Armored Core 6: Replay missions guide

Sometimes, it
Armored Core 6 lets you replay missions, but why should you? (Image via FromSoftware)

You can replay missions in Armored Core 6 if you want to. That's exciting, as there are plenty of secrets to uncover. Perhaps you want to practice techniques that aren’t as easy in one-on-one settings. Whatever the reason, diving back into previously completed stages is possible. However, it may not be obvious how to do so.

While AC6 might be a vast, challenging game, there are plenty of reasons to go back and try stages again. Thankfully, it’s not hard to do. There are certainly benefits to replaying stages again. Here’s the how and the why if you want to replay missions in Armored Core 6.

Armored Core 6 lets you replay missions again

Here's how you can replay missions in AC6 (Image via FromSoftware)
Here's how you can replay missions in AC6 (Image via FromSoftware)

Once you’ve beaten a few stages in Armored Core 6, you might want to go back and replay a mission. You might have missed a bit of lore or want to confirm an Easter Egg lurking somewhere in the confines of Rubicon-3. Regardless of the reason, it’s simple enough to do. Interestingly, this was something I missed in my preview session. It's likely it was not available then.

If you need to know where in the main menu to do this, look no further - we’ve got you covered.

Replaying missions in AC6

  • In the garage, click “Sortie”
  • Click “Replay mission” on the stage of your choice

What makes replaying missions worthwhile in Armored Core 6

If you missed something important, just go back and get it (Image via FromSoftware)
If you missed something important, just go back and get it (Image via FromSoftware)

It’s not cheap funding an AC. If you want to get the most out of your machine, replaying missions for more credits is never a bad thing. You also have to consider optional objectives and perhaps secrets in stages.

Though we have not found any hidden weapons or parts in stages, there’s certainly a possibility that secrets are dotted throughout certain missions. You do, however, unlock new parts by completing Data Logs. Data Logs are completed by defeating optional bosses and finding Data Shards in particular missions.

As you rush through a stage smashing through enemy ACs, it's likely that you could miss some of these. Therefore, it’s a good idea to go back and get them.

There are some truly powerful parts out there in the game, so replaying missions to ensure you get everything will be important for completionists. Finally, if you want all the trophies, you must S-Rank all missions.

Armored Core 6 launches on August 25, 2023, for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and Microsoft Windows. You can read more about it in our in-depth review here.

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Edited by Angshuman Dutta
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