League of Legends Season 10 has been progressing with full swing over the last couple of weeks
The new 10.2 patch sees a lot of balance changes, which looked to nerf the AD carry role a bit and bring about quite a big shift in the meta.
While a lot of picks are seeing dominance in solo queue, others champion selects are not as successful as some players would like them to be. But, with every patch comes a variety of unorthodox picks and builds that you can abuse and breeze through your rank climb.
So, let’s take a look at the 5 best unorthodox builds (one for each lane) that you should abuse in your upcoming ranked games.
Top Lane
Phantom Dancer Sett

This pick is right out of the Korean solo queue and features one of the most unique and broken Sett builds that you will come across in any guide. Though his runes will remain the same, the itemization is where it differs from the standard.
Phantom Dancer and Death’s Dance are the core of the build; it gives him a lot of attack speed, burst on crit and insane lifesteal along with a passive shield. This Sett build is currently one of the hardest to counter, as the PD offers him a lot more dueling potential than the more standard Steerak’s Gage path.
Predator Trundle

Trundle has received a lot of love from Riot in the recent patch. The once perma picked jungler became irrelevant in the latter half of season 9, so he is getting a much-needed buff to make him a more competitive pick once again.
He got an incredible amount of movement speed buff in his W, which saw a 10% increase, while his slow on enemies was significantly improved as well. These two changes combined make him one of the best gankers in the game currently, and you can look to abuse it even further by going Predator and pairing it with Zombie Ward, Cheap Shot, Ingenious Hunter, Nimbus Cloak and Water Walking.
In terms of build, you build him like you build an Ivern, but on the new Trundle, the items are infinitely more effective. You go Cindrhulk, Merc. treads, Redemption, Gargoyles Stoneplate, Warmog’s Armor, and Zeke’s, making him an unkillable monster in the late game.
Mid Lane
Spellbook/Aftershock Ornn

If you’re sick and tired of getting one-shot by mid lane AD assassins like Zed, Qiyana, and Talon, then Ornn is the perfect answer to them. He goes up quite well against Lucian and Aartox as well, and he is a great answer for neutralizing these AD threats because they will never be able to get him low enough to kill him, let alone one-shot him.
After the first armor item, he becomes almost unkillable in lane, even with jungle support. And his kit is capable of doing a surprising amount of damage which is capable of soloing any opposing laner.
The ‘Brittle’ stacks hurt, and with so much CC options, he can turn the tides of battle with a well placed and well timed ultimate.
Bot Lane
Dark Harvest Taliyah

A Taliyah in the ADC position is bound to come as a surprise to many.
The current Korean Rank 1 holder is a Taliyah main, who plays the champion in the ADC role with Dark harvest and has over a 77% win rate with her.
She is incredibly strong against hard engage supports like Leona, Thresh, Pyke, and Braum, as she is capable of bursting them down in seconds. Taliyah bot with Pantheon support was a thing some seasons ago, but now you can pair her up with any meta support, and she synergizes rather well with all of them.
However, the supports she synergizes the best with are the ones with lockdown like Morgana and Zyra because they combo very well with the rest of her abilities.
Arcane Comet Rumble

Rumble support is all about harassing the opponent ADC and SP out of lane and making them miss the much-needed XP and gold. He is very effective in the support role, and his kit comes packed with a lot of poke and damage; so, he should be played very aggressively in the laning phase.
During team fights, his ultimate will help the jungler secure the dragon, as he will be able to zone off the opposing bot lane. Much like the support Zyra pick, his damage and late-game itemization will help him to carry the game as he will be provided with an incredible amount of burst.
Off-Meta picks will take your opponent by surprise
One of the best features of the more unorthodox picks and builds is that it always takes the opponent by surprise. The lack of knowledge on how the match up works will always work in your favor, and you will be able to win your games much more easily as a result.
ALSO READ: League of Legends Patch 10.2 Preview - AD Carry position is getting slightly nerfed
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