A Shiny Jynx can be caught in the Pokemon GO Holiday Event of 2020.
Pokemon GO is known for spacing out its Shiny Pokemon availability. Now, the ice type Pokemon Jynx is joining the Shiny roster.
Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
Prior to this, Jynx was obtainable as Shiny Pokemon by hatching a Shiny Smoochum and evolving it. Otherwise, this is the first time in Pokemon GO a Shiny Jynx itself has been catchable.
How to get a Shiny Jynx in Pokemon GO

Jynx is available in a variety of ways during the Pokemon GO Holiday Event. Ice type Pokemon are appearing more frequently during the event and in special Raids. Jynx will be found in Raids quite often with a chance of being shiny.
Those found in the wild and in Research Encounters also have a chance of being shiny. These are much harder to come by than those found in Raid battles however. Simply catch the Shiny Jynx during an encounter in Pokemon GO. It's that easy.
The Raid battle Jynx, though, needs to be beaten first. Raid battle Pokemon are much stronger and require a battle to knock them down a peg. Successful trainers are then given a chance to catch the Raid Pokemon.
Pokemon GO Holiday Event 2020
In addition to the Shiny Jynx opportunities, there are a lot of other fun features of the Holiday Event. The Pokemon GO Holiday Event goes from Tuesday, December 22, 2020 at 8 AM until Thursday, December 31, 2020 at 10 PM. All times are localized for each specific player.
The end of the year Pokemon GO event brings costumed Pokemon, new Pokemon appearing in certain eggs, an exclusive Field Research, and more. Per Pokemon GO's official blog, here are all of the Holiday Even goodies.
- Pokémon in holiday costumes: Pikachu, Delibird, and Cubchoo wearing new holiday-themed costumes will appear in Pokémon GO!
- Pokémon appearing in the wild: Delightful Ice-type Pokémon will be appearing more frequently in the wild, such as Spheal, Snover, and more! Vanillite, the Fresh Snow Pokémon, will be making its Pokémon GO debut!
- Pokémon hatching from Eggs: Seel, Swinub, Smoochum, Snorunt, Snover, and Vanillite will be hatching from 5 km Eggs!
- Pokémon appearing in Raid Battles: Alolan Sandshrew, Dewgong, Jynx, Sneasel, Swinub, Walrein, Cubchoo, and Cryogonal will be appearing in raids! If you’re lucky, you might even encounter a Shiny Jynx! Don’t forget—Mega Abomasnow will be appearing in Mega Raids and will be even more powerful throughout the event.
- Event-exclusive Field Research: Enjoy event-exclusive Field Research tasks that will reward you with the chance to encounter Pokémon like Vanillite and Cryogonal!
- Winter-themed avatar items coming to the shop: To help you dress up for the holiday season, you can look forward to the Greedent Sweater, Whimsicott Earmuffs, Winter Boots, and Winter Coat avatar items!
- Get holiday-themed stickers from PokéStops, Gifts, and the shop! You can find stickers featuring Alolan Vulpix, Croagunk, Whimsicott, and more during the event. You won’t be able to get these stickers after the event is over, so get them while you can!
- Event-exclusive boxes will be available in the shop during the event! Check out the in-game shop for more details!
- Event-exclusive AR Mapping task rewards: Complete AR Mapping tasks to earn Abomasnow Mega Energy and encounter Snorunt.
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