Lava is one of the oldest block types in Minecraft. It was a part of the game before much of the life found within. Villages, temples, and even trees were added to Minecraft well after lava. Lava was inserted into Minecraft in May of 2009. Since then, it has been a hidden enemy for players. The lava will burn through whatever it touches, making it very deadly to unsuspecting players that fall into it.
How to find lava in Minecraft

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Finding lava in Minecraft is much easier now than ever before. Lava spawns naturally in a lot of different places. It is easiest to find in Minecraft's nether. There are literal seas of lava below the nether's y-level 31.
In the overworld, digging through to the bottom will find lava as well. The placement depends on the randomization of the Minecraft world. Below y-level 10 could become very dangerous. At any moment, a player could remove a block right underneath them and crash down into the lava pit.
How lava works in Minecraft

In Minecraft, lava works much like it does in real life. It will incinerate anything it comes into contact with. Every half second that a player, mob, or animal is touching lava, two hearts of damage will occur. Moreover, the longer a creature is in the lava, the longer the burn will last once they are out. The only exception to this is the mobs found in the nether. They are immune to fire damage.
Not only does lava do damage to players and other creatures in Minecraft, but it can also destroy entire forests, villages, and structures. Flammable blocks will quickly be engulfed in flames when they come into contact with lava. Lava isn't only good for destruction, however.
This molten Minecraft block can be used for creation purposes. It is able to produce infinite amounts of cobblestone and finite amounts of stone and obsidian. When a lava block interacts with a water block, any of those items can be the outcome. The best bet is to place water and lava blocks together in different positions to see what is formed.
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