In Honkai Star Rail, a well-known corrupting force known as the Fragmentum affects the universe, where humanity follows in the footsteps of the Aeons, a race of godlike beings. After their adventures, Trailblazers depart from the Herta Space Station and board the Astral Express, where they meet Pom-Pom, the train conductor, and their journey starts to Jarilo-VI, where a recent Stellaron Burst happened and the planet got frozen by eternal Ice.
So, in this article, we will summarize the adventure of the Trailblazer and Astral crew on Jarilo-Vi.
A summary of the events from Jarilo-VI in Honkai Star Rail version 1.5
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Belobog is the only place where people can survive in a hostile environment on Jarilo-VI because of the Stellaron's impact on the planet, which has left the surface coated in ice.
When the Trailblazers reach the surface of Jarilo-VI, they encounter Sampo, a green-haired man who is trying to get away from the Silvermane Guards. They learn that Belobog is the planet's last surviving human civilization when he offers to lead the group.
The Supreme Guardian of Belobog provides hotel rooms for the Astral Express crew in addition to allowing them to seal the Stellaron.
Astral Crew, a wanted group in Belobog
Following their battle with one of Svarog's robots, the Automaton Direwolf, the Astral Crew discovers Svarog and Clara next to the main Geomarrow vein. Following a fruitless bargaining session, the gang returned to where Oleg, the Wildfire leader, decided to help them by setting up a new hotel stay.
Bronya facing the Supreme Guardian
The conversation between Cocolia and the Stellaron is overheard by the crew when Bronya chooses to spend the night at the hotel. Cocolia is told to take action against her daughter Bronya and wait for her to come forward. During the final confrontation on the last day at underground Belobog, the Astral crew learns that Bronya confronted the guardian.
The party chooses to fight despite knowing it will be difficult against the Supreme Guardian. Cocolia helps Bronya discover the true cause of her actions before she returns to the surface. The crew goes back to speak with Serval now that she has been revealed to be a part of the Architects before Cocolia banished her.
To reach the area where Cocolia took Bronya, the Astral Crew had to pass a number of Fragmentum monsters as well as the Silvermane Guard Restricted Zone, according to Serval. As the Trailblazers search for Bronya and Cocolia, they will come across numerous recollections of their conversations.
Final Showdown at Jarilo-VI
As the Trailblazer gets closer to the summit of Everwinter Hill, Cocolia can be seen trying to convince Bronya to comply with Stellaron's requests. Trailblazer fights the corrupted Cocolia for a long time while her daughter looks on. Eventually, the Stellaron consumes Cocolia. Bronya claims the latter heroically fought the Stellaron before passing away, but she chose not to tell the Belobog residents the truth.
After this encounter, the Astral Crew went back to their train to recuperate and get ready for their next destination, which was supposed to be Penacony. However, it turned into the Xianzhou Luofu when Kafka arrived out of nowhere.
This concludes the lore recap of Jarilo-VI in Honkai Star Rail.
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