When it comes to multiplayer games like League of Legends: Wild Rift, balancing is one of the most important aspects, as it helps maintains fairness and competitive integrity.
In other MOBAs, like League of Legends, Dota 2, and Smite, we see that balancing champions and gameplay are some of the hardest things to pull off for any video game developer.
So, keeping in mind the monumental task that lies ahead, Riot Games put out a recent Wild Rift developers blog, which gives us, the players, a detailed insight on the current members of the balancing team, along with the roles that each member plays.
According to Riot Games, there will be four core members in the Wild Rift balancing team, and their job will be to maintain “the in-game portion of Wild Rift—so basically, anything from the moment you load into a game, until somebody’s Nexus goes kaboom.”
The Wild Rift balancing team do indeed have quite a bit to do, because the League of Legends based mobile game needs a lot of work before it enters a region specific open beta launch on the 27th of October.
Balancing goals for the Wild Rift developers

According to the developers blog, the goal of the Wild Rift balancing team is simple, as they “want to make Wild Rift the most balanced mobile MOBA ever.”
The Wild Rift devs are “serious about ensuring that every champ is viable, and no champ or strategy becomes overwhelmingly dominant at all levels of play.”
But that being said, as League of Legends: Wild Rift is a very new game, which is yet to have an open beta launch, much of the balancing in the game will depend on the foundation that League of Legends PC has built, plus countless internal Wild Rift playtests.
Speaking on the matter, they said,
"Inevitably, we will miss the mark sometimes, but we’re constantly monitoring various player feedback channels and game data to make sure we catch imbalances as soon as possible and roll out fixes in a timely manner.”
“At Riot, we use the term “data informed,” not “data driven,” so we’ll always be looking at win percentages, pick rates, and a hell of a lot of graphs, but we also acknowledge that something can be technically balanced, yet frustrating. If there’s something you’re not happy with, let us know!”
Riot Games has been developing various aspects of Valorant with the help of community feedback, and moving forward with Wild Rift, it looks like they will be doing the same as well.