How to play on Hollywood map in Overwatch 2?

Hollywood map in Overwatch 2 (Image via Sportskeeda)
Hollywood map in Overwatch 2 (Image via Sportskeeda)

Welcome to Hollywood, California, where palm trees and flashy cars line the streets, and movie stars, directors, and high-powered studio executives mingle over a drink at Galand's in Overwatch 2.

HAL-Fred Glitchbot, Goldshire Studios' Omnic film auteur, has created his two latest films, They Come from Beyond the Moon and Six-Gun Killer, to varying degrees of critical and commercial acclaim.

However, anti-Omnic sentiment has gripped Hollywood, and the outspoken director has become a prime target in the escalating conflict. Hollywood is a Hybrid map set in the opulent streets of Los Angeles.

On this map, players must capture and escort a Hollywood VIP through the various movie sets within Goldshire Studios until they reach their trailer safely.

General tips for Hollywood in Overwatch 2


Inside the Wild West Set, use Snipers

The Wild West Set in Hollywood has numerous vantage points, long sightlines, and narrow pathways. These characteristics make it ideal for sniping Heroes such as Ashe, Widowmaker, and Hanzo, who can take full advantage of the terrain to land headshots on key enemy targets.

Use the Verticality of the map

The first area of Hollywood has good verticality and natural cover. As a result, Heroes with high aerial mobility, such as Pharah and Echo, make excellent choices for attacking and defending the map's first control point.

Prepare for the Choke Points

The final section of Hollywood is an enclosed area with cramped pathways and chokepoints for the attacking team to push through. At this point, both teams should consider changing their composition, as attacking teams may want to switch to more mobile Heroes to get past the choke points, while defending sides may want to switch to Heroes who excel at holding down narrow spaces.

Effective Hero composition for Hollywood


With Experimental Barrier and Kinetic Grasp, Sigma provides excellent cover and defensive capability in Hollywood's tight corridors. His Accretion can also be used as a powerful crowd-control tool, disrupting key enemy targets, and bursting down vulnerable Damage Heroes.


Gravitic Flux, when used from the map's high ground and along its narrow pathways, can severely damage and disrupt entire enemy teams.


Sojourn is a well-rounded frontline fighter in Hollywood, capable of dispatching foes up close as well as dueling snipers from afar with her versatile Railgun, especially when empowered by her Overclock ultimate.


Her Power Slide is also an excellent mobility tool, allowing her to easily cross sightlines and access the map's vantage points and flanking routes. Finally, Disruptor Shot deals heavy area-based damage while also snaring foes when fighting in Overwatch 2.


Sombra can use Stealth to cross Hollywood's sightlines unseen before using Hack to disable and eliminate enemy snipers and other critical targets. Her Translocator is also a powerful mobility tool, allowing her to reach the map's high ground and serve as an instant escape in case of an emergency.


When fighting near objectives or choke points, EMP can be used as a devastating initiation tool, inflicting Hack and dealing massive percentage-based damage to all nearby enemies in Overwatch 2.


Baptiste's Biotic Launcher and Regenerative Burst provide excellent area-based healing in Hollywood's narrow streets. With his Exo Boots, he can also reach the map's vantage points, allowing him to heal and damage his team from high ground.


Immortality Field and Amplification Matrix fortify his team's positioning when attacking and defending objectives, increasing survivability and damage output in Overwatch 2.


Lucio's enhanced mobility with Speed Boost and Amp It Up allows his team to reach and secure Hollywood's objectives more quickly. His Soundwave can also be used to disrupt enemy positioning, push back advancing foes, and single out critical targets.


While fighting in a team, his Healing Boost and Sound Barrier provides powerful area-based healing and survivability in Overwatch 2.

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