The Flying Wyvern Arkveld in Monster Hunter Wilds is one of the most challenging monsters that you will face. You will fight this creature during the High Rank campaign's Chapter 6, and heading in without proper preparation might result in you getting Karted away several times. FW or Flying Wyvern Arkveld will be difficult to take down, but not impossible.
This article will explore a few strategies that will allow you to conquer Flying Wyvern Arkveld in Monster Hunter Wilds.
Flying Wyvern Arkveld location and weakness in Monster Hunter Wilds

Check out All Monster Hunter Wilds Monsters to know who you are going to face!
The Flying Wyvern Arkveld can be fought in the Windwards Plains during the Chapter 6 of Monster Hunter Wilds. It is a 7-star difficulty hunt and is extremely challenging in nature. Unlike the Guardian Arkveld in Monster Hunter Wilds, the FW variant will have fewer attacks in its movesets, but it is deadly nonetheless.
Flying Wyvern Arkveld weaknesses
- Elemental and weapon weakness: The FW Arkveld variant can resist most elemental damage except Dragon. Also, make sure not to hit its Chains as it is immune to all types of elemental attacks. However, the monster is weak to cut and bludgeoning damage.
- Weak points: The monster's chains, head, and tail. These parts can be broken/severed.
- Status weakness: FW Arkveld is weak to Sleep, Paralysis, Poison, Stun, and Blastblight.
How to beat Flying Wyvern Arkveld in Monster Hunter Wilds: Hunt strategy & tips
Best weapons for FW Arkveld
- Hammer
- Long Sword
- Sword and Shield
- Dual Blades
Items to carry
- Mega healing potions
- Healing potions
- Nulberry
- Dragon pod
- Dragon ammo
- Flash pod
- Pitfall trap
- Shock trap
Hunt strategy
The key to taking down the FW Arkveld is to break its chainblades first. This will reduce the monster's offensive abilities significantly. Wait for the Arkveld to attack with its chains. Wait for them to weaken before you decide to whack and eventually break them.

While you need to focus on damaging the head and tails alongside its chains, make sure to get some strikes in and break its wings as well. The Arkveld holds a special move where it can perform some explosive attacks on you using its wings.
Watch out for when the ground glows red after it slams its chain there as it will create a blast radius. Make sure to run away from the place to avoid damage. The Flying Wyvern Arkveld can also inflict Waterblight status effect on you that you can remove using Nulberry.
Tips and tricks to beat Flying Wyvern Arkveld in Monster Hunter Wilds
- Avoid the monster's red-glowing attacks as these will be explosive in nature.
- During the start of the fight, place a trap near the Falling Ground Pillar and bring it down on top of the monster to deal significant damage.
- Abuse the Focus Mode to get some heavy attacks in and damage the exposed wounds.
Flying Wyvern Arkveld drops in Monster Hunter Wilds
You can receive the following items after defeating the Flying Wyvern Arkveld in Monster Hunter Wilds.
- Arkveld Scale+
- Arkveld Tail
- Arkveld Armorplate
- Arkveld Certificate S
- Arkveld Gem
- Monster Hardbone
- White Arkveld Pelt
- Arveld Horn+
- Arkveld Calloushell
Remember to use the Focus mode in Monster Hunter Wilds and break the monster's wounds to get more rewards.
Check out our Monster Hunter Wilds Review if you are wondering whether the game is worth it.