The new year celebration event saw the release of Elite Pass and a new Free Fire Fatal Blade event. The Free Fire Fatal Blade event had four milestones, and reaching the final milestone unlocked the Fatal Blade game mode.
All the milestones have already been completed, and the Free Fire Fatal Blade mode is now available in the game. The game mode is very hard, and it requires proper strategy and teamwork for completion. Here is a complete guide on the latest Free Fire Fatal Blade game mode:
The main aim of the game mode is to kill a giant samurai boss within 20 minutes. Players can team up with friends (4 players) or play with randoms in the game mode. The idea is to shoot the samurai boss while dodging his attacks as much as possible.
The samurai boss has 5x life, and killing him within 20 minutes is no joke. You deal very little damage to him while his one blow can easily eat half of your entire health bar.

There are 4 towers in every corner of the map and standing near any tower can regenerate your health. The tower light goes off after a certain period, and when it’s off, players won’t regenerate health. Players can turn on the light by simply clicking on the tower, but be careful as you are vulnerable while turning on the light.

After every specific period, a blue zone will form near the towers, and anybody standing inside the zone becomes invulnerable. Constantly shooting the samurai boss and making full use of the blue zone is the right way to approach the game mode.

When the samurai reaches 1x of his life bar, he will destroy all four towers one by one. Shooting the samurai on his head while he is destroying the towers can guarantee the finishing blow on him.
You can play the Free Fire Fatal Blade game mode up to three times a day, and completing it will get you an exclusive loot box that contains different rewards.
Check out the latest Free Fire MAX redeem codes here.