No, Phantom Liberty isn’t a continuation after the main story. Instead, it could be described as an expansion to Cyberpunk 2077.
Few games have ever received as much criticism as Cyberpunk 2077 as the long-awaited action-adventure RPG was one of the most anticipated games ever. When it premiered in December 2020, supporters were met with many devastating faults and missing features.
Despite this, CD Projekt Red has remained dedicated to the game. And it will get its first significant expansion, Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty.
What is Phantom Liberty?
Phantom Liberty is an espionage thriller about a mission to save the President of the New United States of America from Dogtown, Night City's "deadliest district." Phantom Liberty's plot beats, which focus on the "highest echelons of power" and the "brutal world of black-market mercenaries," will include espionage and politics.
Players may expect to encounter several new characters, including FIA sleeper agent Solomon Reed (Idris Elba). Phantom Liberty will also have new quests, gigs, and gig varieties. In addition, new vehicles, technology, cyber war, weaponry, and a new Relic skill tree are coming.
Does Phantom Liberty take place after the main story?
Phantom Liberty is not a sequel to Cyberpunk 2077 as it takes place during the main plot of Cyberpunk 2077 and does not need you to have completed the game. Once we play, we will know how Phantom Liberty affects the main game's plot.
However, Gabe Amatangelo “You get to a certain point in [Cyberpunk 2077], and [Phantom Liberty] unlocks”. Regarding Phantom Liberty‘s conclusion, Amatangelo said it has “different endings based on how things play out.”
Amatangelo also confirmed that Phantom Liberty does influence the ending of Cyberpunk 2077: “Based on the ending within Phantom Liberty, you can unlock a new ending in the base game.”
When is Phantom Liberty coming out?
Following CD Projekt Red's decision to phase out PS4 and Xbox One support, the forthcoming Cyberpunk expansion is solely scheduled for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.
On September 6, 2022, CDPR confirmed that patch 1.6 "is the last major update for the old-gen consoles." The company is currently working on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S to update existing systems and create the framework for future Phantom Liberty content. According to game director Gabriel Amatangelo, "a complete overhaul to the cop system and vehicle-to-vehicle combat" are just a few of the modifications that will be included.
A. Phantom Liberty, however, will be a little more pricey. The expansion is currently available for pre-order on the PlayStation Store for £24.99 or $29.99, with a release date of September 26th. To be clear, you must possess Cyberpunk 2077 to play Phantom Liberty.
A. It is, however, a stand-alone extension in its own right. According to CDPR, you may play the campaign, and after you reach Phantom Liberty content, you will receive a note indicating that you can begin the expansion narrative. If you like, you may also start a new game and "fast forward" to the expansion.
A. Cyberpunk 2077's Phantom Liberty Should Take At Least 16 Hours To Beat.