How to unlock and use Special Skills in Monster Hunter Now

How to unlock and use Special Skills in Monster Hunter Now?
How to unlock and use Special Skills in Monster Hunter Now? (Image via Niantic, Inc.)

Monster Hunter Now has introduced terrifying monsters to the open-world gaming genre. Capcom, known for creating games featuring creatures from hell, has teamed up with Niantic, Inc. to create an open-world RPG mobile game where fans can battle and defeat these terrifying monsters. However, to slay the monsters of this game, it is vital to know how to unlock and use special skills.

The weapons in Capcom’s latest installation can be used with special skills that deal catastrophic damage to the monsters. This article will guide you in using the in-game weapons to their maximum potential and becoming a fearful monster hunter.

Unlocking special skills in Monster Hunter Now


To unlock special skills, it is crucial to understand how overgrading works in Monster Hunter Now. Overgrading is a term used in this game that refers to an increase in the power level of in-game equipment.

Therefore, players have to overgrade (upgrade) their weapon to grade two to unlock special skills. Once you reach the maximum output within grade one, you can overgrade the weapon to grade two.

To do so, open the equipment menu present in the lower left corner of the map and then look for the upgradable weapons. Different weapons require different materials to overgrade them, and it is essential to collect the materials of the weaponry.

If you have enough materials to overgrade a weapon, it will show you an option called Level Up, and pressing that button initiates the upgrade. Doing that will allow you to unlock special skills and increase the damage output of the equipment.

Using special skills in Monster Hunter Now

Once you have unlocked the special skills of the weaponry of this newly released game, equip the overgraded weapon and enter the battlefield infested with monsters. A gauge bar of your unlocked special skill will appear above the health bar, which is filled by dishing out combos and multiple attacks on the monsters.

Once the gauge bar is filled, the special skill button will start glowing. Press it to unleash a special attack on the beasts. For example, the Sword and Shield weapon dishes out the Perfect Rush Combo skill on the monsters, which deals a considerable amount of damage to the monsters.

Special skills make you immune from the terrifying creatures' offense, allowing you to deal damage without the need to dodge attacks from the beasts.

Players can experience an open-world game filled with monsters in Monster Hunter Now. This installation of the Monster Hunter series has been released recently and players can expect various updates. Know how to change your appearance in the title to stay ahead of other players.

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Edited by Jito Tenson
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