How to defeat the Qadistus in Shin Megami Tensei 5 Vengeance 

defeat the Qadistus in Shin Megami Tensei 5 Vengeance
Facing the Qadistus is one of the hardest challenges you will need to overcome in SMT 5 Vengeance (Image via Atlus)

The Qadistus in Shin Megami Tensei 5 Vengeance will be one of the major obstacles in your journey if you choose the Canon of Vengeance route. It will also mark a turning point in the story and is one of the most challenging boss fights in the game. You will need to be prepared amply before you challenge these four demons to battle.

This article will discuss the best strategies to beat the Qadistus in Shin Megami Tensei 5 Vengeance.

NOTE: This article is subjective and reflects the writer's opinion.

A guide to defeating the Qadistus in Shin Megami Tensei 5 Vengeance

Here is how you can defeat the four Qadistus (Image via Atlus)
Here is how you can defeat the four Qadistus (Image via Atlus)

The Qadistus in Shin Megami Tensei 5 Vengeance is the group of antagonists exclusive to the Vengeance storyline. You will encounter them throughout the story and have to fight and defeat Naamah, followed by Eisheth and Agrat.

Although you fight them individually, they will eventually team up with Lilith and challenge you together during your exploration of Da'at Shinjuku. This battle is one of the most challenging fights in the game, as it will require you to formulate certain strategies to defeat the Qadistus in Shin Megami Tensei 5 Vengeance.

First, you will need to learn about your opponents and their weaknesses. Here are all the Qadistus and their affinities:


Lilith of the Qadistu (Image via Atlus)
Lilith of the Qadistu (Image via Atlus)

Elemental Affinities:

  • Weakness: Light
  • Resists: Electric, Darkness, Physical
  • Nullifies: Force


  • Qadistu Mandate (Passive): While in the party, reduces damage taken by all Qadistu party members
  • Matarukaja +3: Raises attack by 1 for all allies for three turns
  • Marakujaja +3: Raises defense by 1 for all allies for three turns
  • Primordial Parturition: Revive and summon 1 ally with half HP
  • Mother Earth+3: Nullifies physical attack for one ally and cleanse all stat debuffs.


Agrat of the Qadistu (Image via Atlus)
Agrat of the Qadistu (Image via Atlus)

Elemental Affinities:

  • Weakness: Electric Attacks
  • Resists: Fire, Darkness
  • Nullifies: Ice Attacks


  • Qadistu Savagery (Passive): While in the party, there is a chance that all Qadistu members attack including magic will become critical
  • Mabufudyne+4: Heavy Attacks to all foes
  • Bufubryon +4: Severe Ice attack to one foe
  • Maragidyne +2: Heavy Fire attack on all foes


Eisheth of the Qadistu (Image via Atlus)
Eisheth of the Qadistu (Image via Atlus)

Elemental Affinities:

  • Weakness: Force Attacks
  • Resists: None
  • Nullifies: Darkness, Fire


  • Qadistu Savagery (Passive): While in the party, increases the critical rate of all Qadisu party members
  • Axel Claw +6: Medium Physical Attacks to all foes
  • Mist Rush +6: Medium Physical Attacks to all foes. There is a chance of inflicting Mirage
  • Deathbound +6: Medium Physical Attack to all foes


Naamah of the Qadistu (Image via Atlus)
Naamah of the Qadistu (Image via Atlus)

Elemental Affinities :

  • Weakness: Physical attacks
  • Resists: Fire, Ice, Elec, Force
  • Nullifies: Darkness


  • Qadistu Deception (Passive): While in the active party, raises Accuracy/Evasion for Qadistu demon allies.
  • Dekaja +2: Removes stat buffs from all foes.
  • Marakunda +2: Lowers Defense of all foes for three turns
  • Matarunda +2: Lowers Attack power by one rank for three turns.
  • Life Drain: Almighty skill, drains the life of one character.

Tips to defeat the Qadistus in Shin Megami Tensei 5 Vengeance

Using Single-Target Attacks

The battle with the Qadistus (Image via Atlus)
The battle with the Qadistus (Image via Atlus)

The Qadistus in Shin Megami Tensei 5 Vengeance share unique affinities and weaknesses. A multi-target hit will often work against you. Try to pick demons with single-target spells that can exploit their weakness in order to gain more press turns.

Take out the other Qadistu members before Lilith

Lilith alone cannot fight back. Take out the other members, especially Agrat and Eisheth to reduce the offensive abilities. A physical spell like Aramasa with charge and crit can dispatch Naamah easily.

Keep in mind that Lilith will resurrect her allies during her own turn so it is essential for you to defeat them again and deny enemy advantage.

Have Nahobino with magic

The key to defeating the Qadistus in Shin Megami Tensei 5 Vengeance is having a Nahobino with single-target spells. Have magic like Ziodyne, Zanma, Bufula, etc on your Nahobino. Aramasa is also a great single-target spell to deal with Naamah.

Light spells are essential to take out Lilith

Lilith has high resistance to most magic and physical attacks. Have a demon with Light spells if you want to take her out. You can recruit Kresnik nearby by completing his side quest "The Hunter in White". He has access to White Dracostrike which is a great ST Light Attack.

Make sure to stock up on Physical and Ice Dampeners

Ice and Physical Dampeners will help a lot in this fight as you can deny press-turns to the Qadistus in Shin Megami Tensei 5 Vengeance by blocking Agrat and Eisheth's critical strikes.

After you defeat the Qadistus in Shin Megami Tensei 5 Vengeance, you will obtain their essence and unlock them as a special fusion in the World of Shadows.

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