Werner, who is a prominent hunter in the Monster Hunter Wilds' story, can be unlocked as a Hunting Assistant. Similar to unlocking your trusted smith Gemma as a Hunting Assistant, the member of the Astrum Unit will require you to do him some favors before he agrees to join you. Once you unlock him, he will occassionally help you out during your hunting sessions.
This article will cover how you can unlock Werner as a Hunting Assistant in Monster Hunter Wilds.
How to unlock Werner as a Hunting Assistant in Monster Hunter Wilds
Werner’s Test Run side quest

Check out All Monster Hunter Wilds Monsters to know who you are going to face!
After you complete the main storyline of Monster Hunter Wilds, you can find Werner in the Ruins of Wyveria Base Camp. He will tell you that he has a new device that uses Wyvern Milk's property and that he wants your help in testing it.
Once you accept the quest, you will be guided to a Guardian Doshaguma hunt where you will get an additional objective of luring the monster to where your comrade is. Doing this will allow you to see the device in action.
This device basically fires exploding flares similar to a barrel bomb. Once the Guardian Doshagum is close to it, you can shoot the device with your slinger to activate it. Doing so will damage the monster a bit and you can carry the rest of the fight normally. Once you defeat the Guardian Doshaguma, the quest will be concluded and you will gain Werner as a Hunting Assistant in Monster Hunter Wilds.
Also Read: Monster Hunter Wilds Review
Hunting Assistant is a great feature introduced in the latest entry in the franchise. Essentially, this system allows certain NPCs to help you out when you are hunting. When by your side, Werner brings along the device that you see in the quest.
You can use this device till it is either destroyed or runs out of resources. It is great for damaging enemies during the fight. The Astrum Unit member will generally join you as a Hunting Assistant in the ruins of Wyveria and Iceshard Cliffs region in the game.
Check out our Monster Hunter Wilds Review if you are wondering whether the game is worth it.