Aggron is a Rock/Steel-type Pokemon introduced in Generation III that players of Pokemon GO won't want to miss out on adding to their team.
Being the final form of Aron and Lairon, the massively powerful Pokemon will require a bit of effort from players who wish to conquer it and use it for their own in battle.
Here's everything players need to know to get their hands on an Aggron in Pokemon GO.
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How to get Aggron in Pokemon GO

The first step for any Pokemon GO player who ultimately wishes to add Aggron to their collection is to locate its first evolutionary form, Aron.
Finding a certain Pocket Monster in Pokemon GO requires trainers to head to distinct physical biomes in real life that their type is assigned to show up in. Aron, being a dual Steel/Rock-type, has more than one type of area it can appear in.
Those who live in urban environments have a great shot at catching an Aron due to Steel types commonly popping up in larger cities. However, even players who don't live in a city still have a fair chance at catching an Aron because Rock-types are known to appear around roads and parking lots.
Players must make sure they always pay attention while playing in busy areas.

It would be best to use a Pinap Berry on any and all Arons that a player encounters before they throw a Pokeball at it. Doing so will yield a trainer more Aron candies, something that they'll need a lot of if they want to evolve the Pokemon into its next two forms.
Considering Aron requires 25 candies in order to evolve into Lairon, players will need to catch as many of the little Rock/Steel-type species as they can. Players shouldn't stop catching Arons even once they reach the 25 candy milestone, however, because in order to evolve Lairon into Aggron it requires a player to use 100 Aron candies.
All in all, it will take a lot of work to find and catch enough Arons to evolve the Pokemon into its final evolution. That amount of effort should be expected since the Pokemon is incredibly strong and will make a very useful addition to any trainer's team.

There is one more way that a player may be able to catch an Aggron. This method doesn't require a trainer to go through all of the struggles of catching a bunch of Arons, though it may prove equally as difficult.
Aggron is currently one of the tier 3 raid bosses in Pokemon GO. So, if a player is able to get enough friends to help them out in the raid, they will gain the opportunity to catch the Steel/Rock-type giant.
It's recommended to use a strong Fighting-type force against Aggron. A few of the best options to use in order to counter it in the raid are Machamp, Breloom, and Hariyama.
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