Introduced in Generation VI and known as the Cyclone Pokemon, Tornadus has an incredible design. It is evident that The Pokemon Company really put their time and effort into designing such an aesthetically pleasing Pokemon to match the incredible power they probably had already planned to give it. A part of the Forces of Nature, Tornadus is one legendary Pokemon that trainers should be honored to catch.
How to Catch Tornadus in Pokemon GO
What is Tornadus?

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Known as the Cyclone Pokemon, Tornauds is a Flying-type legendary Pokemon introduced in Generation V. While being a Legendary, meaning it has no evolutionary family, Tornadus does have an alternative form known as its “Therian Forme.” Its original form is known as the “Incarnate Forme.”
Tornadus is a muscular, human-like Pokemon that resembles a Genie. Tornadus is a male-only species with no female species to counterpart, which is very interesting.
In Pokemon, GO Tornadus can be obtained in either form. Tornadus has an Attack stat of 266, a Defense stat of 164, and a Stamina stat of 188. This means that Tornadus is incredibly strong during battle. When battling, Tornauds is vulnerable to Ice, Rock, and Electric-type and resistant to Fighting, Grass, Bug, and Ground-type Pokemon and Moves.
How to Obtain a Tornadus

During the Season of Legends event, Tornaus was one of the most easily found Pokemon in the Forces of Nature trio. Tornadus can unfortunately only be found in raids, meaning no wild encounters or Field Research encounters either.
Since only way to catch Tornadus in Pokemon GO is to beat it in battle, this means that trainers must come to battle prepared with their top Pokemon. Like stated above, trainers should add Ice, Rock, or Electric-type Pokemon to their team to have the best chance at inflicting the most damage on Tornadus.
In battle, Incarnate Tornadus has a moveset of Air Slash and Grass Knot, while the Therian Forme has a moveset of Gust, Hurricane, and Hyper Beam.
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