How to defeat Nu Wa in Shin Megami Tensei 5 Vengeance

Nu Wa Shin Megami Tensei 5 Vengeance
The Chinese goddess Nu Wa is one of the more interesting bosses in Shin Megami Tensei 5 Vengeance (Image via Atlus)

Shin Megami Tensei 5 Vengeance’s new route includes many familiar faces, including Nu Wa. The Chinese goddess appears and puts the Nahobino to the test at the Tokyo Diet Building. Although players don’t have to defeat her all the way, she’s still an incredibly challenging boss battle. Knowing what to do and when will be a real secret to success. A master of Force attacks, she can be incredibly deadly.

A popular, powerful force, she appeared in the previous release of the game, and once again returns. If you want to know how to deal with Nu Wa in Shin Megami Tensei 5 Vengeance, here’s everything you need to know.

Note: This contains spoilers for a boss in SMT 5 Vengeance.

Tips for defeating Nu Wa in Shin Megami Tensei 5 Vengeance

Bring the heat in this fight to melt Nu Wa (Image via Atlus)
Bring the heat in this fight to melt Nu Wa (Image via Atlus)

Once you arrive at the Tokyo Diet Building, after defeating the Hydra in Shin Megami Tensei 5 Vengeance, Nu Wa appears to test the party. Thankfully, again, you do not have to deplete her HP in its entirety. Once you’ve got her to about 50% HP, the fight will end, and she will take her leave after a cutscene. Here are her important resistances/attacks:

Nu Wa’s elemental resistance

  • Weaknesses: Fire
  • Resistances: N/A
  • Nullifies: Elec, Darkness
  • Reflect: Force

Nu Wa’s attacks

  • Mazio +3: Weak Electric attack to all foes.
  • Zanma +7: Medium Force attack to 1 foe.
  • Sacrifice of Clay +7: Unique Heavy Force attack to all foes. Lowers target’s Attack/Defense by 1 rank for 3 turns. (Only usable after absorbing Magatsuhi)

One thing that will make Nu Wa so much easier in Shin Megami Tensei 5 Vengeance, is taking advantage of status ailments. I brought Fortuna with me, who has access to the Dustoma spell. This has a chance of inflicting Mirage. It makes it so her attacks have a much lower chance of hitting you. Either that or I’d bring Unicorn for solid heals.

You want as many people in your party to have access to Fire spells as possible. For example, I used Essence Fusion to give Nahobino Maragi, so he could deal fire damage too. It’s also a great time to make sure you have access to Jack-o’-Lantern, who has two incredible fire skills.

Proper timing of Force Dampener makes this fight trivial (Image via Atlus)
Proper timing of Force Dampener makes this fight trivial (Image via Atlus)

Yoko Hiromine, your new Guest Character, also aids in the Nu Wa battle in Shin Megami Tensei 5 Vengeance. She has several elemental types, such as Zio (Elec), Mudo (Darkness), and Agi (Fire). She can heal as well, making her a must-have in this fight. Her regular attacks are easy enough to heal through, but what makes her incredibly scary is when she consumes Magatsuhi.

This means she’s going to drop her most devastating attack, Sacrifice of Clay +7. It deals a ton of damage and weakens your characters. Thankfully, there’s an easy solution.

Since this attack is always teased with the Magatsuhi absorption, you know when it will happen. Bring three Force Dampeners with you to this fight, purchasable in-game, from any save point. Then, after she absorbs Magatsuhi, trigger this immediately. Nu Wa’s most powerful attack in Shin Megami Tensei 5 Vengeance will be nullified completely. Getting her down to 50% HP will lend the fight, where you gain no rewards.

Shin Megami Tensei 5 Vengeance is a remake of the original game of the same name, and includes a wealth of amazing Quality of Life changes, and an entirely new story. Both stories bring about 150 hours of gameplay and story to players, for a brand-new experience.

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