Of late, many people on the internet have started criticizing and hating Corpse Husband for various seemingly unjustified reasons.
He was initially a horror-narration YouTuber who would narrate real-life stories submitted by fans on his YouTube channel. His deep, distinguishable voice initially made him famous, followed by his recent musical turn. Recently, the musician has been playing Among Us with a variety of fellow internet personalities.
However, people have lately begun criticizing his music. A recent incident where he ended up using an “anti-LGBT” slang, part of a story submission from one of his fans, was also discussed. Moreover, various YouTubers have commented on Corpse Husband’s “weird voice,” which is in truth due to his genetics and a medical condition (GERD).
The recent trend of hating on Corpse Husband: Why did it begin?
Despite his voice and the mysticism surrounding the streamer’s overall personality, he is quite polite and has never been caught criticizing or hating upon his viewers/fellow internet personalities. Corpse Husband has developed quite a few friendships since he began streaming/playing Among Us.
It is his recent music career that appears to have started a trend of people comparing him with other artists and hence criticizing him.
Corpse Husband is well aware that he is only just beginning his music career and has a lot of scope for improvement. Yet, he is criticized quite a bit of late.
As seen in the posts, both Corpse Husband and his fanbase have received criticism through no apparent fault of their own.
Also, in October, a fan of his sent him a story submission that included an “anti-LGBT” term which was deemed offensive.

People criticized him even though the word was in truth part of the script and was entirely taken out of context. Corpse Husband was censured a lot and was called “anti-lesbian” by quite a few people on Twitter.

He responded by posting an explanation/apology on Twitter. Some people rightly defended him, citing the apparent reason that the term itself was part of the script submitted by a fan.
Finally, his deep, distinguishable voice has also been talked about a lot. Some YouTubers have called it “weird,” although it results from a medical condition called GERD.
While there appears to be no justifiable reasons behind the recent criticism, Corpse Husband’s increased number of haters might be a result of his overall growth in popularity.
Corpse Husband recently hit the 6 million mark on YouTube and currently has over 6.4 million subscribers on the platform. Therefore, the hatred might just be a result of this rapid growth, as people have tried to point out.