Hu Tao | Genshin Impact- Appearence,personality,Rating,Best Builds and FAQs

Last Modified Dec 14, 2021 07:09 GMT

As the director of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor in Liyue, Hu Tao is very much in touch with all things spiritual, even if she does take a whimsical and unorthodox approach to it all. She is a Pyro Polearm user who sacrifices her own health in order to grant herself massive stat boosts and then uses her Elemental Burst to recover it, constantly flirting with the line between life and death. If you’re looking to put the “fun” in “funeral”, there’s no better place to start than to read this guide and learn how to optimize her!

How to get Hu Tao in Genshin Impact?

Hu Tao is currently available to be rolled on the Character Wish banner in Version 2.2!

1. Combat Info

→ Ascensions and Stats

Ascension PhaseLevelBase HPBase ATK1Base DEFSpecial Stat2 (CRIT DMG)
MoraGemsCharacter Level Up Materials Materials Materials
Ascension Cost (0 → 1)20,0001 Vajrada Amethyst silverN/A3 Silk Flower3 Whopperflower Nectar
Ascension Cost (1 → 2)40,0003 Vajrada Amethyst Fragment2 Juvenile Jade10 Silk Flower15 Whopperflower Nectar
Ascension Cost (2 → 3)60,0006 Vajrada Amethyst Fragment4 Juvenile Jade20 Silk Flower12 Shimmering Nectar
Ascension Cost (3 → 4)80,0003 Vajrada Amethyst Chunk8 Juvenile Jade30 Silk Flower18 Shimmering Nectar
Ascension Cost (4 → 5)100,0006 Vajrada Amethys t Chunk12 Juvenile Jade45 Silk Flower12 Energy Nectar
Ascension Cost (5 → 6)120,0006 Vajrada Amethyst Gemstone20 Juvenile Jade60 Silk Flower24 Energy Nectar

→ Talents

Secret Spear of Wangsheng- Normal Attack

Normal Attack

Performs up to six consecutive spear strikes.

Charged Attack

Consumes a certain amount of Stamina to lunge forward, dealing damage to opponents along the way.

Plunging Attack

Plunges from mid-air to strike the ground below, damaging opponents along the path and dealing AoE DMG

Guide to Afterlife-Elemental Skill

Only an unwavering flame can cleanse the impurities of this world.

Hu Tao consumes a set portion of her HP to knock the surrounding enemies back and enter the Paramita Papilio state.

Paramita Papilio

  1. Increases Hu Tao's ATK based on her Max HP at the time of entering this state. ATK Bonus gained this way cannot exceed 400% of Hu Tao's Base ATK.
  2. Converts attack DMG to Pyro DMG, which cannot be overridden by any other elemental infusion.
  3. Charged Attacks apply the Blood Blossom effect to the enemies hit.
  4. Increases Hu Tao's resistance to interruption.

Blood Blossom

  1. Enemies affected by Blood Blossom will take Pyro DMG every 4s. This DMG is considered an Elemental Skill DMG.
  2. Each enemy can be affected by only one Blood Blossom effect at a time, and its duration may only be refreshed by Hu Tao herself.

Paramita Papilio ends when its duration is over, or Hu Tao has left the battlefield or fallen.

Activation Cost 30%CurrentHP
ATK Increase3.84% Max HP4.07% Max HP4.3% Max HP4.6% Max HP4.83% Max HP5.06% Max HP5.36% Max HP5.66% Max HP5.96% Max HP6.26% Max HP6.55% Max HP6.85% Max HP7.15% Max HP
Blood Blossom DMG%6468.873.68084.889.696102.4108.8115.2121.6128136
Blood Blossom Duration8s

Spirit Soother-Elemental Burst

Commands a blazing spirit to attack, dealing Pyro DMG in a large AoE.

Upon striking the enemy, regenerates a percentage of Hu Tao's Max HP. This effect can be triggered up to 5 times, based on the number of enemies hit.

If Hu Tao's HP is below or equal to 50% when the enemy is hit, both the DMG and HP Regeneration are increased.

Flutter By-1st Ascension Passive

When a Paramita Papilio state activated by Guide to Afterlife ends, all allies in the party (excluding Hu Tao herself) will have their CRIT Rate increased by 12% for 8s.

Sanguine Rouge-4th Ascension Passive

When Hu Tao's HP is equal to or less than 50%, her Pyro DMG Bonus is increased by 33%.

The More the Merrier-Utility Passive

When Hu Tao cooks a dish perfectly, she has a 18% chance to receive an additional "Suspicious" dish of the same type.

→ Talent Upgrade

Talent LevelRequired Ascension LevelMoraCommon Materials Talent Level Up Materials
1 → 22*12,5006 Whopperflower Nectar3 Teachings of Diligence
2 → 33*17,5003 Shimmering Nectar2 Guide to Diligence
3 → 43*25,0004 Shimmering Nectar4 Guide to Diligence
4 → 54*30,0006 Shimmering Nectar6 Guide to Diligence
5 → 64*37,5009 Shimmering Nectar9 Guide to Diligence
6 → 75*120,0004 Energy Nectar4 Philosophies of Diligence1 Shard of a Foul Legacy
7 → 8260,0006 Energy Nectar6 Philosophies of Diligence1 Shard of a Foul Legacy
8 → 95*450,0009 Energy Nectar12 Philosophies of Diligence2 Shard of a Foul Legacy
9 → 105*700,00012 Energy Nectar16 Philosophies of Diligence2 Shard of a Foul Legacy1 Crown of Insight

→ Constellation

2. Availability

→ Paimon's Bargains


→ Event Wishes

Moment in Thaw 2021-03-02 - 2021-03-16

Moment in Thaw 2021-11-03 - 2021-11-23

3. Personality

Hu Tao is a cheerful and quirky girl with a love for pranks and being unable to sit still for any prolonged period of time. For someone in the role of something as solemn as a funeral parlor director, her personality can rub some people the wrong way and give them a bad first impression. Make no mistake however, when it comes to her job, Hu Tao takes it with the utmost seriousness, making sure her client’s requests are fulfilled to the letter and frequently making trips in the dead of night in order to prepare to enact their last rites.

4. Appearance

Hu Tao’s most immediately recognizable features are her porkpie hat adorned with a red plum branch with a large wooden talisman at its center and her bright scarlet eyes with blossom shaped pupils. She has very long brown hair tied into twintails that go past her waist and two shoulder length locks. Her shirt is a dark brown with golden accents, a red mandarin collar, and long rectangular coattails. Brown shorts, white calf length socks, and brown dress shoes round out her outfit. Her vision can be found embedded in the back of her shirt in between her shoulder blades.

5. Character Stories

→ Character Details

The 77th Director of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, a young lady managing the parlor's operations. Despite her position, she's an amiable person who puts on no airs.

Her antics are as plentiful as the sand on Yaoguang Shoal. She never ceases to shock people with her countless bizarre ideas.

Hu Tao may seem like all play and no work, spending every free moment on leisure and being widely considered a laissez-faire business owner.

It is only during funeral ceremonies, when she personally leads her undertakers through lamp-lit alleys, that she shows her dignified and solemn side.

→ Character Story 1

Funeral ceremonies allow mortals to leave this world with dignity.

And Liyue's Wangsheng Funeral Parlor is said to paint the last strokes on the scrolls of people's lives in the most respectful way.

Traditional funerals include multiple steps such as holding a wake, burial, putting up a memorial plaque... All of which are subject to strict rules.

Regardless of their social standing and level of wealth, all who depart deserve a ceremony that would do them honor. This is the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor's client service philosophy.

One would think that such a reputable organization ought to be led only by an individual of utmost learning and sagacity.

Yet the heavy mantle of the 77th Director has fallen on the shoulders of a young lady like Hu Tao.

She has got quite a reputation in Liyue. Whenever someone mentions Hu Tao, their neighbors find it extremely hard to navigate the conversation.

Although she is widely praised for her wit and shrewdness, her eccentric notions are not as welcome as she often lets her imagination run wild.

Even as a three-year-old, she would read through volumes of classic texts while doing handstands. At six, she would cut classes and fall asleep in coffins. When she was eight, she started living in the parlor and learning the etiquette of funeral ceremonies...

One would never use the word "measured" to describe her behavior.

During her teenage years, Hu Tao was tasked with conducting a funeral ceremony for the first time.

The parlor's undertakers and consultants were anticipating her debut with their stomachs in knots as if they were suspended over the peaks of Jueyun Karst.

→ Character Story 2

Fortunately, Hu Tao treats the parlor's operations with the utmost importance and is always looking to grow her business.

"At the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, the living give us Mora to see the dead on their way. We have a responsibility to both parties, so we gotta make sure both sides are happy."

When it comes to the parlor's rules, Hu Tao knows them all like the back of her hand.

Each day when the parlor closes its doors, Hu Tao invites consultants from different walks of life to pass their teachings on to the undertakers.

"The funeral tradition is like science. It cannot be performed based on impressions and personal habits."

Of all the lecturers, Zhongli is the most revered one. As such, his lessons have proven to be the most effective in cultivating the competence of Wangsheng Funeral Parlor's undertakers.

Despite often being teased by Hu Tao due to his old-fashioned style, he is also the person that she trusts the most.

Apart from that, Hu Tao always instructs her undertakers to respect their clients' wishes and not insist on any particular form of funeral.

"Some clients want nothing more than a peaceful ceremony, some opt for a more lively style of event. There are also wealthier clients who would request a funeral arrangement of the most pompous kind. The services we provide have to be tailor-made according to the clients' needs."

Ever since Hu Tao took over, the parlor's operations have been solid and reliable, with ceremonies conducted so tactfully that quite a few superstitious people in Liyue have changed their attitudes towards funerals.

Even so, Hu Tao still has a tendency to wander off, disappearing as soon as her undertakers are busy listening to lectures.

The hobbies and interests of this young director are just as eccentric as her personality, and yet it is difficult to say with certainty if those activities are of a purely leisurely nature.

Hu Tao's shadow can be seen in the moonlit docks or at the highest, most precarious viewpoints in the mountains, where she's likely to take in the scenery and shape her thoughts into beautiful poetry.

She loves to roam freely at night, looking for inspiration. When it strikes her, no matter where she is, she cannot help but compose a poem on the spot.

If they are particularly lucky, the traveling merchants taking respite around the Huaguang Stone Forest can spot a mysterious girl keeping herself amused in solitude.

Hu Tao can play a four-player card game accompanied by no one for hours on end.

That said, the joys of engaging in such activities remain a mystery to all but Hu Tao herself.

→ Character Story 3

The Ministry of Civil Affairs is guarded by two lifelike stone lions, a symbol of power and authority.

However, Hu Tao, who happened to be passing by the ministry building one day, saw them in a different light. At first, she examined the lions with a thoughtful look, but soon enough, her pensive face gave way to a wide smile, as she slapped them on the fore-paws.

From that moment on, Hu Tao often visited and petted the stone statues. Not only would she talk to them, but also give them pet names — Whiskers for the one on the left and Mittens for the one on the right.

On occasion, she would even bring a bucket of water and a big brush to bathe them, each move so careful and deliberate that one might think that they were her actual pets.

As it happened, another feline, a living and breathing calico cat, could be found enjoying the local delicacies in front of Xinyue Kiosk, not too far from the ministry building. One day, some city folk came to play with the restaurant's favorite, providing an interesting foil for Hu Tao's peculiarities. Met with befuddled gazes of the bystanders, Hu Tao showed unwavering confidence.

"Sure, your kitty's cute, but the same can be said about my Whiskers and Mittens. Their fur might be harder, but they're still just as fluffy! Any animal that brings people joy may become a pet. And when it comes to majestic looks, your little fur-ball simply can't measure up to my lions!"

Suffice to say that this explanation was met with even greater consternation from the onlookers.

Yet the group of people shocked the most and most often by Hu Tao's antics were the ministry guards. Soft footsteps could often be heard in front of the building at around midnight. Initially, the guards suspected that it had been a thief preparing to rob officials. To their unceasing surprise, it would turn out to just be a young lady playing with the stone lions.

The guards were faced with an even bigger conundrum when, once everyone had reluctantly got used to her presence, Hu Tao discontinued her visits.

That meant that the responsibility for cleaning the statues fell on the guards' shoulders once again.

Subsequently, they decided to keep guard by the lions for many days, anticipating Hu Tao's return. Once they finally had the opportunity to ask her why she would not visit anymore, they received the most absurd of answers.

"Whiskers and Mittens are adults now and can take care of themselves! Excuse me, I'm running late for my heart-to-heart with a Statue of the Seven regarding the meaning of life!"

→ Character Story 4

Not long after her initial meeting with the little zombie, Hu Tao decided that, as her self-proclaimed true friend, she should grant Qiqi eternal peace.

Hu Tao would go on to kidnap Qiqi several times following much deliberation in every instance, including calculating the most auspicious time for the ceremony, aiming to follow the standard procedure of cremation, after which she would place Qiqi in a tomb on the outskirts of the city.

In fact, she would have succeeded already if not for Baizhu's timely interventions.

Each time the Bubu Pharmacy's owner managed to catch up with them, Hu Tao had already had Qiqi packed in a bag, with only her head sticking out, staring in utter confusion as Hu Tao vigorously dug a hole for the pyre.

Afterwards, Hu Tao sent Qiqi an apology letter, in which she expressed deep regret that she had not been able to lay Qiqi to rest fast enough.

In Hu Tao's eyes, Qiqi passed away a long time ago but has been trapped in this world and cannot free herself of her eternal suffering.

Baizhu, for his part, had grown ever more relentless in his pursuit of eternal life after meeting Qiqi. This act of defiance against the cycle of life and death was unacceptable to Hu Tao.

She wanted to bury Qiqi not only out of consideration for her friend but also to restore the natural order.

But Qiqi could not disagree more, as she was afraid of death and disliked Hu Tao for her attempts.

Because the struggle between Hu Tao and her had been going on for so long, Qiqi has experienced a breakthrough. She has started to remember places where she might hide to avoid being captured by Hu Tao.

Perhaps it was due to those desperate survival efforts that Hu Tao decided to do something unusual and dig deeper into Qiqi's past.

The story of her accident and the mystery of the adepti... That series of coincidences filled Hu Tao's heart with hesitation.

Since Qiqi's will to live is so strong, she should not be forced to move on. Given the circumstances, she could only be treated as a rare exception that eludes the natural laws.

Ever since, Hu Tao's attitude towards Qiqi has changed drastically, to the point that she would pamper her.

Unfortunately, the damage has been done and Hu Tao has become Qiqi's bugbear. The little zombie may need several years more to let go of her grievances.

→ Character Story 5

Hu Tao is not, in fact, best known for her role as Director, but for her other great accomplishment: the creation of poetry.

She dubs herself the "versemonger of the darkest alleys," and free verse flows forth untamed from her mouth whenever she has free time to be out on the streets.

The "Hilitune" is Hu Tao's most famous work, well-loved not only by the people of the harbor, but ever on the lips of children as far as Qingce Village as well.

Hobbyists and critics alike were greatly surprised by the simple but profound originality of the "Hilitune" and its creation, and went to Wanwen Bookhouse in droves to search for the works of this great poet. Unfortunately, Hu Tao's anthologies, named "Fiddlesticks" and "Of Common Lives" respectively, have yet to be published.

Xingqiu, ever immersed in books, also wanted to meet this strange person, and so chose an auspicious date to visit, bringing a gift with him.

The two hit it off immediately, and they exchanged pointers and impromptu poetry in Wangsheng's main hall — and when faced with the poetry of Xingqiu's traditional, artistic bent, Hu Tao could always return in kind with some strange and marvelous verse.

And there was meaning in the chaos, indeed, a rhythm to the bizarre that anyone could perceive, and it was catchy, too.

Thus did she "beat the old master with untrained fists," leaving Xingqiu at a loss for words.

At length, the poetic spar ended amiably, and they have been friends ever since, reading and composing poetry with one another when they have the time to meet.

Over time, Chongyun, too, was pulled in to serve as an umpire, their laughter filling the streets.

The poems born from these sessions would also be recorded by bystanders.

If you ever hear a pair of matched verses, one strict and the other playful, you are most likely to have heard one created jointly by Hu Tao and Xingqiu.

→ Harmony Hexagram Hat

This hat is somewhat on the hard side, and the insignia of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor adorns its front.

It is said that this hat was passed from the 75th Director to Hu Tao. However, that director was large, musclebound, and had a head at least two sizes larger than hers.

Ultimately, Hu Tao had to spend an entire day and night modifying the hat with her own hands so that its dimensions would fit hers. When she meets others, she tells them: this hat is magical, upholding good and repelling evil, and is a bringer of peace!

The undertakers laugh and leave it at that, but the 77th Director clearly does treasure that hat.

No matter the rain or storm, or if Hu Tao returns late covered in muck, that hat will remain spotless and clean.

The plum blossom that adorns the side of the hat is plucked from a plum tree that Hu Tao planted and grew herself.

Its creation process is as follows: pluck and air-dry, then paint, lacquer, and outline carefully before sun-drying for three days and voila — a beautiful accessory, soft to the touch and bearing a delicate fragrance.

→ Vision

This tale should begin with the funeral of Hu Tao's grandfather.

Ten days before the funeral itself, Old Hu had passed away following a bout of illness. For its 75th Director, Wangsheng Funeral Parlor held a grand funeral, in accordance with the last wishes of the old man himself, to be conducted by Hu Tao.

Only thirteen at the time, Hu Tao, who would later go on to become the Director in turn, made all the arrangements herself to the highest standard, greatly impressing the undertakers.

After the funeral, the thirteen-year-old Hu Tao grabbed her traveler's bag and crept out alone in the dead of night. In her bag were only a few rations, some water, and a means to create some light. She was headed to a mysterious and seldom-seen frontier.

Heading straight from Wuwang Hill, one may arrive at the "border." It is the line that separates life and death, the secrets of which have been managed by Wangsheng Funeral Parlor for generations. According to legend, it is a place where the souls of past relatives and the spirits of those with unfulfilled aspirations linger. For Hu Tao, this journey was a chance to see her grandfather once more before he departed forever.

For two days she journeyed unceasingly before finally arriving at her destination, yet was unable to locate her grandfather upon arrival. Between the innumerable spirits she walked, but not one of them resembled the old man.

She stayed there the whole day before falling asleep in exhaustion, awakening to a night sky and heavy dew. Around her were gathered a few lone spirits, clapping and laughing:

"Silly girl, why would Old Hu be here of all places? What were you thinking, looking for your relatives here?"

Not one to be swayed so easily, Hu Tao continued to wait, day after day. Her rations gradually disappeared and her water supplies drained away, but her grandfather did not appear. In the end, it was a little old woman who came to her.

She laid eyes on the exhausted Hu Tao and smiled as she spoke: "Look at your stubbornness, you're exactly like Old Hu. It's a shame, but none of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor Directors would ever linger here. You come from a family of plain speakers, so let me return the favor... Go back. Go back to where you came from."

The old woman bid farewell to Hu Tao, before passing over the border and into the distance. Hu Tao watched as the figure of the mysterious woman grew smaller and disappeared, as a sense of doubt tinged with relief manifested itself.

At last she came to the conclusion: her grandfather's absence was due to him having passed over the border as soon as he'd arrived, to the place where he was bound. He had been open and honest in life, leaving behind no regrets, so was it right for his departure to be framed in regretful terms?

With a smile, she set forth on the return journey.

The faraway moon had been casting a thin light on the way over but had now been replaced by the bright light of dawn. As she walked, Hu Tao thought of a saying that her grandfather had often quoted: "Live in life, die in death. Follow your heart, do what you can."

It was noon when Hu Tao arrived home. She climbed over the wall into the rear courtyard, went straight to her room, and unpacked her travel bag.

With her food and water long gone, and the rest of her belongings unpacked, the bag she had taken for empty instead contained a colorful Vision. Just when had it arrived?

As one of the few living that had dared to visit the border, perhaps Hu Tao's actions had moved some unknown god.

Perhaps this then constituted a heavenly gift... the ultimate recognition of her strength.

6. Namecard

HOW TO OBTAIN:Reach Friendship Level 10 with Hu Tao

Description: Director Hu Tao isn't scary at all. Probably.

7. Constellation

“Papilio Charontis” Meaning “Butterfly of Charon” in Latin

8. Quests and Events

→ Archon Quests


→ Story Quests

  1. Papilio Charontis Chapter (Hu Tao's personal questline)
  2. Act 1: Yet the Butterfly Flutters Away
  3. All parts

→ Events

  1. Moonlight Merriment
  2. One for the Foodies, Two for the Show
  3. Three to Get Ready, and Here We Go (cinematic)

9. Character Interactions

Hu Tao mentions the following characters in his/her voiceover lines











-Yun Jin


Hu Tao is mentioned by the following characters in their voiceover lines









10. Trivia

-Hu Tao’s butterfly motifs are closely associated with Chinese traditions of butterflies being a symbol of the cycle of life and death

-On April Fool’s Day, MiHoYo temporarily made Hu Tao the mascot of their social media platforms, replacing Paimon

-Hu Tao writes a response to Baizhu's message on the Feiyun Slope Bulletin Board, in which she says he should hand Qiqi over to be buried by the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor.

11. Explainer Video

12. FAQs

Why does Hu Tao have so little base ATK?

The way Hu Tao functions is unique, thanks to how her Elemental Skill grants her sizable amounts of ATK based on how much of her HP is consumed, meaning having a high amount of HP equates to having more ATK thus encouraging to build for it in your artifacts. Do keep in mind that there is a cap to how much ATK you can gain based on the base ATK of her equipped weapons, so careful not to totally neglect the quality of it

What is Hu Tao’s best Artifact Set?

Realistically there are two clear options. You can run 4PC Crimson Witch of Flames (15% Pyro DMG, 40$ Overload/Burning DMG, 15% Melt/Vaporize DMG, Elemental Skill usage boosts 2PC effect by 50% stacking 3 times) which puts an emphasis on boosting her reactions as much as possible, or you can run 4PC Shimenawa’s Reminiscence (18% ATK and 50% Normal/Charged/Plunging Attack DMG but -15 Energy every Elemental Skill use) which is more selfish and boosts her own damage even higher.

What is Hu Tao’s best weapon?

Staff of Homa, her signature weapon, is by far her best option as it gives her literally everything she could want in an item. It is difficult to obtain, being a limited exclusive 5 Star weapon. For more attainable weapons, Deathmatch is attainable through the Battle Pass, as well as Dragon’s Bane which is especially good for reaction based compositions

13. Final Thoughts

Hu Tao brings a very unique playstyle that forces players to constantly skirt the line between life and death in order to maximize her damage potential. It is not unusual for players to struggle getting the hang of not only her the way she handles, but building a team around her unique strengths and limitations. With enough practice, you too will be doing damage that could only be classified as downright spooky.

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