Riot Games opted to offer a brand-new currency required to unlock Prestige Cosmetics among all of the League of Legends Season 12 goodies that have featured the Durability Update, skins aplenty, and more. We're talking about Mythic Essence, of course.
Mythic Essence, which may be used to replace Prestige Points and Gemstones, is a fancy new way to gain some new cool-looking skins or those highly wanted prestigious skins that were only accessible for a brief period. It can be gotten in a variety of ways and even has its revolving store.
What is Mythic Essence in League of Legends?
Mythic Essence is League of Legends' newest currency, which replaced Prestige Points and Gemstones in early Season 12. Mythic Essence can be used to purchase new Mythic Skins, Hextech Skins, or unvaulted Prestige Skins. Unvaulted Prestige Skins are Prestige Skins that were formerly available for purchase for a limited time and are now available again. Wards, Chromas, Emotes, and Random Skin Shards are also available for purchase.
What's the advantage of mythic essence? It never expires, so you won't have to rush out and get some prestige skin like you used to. Riot Games has also redesigned the whole legendary shop in League of Legends with the introduction of Mythic Essence to rejuvenate the system.
How to get Mythic Essence?
There are several ways to obtain Mythic Essence, with a couple on the horizon but not yet available:
Every Milestone Mission completed during events will yield 25 Mythic Essence. As previously stated, gamers must spend real-world money to obtain these drops.
Gamers will receive 10 Mythic Essence for every 50 levels after 150.
There is a 3.6% probability that Hextech Chests will drop 10 Mythic Essence.
There is a 4.2% probability that Masterwork Chests will drop 5 Mythic Essence.
Gamers will also be able to obtain Mythic Essence through Showcase and Masterwork Milestones, which will be introduced in phase 2 of the Mythic makeover.
FAQs about Mythic Essence
Q. What should I do with Mythic Essence?
A. Mythic Essence can be spent in the Mythic Shop, which features Mythic tier content such as Mythic and Prestige skins.
Q. Do you get mythic essence every 50 levels?
A. It can be received as a prize for every 50 summoner levels after level 150, or 10 can be dropped 3.6 percent of the time from Hextech Chests, with a 4.2 percent chance of dropping five ME from Masterwork Chests.