It seems that the internet has no shortage of problematic controversies and trends at any given time. We recently spoke about ‘chibo,’ a trend where people force-feed their dogs large quantities of food.
Now, a new and rather unnecessary and offensive trend has gained traction on TikTok. The app has gone through a tough few days considering the ban that it received in the US. However, it appears as if people are still using the video-sharing platform as much as they did before.
Notable YouTuber Pegasus recently posted a video shedding light on a new ‘tattoo’ trend that has gained traction on TikTok.
‘Gen Z’ or Generation Z refers to all individuals born in the 21st century. A popular TikToker explained that his generation needs a ‘symbol’ of unity and rebellion in the form of a tattoo. However, there are multiple serious problems with the tattoo itselff.
New Gen Z TikTok ‘tattoo’ trend sparks internet outrage
As you can see in the video at the end of the article, a young TikToker asks his viewers to listen up. He says that they should all get a matching tattoo as a symbol of unity in their generation, along with a sign of rebellion.
He goes on to show a sketch of how he thinks the symbol should look like. The problem? The logo in question is actually a Nazi-supremacist symbol!
Obviously, the TikToker had no idea about its origins. Pegasus explains that apart from the obvious trouble with the nature of the symbol chosen, the ‘rebellion’ itself seems pointless. The TikToker also fails to mention the reason or need for the rebellion, not even notifying his followers who the revolution is against.

Needless to say, once people found out about the sorry new trend, they took to the internet to criticize it.

Some called it the dumbest, most needless trend that they had ever seen online.

Regardless, so far, there are hundreds of Generation Z individuals who have already had the tattoo inked. Considering the obvious racist overtones, it might not prove to be the best of decisions!

You can watch the entire video below.