Several weapons, armor, and gears in God of War Ragnarök can enhance your stats during boss fights. There are new gears that players can explore in God of War, such as relics. These can be equipped and used during boss battles. However, most players aren't aware of relics and how to use them, as you've to play a bit before unlocking them.
What are Relics in God Of War Ragnarök?
In God of War Ragnarök, Kratos can equip a new gear into battle called Relic. Players can find the first relic in God of War Ragnarök in the Temple of Light in Alfheim. It is home to the elves and has numerous powerful items for players to explore. Relics give Kratos several abilities to use in battle. Some of these are passive buffs, while others directly impact any enemy you encounter.
How to use Relic in God Of War Ragnarök?
There are 14 relics spread across the nine realms in God of War Ragnarök. All these gears have special abilities that prove helpful for Kratos during battles. However, finding these can be pretty meticulous. Make sure to look out for those Legendary Chests! Relics and Sword Hilts are special moves, and using them is helpful when facing formidable bosses.
How to activate Relics in God Of War Ragnarök?
To use Relics in God of War Ragnarok, simply hold L1 and press Circle.
What are some Relics & where are they found?
There are a total of 14 relics spread across the nine realms in God of War Ragnarök.
Talisman of Meign
This is found in the main story, Quest for Tyr.
Glaive of Dodher
This can be found after defeating Fiske in the Reckoning mission.
Hilt of Dainsleif
This relic can be crafted from Sevfnthorn in the Hudra Brothers' workshop during the Lost Treasure.
Hilt of Gram
This can be found in the Temple of Light.
Hilt of Skofnung
This relic can be unlocked during King’s Grave by Hrolf in Midgard.
Hilt of Angrvadall
This can be crafted with Skirnir’s Gambanteinn, which you get from defeating the Gravel Belly in the Desert Door Favour.
Hilt of Ridill
Defeat the Olaf Nautson in the Animal Instincts Favour and then craft it with the Crackle of Bilskirnir.
Some other Relics & Locations in God Of War Ragnarök
Hilt of Hofud
This can be unlocked by defeating Heimdall during the Creatures of Prophecy in Vanaheim.
Hilt of Forsbrandr
While completing the Favor of the Eyes of Odin, you can unlock this by defeating the Raven Keeper.
Huldra Project
This can be crafted at the Blacksmith shop for 10,000 Hacksilver.
Hilt of Tyrfing
This can be crafted with Nar’s Cup, which can be acquired by defeating the Blatonn in the Abandoned Village.
Mystical Heirloom
You can find it in the Lake of Nine region in Midgard behind a wall of ice that you can destroy with your spear.
Motsognir’s Call
It can be found in the Aesir Prison Wreckage in Niflheim.
Hilt of Hrotti
This can be acquired by defeating the 2nd & 3rd Oath Guard boss in the Plains in Vanaheim.
Q. What does the Hilt of Skofnung do?
A. This relic is found during the "World of Fate Mission." This gear can be a real game changer as it allows Kratos to unlock and summon all the 12 Berserkers at each of their Gravestones across the nine realms.
Q. What does the mystical heirloom do in God of War Ragnarok?
A. While facing a large statue of a dragon in the Mystical Heirloom, you can awaken a boss known as The Everlasting - a mighty dragon that can use flame and frost breath attacks on you.