Popular Twitch personality Felix "xQc" was the talk of the town following his appearance at Matthew "Mizkif's" game show. For those unaware, the One True King (OTK) co-founder hosted an in-person episode of his renowned show, Schooled, at TwitchCon 2023 Las Vegas. At one point, Emily "Emiru" hosted a spelling competition, during which things took a rather peculiar turn.
After Mizkif explained the rules, Emiru challenged the former Overwatch pro to spell "prenuptial." All the participants, including Imane "Pokimane," Connor "CDawgVA," and Dennis "PaymoneyWubby," as well as the live audience, burst out laughing.
For context, xQc has been embroiled in a massive feud and legal dispute with his ex-girlfriend Sammy "Adept." Their tussle has ranged from the latter accusing the Twitch star of "violating court orders" to her claiming that she has been married to Felix for years.
During the game show, Emiru also asked xQc if he wanted to hear the word in a sentence. She elaborated:
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"Would you like it in a sentence? His lawyer said his prenuptial agreement was air-tight."
The 27-year-old started spelling out the word. However, he spelled it incorrectly:
"P-r-e-n-u-p-t-u-a-l. Oh, is it... oh..."
The clip has since gone viral on the r/LivestreamFail subreddit, becoming the top post on the forum. Redditor u/dilantics' comment attracted hundreds of upvotes, in which they wrote:
"Another serious injury at TwitchCon."
"That's savage by Miz" - Netizens react to xQc being asked to spell "prenuptial" in the midst of his massive feud with Adept
As mentioned earlier, the conversation thread on the streamer-focused subreddit was bustling with fan reactions. Some fans made lighthearted remarks about Felix not being able to spell "prenuptial" correctly:
Redditor u/Ollisean stated that the game show moment was "not" a coincidence:
Another community member shared their thoughts on Mizkif's shenanigans, writing:
"That's savage by Miz, lmao."
Here are some more pertinent reactions:
Later that day, xQc took to X (formerly Twitter) to clarify that the game show moment was not staged. He wrote:
"Wasn't a skit, btw (by the way). I literally showed up at the exact moment they pulled me up on stage. Sorry for stressing everyone out."
Hailing from Laval, Quebec, xQc is among the most-watched Twitch content creators, boasting 11,929,517 followers. He is best known for playing a variety of games on his channel, such as GTA 5, Minecraft, Counter-Strike 2, Among Us, and Fortnite.
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