Garena Free Fire has recently launched its latest OB21 update and brought a new character Kapella into the game. Each character in Free Fire has a unique ability, and Kapella has the ability to increase the effects of healing items and healing skills, and can also reduce HP loss. She can be unlocked by navigating to the character section in the game. She was available first in the Kapella top-up event, and now the event is open in specific devices.
Kapella- The details
Kapella is a popular pop singer and star and will increase the effectiveness of healing items to certain extent, depending on the levels. She also has her own stunning character set called the Pop Singer Set. The character has a total of 6 levels, and playing with this character will reward you with its character fragments.
At Level 1, Kapella increases the effects of healing items and healing skills by 10%. Along with this, she reduces the HP when downed by 20%. At the maximum level, the effects of healing items are increased by 20%, and HP loss is reduced when downed by 30%.
She has three skills which can be unlocked while levelling up and here is a gameplay video to show the ability of Kapella:
Kapella is quite useful in a close combat situations and the final moments of the game for all the players in the team. Free Fire has also added Clash Squad Ranked Mode, Airship feature and much more in the OB21 update.
Recently, a new pet Ottero has also arrived in the game who can recover EP while recovering HP. At Level 1, when using the Treatment Gun or the Med Kit, the amount of EP recovered is 35% of the HP recovered. At the maximum level, the amount of EP recovered is 100% of the HP recovered. The players can unlock Ottero for free from the Ottero top-up event.
Also Read: How to get permanent Free Fire gun skins?
Check out the latest Free Fire MAX redeem codes here.