With the Season of the Hunt in Destiny 2 on the way, it was only a matter of time till new exotics dropped.
One of the most sought-after exotics in the game is The Lament. While this weapon isn't exactly easy to obtain in-game, the quests aren't all that difficult either. It all boils down to following a slightly tedious number of steps to finish a quest.
Here's how the weapon can be obtained in Destiny 2.
How to obtain The Lament in Destiny 2

Now that players have completed the Deep Stone Crypt raid in Destiny 2, The Lament can be obtained through a series of quests. The steps for the same are as follows:
Step 1: Talk to Banshee-44
Talking to Banshee-44 will yield the unlock of the next steps in the quest.
Step 2: Scan 3 dead exos on Europa
Players will then need to navigate to Europa and look for three dead exos. There's one located at Camus Ridge. The other two can be found in Perdition and Concealed Void Lost Sectors.
Step 3: Find the giant Exo on Europa
Players will then have to navigate to the Clovis Bray AI area where they will now be able to access a new area that unlocks after the raid.
Step 4: Giant Expectations-Complete Three Quests
Players will need to complete the quests Empire's Fall, Reclaiming Europa, and The Dark Priestess. These quests can be obtained from Zavala and Variks.
Step 5: Giant Expectation - Complete an Exo Challenge
Exo challenges can be obtained from Variks easily. Completing those challenges will complete this quest.
Step 6: Giant Expectations- Defeat 60 Vex with finishers
The quest in Destiny 2 is pretty self-explanatory.
Step 7: Rescue the past- Complete the Glassway strike
Again, a pretty self-explanatory quest. The strike isn't that difficult to complete either. Players with a power level of 1200 can easily complete this strike.
Step 8: Blade of Broken Dreams
At this point, players need to return to Banshee-44. It gets a bit taxing, so many quests, but it's worth the effort.
Step 9: Blade of Broken Dreams- Search the Eventide ruins for a bunker
Players need to head over to the Eventide ruins and look for a bunker.
Step 10: Reforging the past
Here's where players finally get to reforge the blade. This is an entirely different mission that players need to complete before heading over to Banshee-44 in the tower. Returning to him will reward players with The Lament in Destiny 2.
It seems like a lot of effort to achieve this sword, but then again, Destiny 2 has had weapons which are more difficult to obtain (does anyone remember the Ace of Spades?).