While Thrud is a goddess and therefore immortal, reports have indicated that she is in her late teens or early 20s.

As Kratos, Atreus, and Freya traverse the Scandinavian region of God of War: Ragnarok, they will come across a plethora of Norse mythical gods and goddesses. From Thor to Odin, the Nine Realms are full of intriguing personalities, and Thrud is one of the more fascinating characters in this cast. Her age, in particular, has sparked the interest of players in the latest God of War installment, with many wondering how old Thor's daughter is.
Who is Thrud?
Thrud grew up in Asgard with her half-brothers, Magni and Modi, as the daughter of Thor and Sif. Both are deities, although Thrud was born a mortal human and only received Thor's powers after her father died. She also obtained her father's weapon, Mjölnir, which is one of the most powerful weapons in God of War: Ragnarok.
She can manipulate thunder like her father, demonstrating her full power. Despite the fact that her mother is a diplomatic woman who has little to do with harsh power, Thrud is unique in that she wishes to become a Valkyrie and follow in her father's footsteps.
How old is Thrud in God of War Ragnarok?
Unfortunately, there is no exact way to tell just how old Thrud is and there’s no official information about her age, but even then, reports have indicated that she is in her late teens or early 20s. That may be plausible given the fact that she does look around Atreus’ age and has not yet stopped aging, but the fact that she is immortal after she gained Thor’s power, makes her age harder to place.
What are Thrud’s abilities in God of War Ragnarok?
Thrud is a powerful Aesir Demi-god who is the daughter of Thor and Sif.
Thrud is eternal as a Goddess; once she reaches adulthood, she will cease aging, she will not become ill, but she can only really be killed by stronger gods or magical weapons.
Superhuman Strength
Thrud, the youngest of Thor and Sif's children, was capable of fighting an Einherjar in a hall. She was even able to raise her inebriated father, albeit she was unable to do so without Atreus' assistance.
Thrud, like her father and brothers, has the capacity to generate and harness electricity. She has the ability to charge her weapons with electrical energy and unleash strong electrical blows.
What does Thrud look like in God of War Ragnarok?
Thrud is an average-height woman with a stocky, voluptuous figure, blue eyes, pale skin, and shoulder-length strawberry blonde hair with a red streak. She usually wears Asgardian steel and animal hide armor.
Q. Is Thrud a Valkyrie in God of War Ragnarok?
A. No, Thrud is not a Valkyrie in God of War Ragnarok, but that is something Thor and Sif’s daughter is working towards, as she dreams of becoming a Valkyrie.
Q. How many children did Thor have in God of War Ragnarok?
A. In God of War Ragnarok, Thor has three children with Lady Sif, a daughter Thrud and two sons Magni and Modi.