Starglitter Exchange:

January 2021

July 2021

→ Event Wishes

As a 4-star Character, Fischl can be found in the following Wishes

-Standard Wish Wanderlust Invocation (Indefinite)

-Beginners' Wish (Indefinite until all 20 wishes have been made)

-All Character Event Wishes and Weapon Event Wishes

Be on the lookout for when she is announced for a rate up on a Character Event Wish!

3. Personality

Fischl grew up so obsessed with fairy tales and fantasy novels that she roleplays as one constantly. Her grandiose verbiage tends to throw off most who interact with her but her night raven familiar Oz is the only saving grace as its always willing to translate her sayings into the more common tongue. This gets even more confusing when she occasionally breaks character, either from embarrassment or the seriousness of the moment Underneath the facade Fischl has built for herself as the fearsome Prinzessin der Verurteilung. Not just that, she is a kind and good natured girl with exceptional investigative skills, which has earned her great respect in Mondstadt’s adventurer’s guild.

4. Appearance

Fischl wears her long blonde hair into two twintails with black, bat-like ribbons. She has light green eyes with her left one covered up with an eyepatch. She wears a purple and black dress-like gothic leotard with a long flowing tailcoat. Thigh high stockings and black winged boots complete the rest of her outfit. Her vision can be found on her lower back where her coattails diverge..

5 Character Stories

→ Character Details

Fischl is the Prinzessin der Verurteilung who arrived here after being exiled from the otherworld, "Immernachtreich."

She "observes and weaves the threads of fate" together with her talking night raven familiar, Oz.

Owing to reasons she cannot and Oz will not explain, Fischl now serves the Adventurers' Guild as an investigator.

→ Character Story 1

As an investigator for the Adventurers' Guild, the single biggest advantage Fischl has over her peers is Oz.

"Milady, please stop sending me out to spy on Stormterror. That chap could eat me for breakfast! Well, I'm so puny I probably wouldn't even get caught between his teeth, but... Anyway, I don't want to die!"

"Hmph! You are supposed to be my familiar. Not everyone gets to be the Prinzessin der Verurteilung's familiar, do you understand? Consider it your honor to dedicate your life to serving me!"

Fischl is able to see through Oz's eyes. Whenever she wants to, she possesses Oz and looks down upon the earth from the sky. Whether she wants to inspect the flora on the Stormbearer Mountains or observe a disturbance in Wolvendom, through Oz she can see anything and everything.

Thanks largely to her unique ability — and, to a lesser extent, to her own effort and peculiar personality — Fischl quickly went from the rookie investigator of the Adventurers' Guild to a respected rising star of the organization.

She's certainly done well for herself. She only landed the coveted position of Investigator at age fourteen in the first place because her parents managed to persuade the guild master.

Then again, would they really have had to do much persuading? If she's the Prinzessin der Verurteilung... one can only assume that would make them the Kaiser und Kaiserin der Verurteilung.

→ Character Story 2

It's said that there is currently a "Fischl Dictionary" in circulation among the adventurers.

Namely, a book that aims to translate Fischl's peculiar way of speaking into something more understandable.

For example:

"I hear... echoing in the abyss of time, the burning winds of the old, all of which shape the spire forgotten in the torrents of karma" would translate into "Stormterror's Lair";

"Servants of the Verurteilung name! As you have requested, prepare to receive the great wisdom of the Prinzessin" would be "I'll look into that and let you know ASAP";

"Rejoice! O, ye servants who long for the blessing of the Prinzessin; venture now deep into the battlefield with hearts of the tiger" means that the initial investigative work has been completed;

"All has been written in this tome of dark prophecies" simply means that her journal has been updated with the latest reports.

However, the "Fischl Dictionary" is actually just an in-joke, not a real book.

Those who are familiar with Fischl concentrate on what she means to say, not the way in which she says it; she notices this and takes it as a sign of true respect.

"Aha! So you do understand. Then fate does indeed bring kindred spirits together."

Those who manage to adopt her speech mannerisms when they respond to her will find she is both delighted and bashful, and praises their language-learning ability.

"A Prinzessin should always give praise where praise is due... Now, let us converse some more. Do not be mistaken; these are to be the foundations of the new world..."

→ Character Story 3

Oz and Princess Fischl are not only close friends but also servant and master, with a shared soul and fate.

Their first encounter was mentioned in "Flowers for Princess Fischl - Vol. I: End Time Zersetzung"

When the lone pilgrimaging princess reached the kingdom of eternal twilight, the fate-resisting royals chose to deny everything in their desperation.

They refused to recognize Fischl's noble stature and mission as the princess of the Immernachtreich; denied their 13,000-year lineage as a branch of the royal family; and forsook their own nobility and restraints as humans... devolving into clumsy and vicious beasts.

In the palace of Twilight and amidst the teeth of the beasts, the princess shed her sacred blood on the ancient emblem.

At the moment of her peril, the dark wings of the night ripped the trapped princess from her desperation and took her under its wings.

Following the scent of her noble blood, Ozvaldo von Hrafnavines, the King of Ravens came to the princess and pledged his eternal loyalty.

→ Character Story 4

There is a story that goes as follows. A long time ago in a place far, far away, there was a tiny little girl.

The girl's parents were busy adventurers. She spent most of her childhood in the library, traversing the countless universes that were contained in the pages of the library books.

She became the ruler of the Immernachtreich, summoned Thundering Retribution as a royal princess, and formed a soul bond with a Raven...


"███, what books did you read today?" Her parents asked her on one of the rare occasions that they were home between adventures.

She proceeded to tell them the story she had read from her favorite series.

"...And then he said, Fischl von Luftschloss Narfidort, you are the Prinzessin der Verurteilung, my proud daughter. You shall never surrender your nobility and dreams."

"Oh, that's a lovely story. Since you like it so much, ███, how about I call you "Fischl" too?" Her father smiled, put his hand on her head, and repeated the words from the story to her.

"Fischl, you are my wonderful princess and my proud daughter. You shall never surrender your nobility and dreams."

These kind and loving words lit up her world.

However, the time with her busy parents was always fleeting.

Unable to fit in with her peers due to her obsession for fantasy novels, she often felt lonely and sad. At these times, she would remind herself:

"I am Fischl, my daddy's wonderful princess. It's true, because mommy and daddy said so..."

"Never will I surrender my nobility and dreams, for they are... a princess' rite of passage."

→ Character Story 5

Just like in the universe of "Flowers for Princess Fischl," entropy begot destruction. In other words: The girl who loved to dream grew up. On her fourteenth birthday, those of her peers who refused to accommodate her quirks belittled her once again.

"This is but a minor setback for the noble princess. My parents will understand," she thought to herself.

For if she knew one thing, it was that as a princess she could never surrender her nobility and dreams.

But when she threw herself into her parents' arms in need of comfort, she was met instead with gentle words of exasperation.

"███, you are fourteen years old now. It's fun to make-believe, but eventually you need to grow up and put your childish dreams behind you..."

And with that, the same voice that had once lit up her world now tore it apart.

That day at midnight, she found herself in the library she knew so well. She had a strange feeling that she was being watched... Suddenly, she heard an otherworldly flapping of wings.

Sure enough, she looked up and her red, swollen eyes met with those of a night raven from another world.

What transpired afterwards is another story...

Fischl doesn't much like this story. Thinking about it causes her to feel suffocating pain and soul-devouring loneliness. Maybe one day, this story will be written. But that would be ███'s story, not Fischl's. Fischl has but one identity: she's the Prinzessin.

As long as she remembers this simple and perfect logic, with a little bit of nobility and a touch of kindness from others, nothing can ever hurt her.

Things are looking up for Prinzessin Fischl these days — not only does she have Oz, but she has finally met a traveler who, just like her, comes from a different world...

→ Flowers for Princess Fischl: Phantasmagoria

The novel series "Flowers for Princess Fischl" is available as a collectible set.

Due to the tiny numbers in circulation, it is a priceless commodity amongst fans of the author.

But not matter how elegant these works are aesthetically, their worldview remains incredibly bleak:

Every good, bright and noble thing must eventually fall to inexorable entropic destruction, and the final destination of the universe is the realm-in-waiting of the Prinzessin, Immernachtreich.

This is the fate of all worlds, of the universe, and all who live in it.

And the Prinzessin and her loyal companion, the "Night-Severing Raven Oz", Ozvaldo von Hrafnavines, are the World Beasts who will swallow all dreams.

At the very end, at the end of karma itself, she will grant all the gathered souls her benediction, and use her Thundering Retribution to cleanse all that is ugly and wicked.

The Prinzessin will then set her own heart ablaze, and the universe shall be born anew in its immortal light.

But before all of this can come to pass, the Prinzessin must first roam many universes, and see countless new sights.

Thus it is perfectly within the spirit of the original work that the Prinzessin should be stuck as an investigator for the Adventurers' Guild in a slightly backward world. Just a little twist of fate, nothing more.

The Prinzessin will come to understand someday that each moment of her life, no matter how insignificant their little twists could be, is to be treasured.

After all, the Prinzessin's very own Phantasmagoria is made out of ones such as these.

→ Vision

So, is Oz just an imaginary friend who only exists as a figment of Fischl's subconscious?

Our story begins with the royal heirloom, Edelstein der Dunkelheit — that is to say, Fischl's Vision.

When her wish was acknowledged, the raven Oz and her Vision both appeared before her eyes.

That night, at dinner, Oz got on well most with Fischl's parents: "Ah, mein Kaiser und Kaiserin der Verurteilung, forgive mine overstep, but the beans in your house are too delicious."

"Oh, then please, help yourself. This is the first time little ███ has met a friend she can bring over for dinner since she turned fourteen. This is a special occasion."

"W-What are you saying! I... One does not simply cavort with the plebeians!"

—And that's what happened. For all intents and purposes, it seems that the Kaiser und Kaiserin der Verurteilung could both see Oz, and both believed Oz to be the Prinzessin's first friend.

As for the "Adventurer Who Bears the World's Curses," the "Visitor From Outer Worlds" and the "Strange Fae-shaped Emergency Sustenance..." They would become the Prinzessin's new friends, though that would happen even further in the future.

6. Namecard

HOW TO OBTAIN: Reach Friendship Level 10 with Fischl

Description: A raven dark as midnight with wings that can block out the sun. "I permit thee to conceive his likeness upon such decoration!"

7. Constellation

“Corvus” which means Raven in Latin.

8. Quests and Events

→ Archon Quests


→ Story Quests


→ Events

  1. Unreconciled Stars
  2. Act I: Unknown Star
  3. Act II: The Crisis Deepens
  4. Act III: What the Skies Conceal, the Water Reveals
  5. Act IV: Where Ancient Stars Align

9. Character Interactions

Fischl mentions the following characters in his/her voiceover lines






Fischl is mentioned by the following characters in their voiceover lines






10. Trivia

-Fischl’s real name is Amy.

-Along with Keqing, Fischl was featured in a crossover in MiHoYo’s Honkai Impact 3rd

-Fischl’s name means “little fish” in German

11. Explainer Video

12. FAQs

What is Fischl’s best role?

While her overall best usage is as a sub -DPS support who can consistent proc electro reactions and has a passive that juices said damage even further, she can also be used as an on field DPS, especially if you have a very high end 5 star bow or her specialty bow Mitternachts Waltz

What artifact sets are good for Fischl?

There are two options that stand out here. The first being 2PC Thundering Fury (15% Electro DMG) and 2 PC Gladiator’s Finale/Shimenawa Reminiscence (18% ATK) that is a well rounded, versatile option that lets her do just about anything regardless of the direction you take her. The 2nd, more budget friendly and purely supportive option is 4PC Tenacity of the Milleleth (20% HP, 20% ATK and 30% Shield Strength for every hit by Elemental Skill). The constant uptime of Oz makes it so the buff is almost always active.

What is Fischl’s best weapon?

This depends mostly on what role Fischl is being used in, Skyward Harp is one of her strongest options, granted it is a difficult to obtain 5 star weapon. The Stringless is an easier to attain alternative augmenting her reaction playstyle well, as is the Windblume Ode if you managed to snag it during its event run.

13. Final Thoughts

Fischl is a great character for those new to Genshin Impact’s combat system in learning how important creating elemental reactions are for the general flow of combat. Don’t mistake this for her being bad in the hands of experts however, for there are several team combinations where her near limitless stream of electro damage and reaction enabling truly shine beyond all comparison, as fitting for the mighty Prinzessin der Verurteilung!

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