League of Legends is out for over 10 years now, and this free to play MOBA doesn’t seem like it’s going to lose its popularity anytime soon.
Over the course of the seasons, Riot Games has released 148 champions in the game, with many more on the way. Whilst most of these champions need a modicum of mechanical skill, others are either too easy or just too hard to master.
So, if you’re new to the game and looking for some beginner-friendly picks to help you learn as you play, then we have the perfect guide for you. Each of the 5 champions we mention today is very fun to play, and they will allow you to get a solid understanding of the game and the core mechanics as you play along.
#1 Caitlyn

If ADC is the position where you want to first try your skill on, then Caitlyn is the best possible option to start with.
Her high range and high damage output will help you learn how to last hit minions from a safe distance. Her kit is nothing too complex, and her gameplay is very simple, with great escape options in the form of her E ‘90 Caliber Net.’
Apart from teaching you how to last hit, the more you play Caitlyn, the more you will learn about two crucial mechanical aspects of League gameplay: positioning and team fighting.
Her ultimate is quite easy to use as well, as it’s a point-and-click ability; you will not require superior ‘skill shot landing’ prowess to use it.
#2 Garen

To a League of Legends veteran, Garen is a ‘brain dead right-click champion,’ but for a beginner, he is one of the best picks for understanding the game.
Garen’s innate tankiness, damage, and health regeneration are what make him such an amazing choice for players who are learning to master the top lane. Sure! He might not do well against ranged champions, but that really doesn’t matter much in low elo, as everyone there is trying to learn the game like you are.
And though he is a beefy, frontline juggernaut, you will be surprised as to how much damage Garen is capable of dishing out. With just a Balck Cleaver, when you start spinning him like a bey blade, he is sure to chop down your opponents in the blink of an eye.
#3 Ashe

User her mid, user her top, use her bot; no matter where you flex her, Ashe is going to help you learn the game faster than any other champion. She costs just 450 blue essences, so unlike Caitlyn, she is not all that expensive, and you will be able to add her to your collection from the get-go.
Her W ‘Volley Shot’ is very straightforward but fun to usability, and you can just spam it to your heart's content, as it really does look cool. But do keep the mana cost in mind, and try getting an Essence Reaver if you see yourself spamming it too much.
Her E ‘Hawk Shot,’ will teach you the value of vision control, while her ultimate will help hone your skill shot landing prowess.
#4 Morgana

In the mid lane, Morgana is always a very good option to start with. She is an amazing utility mage who will teach you the importance of playing both as a supporting player as well as a burst damage dealer.
Morgana is all about good aim and fast reflexes, and the more you use her, the more mechanical skills will you acquire.
Her combos are rather straightforward as well. Just land your Q ‘Dark binding’ followed by a W ‘Tormented Soil’ to maximize your damage output.
The Q, along with the root of her ultimate, can be used as both a defensive and offensive tool, so there is a lot more versatility in her kit that you can play with.
#5 Warwick

For beginners, the jungle role is the most difficult one to learn. Kiting neutral monster camps, and not dying to your buffs is not something that players can learn with just two or three games. It requires constant practice, and for seasons now, Warwick has remained the most popular champion to learn the jungling role with.
His tankiness and innate ability to lifesteal his health back by farming camps make him one of the best easy to play junglers at the moment. He has incredible power farming potential (which the current meta prefers) and has a lot of CC abilities that help gank lanes very effectively.
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