In the Indian mobile gaming community, Battlegrounds Mobile India’s release has generated a lot of chatter. The launch of the game has been the subject of numerous rumors and theories on the internet.
There has been an anxious wait for the return of this beloved title, and fans are eager for every bit of news. More than nine months have passed since PUBG Mobile was banned in India.
In a new development, the release date of BGMI’s trailer has been allegedly leaked.
Release date of Battlegrounds Mobile India’s trailer leaked?
Akash Jumde, the Visual Content Designer at Krafton Inc, had earlier posted a clip on his Instagram handle. In it, players were able to spot the text, “Audio Clip Mixer 17th June-Date reveal Video-Crate in Sky.”
Following this, speculations have surfaced that the Battlegrounds Mobile India trailer could be coming out on June 17th. However, the authenticity of the post is yet to be confirmed.
Krafton has been releasing periodic updates and hints via artwork and videos. In light of recent developments, players are extremely optimistic about Battlegrounds Mobile’s eventual arrival in India.
It seems that the launch of Battlegrounds Mobile India is nearing every day.
One of the recent posts from BGMI contained the following text, which further increased the hype about the release:
“The time is getting closer than you think!”
Hints by PUBG Mobile Influencers
Several YouTubers and influencers have also hinted about Battlegrounds Mobile India. Here are a few of them:
Back in May, Ghatak had stated that BGMI would be releasing in the third week of June:
He recently tweeted the following:
This binary value is equivalent to “18062021,” which can be considered to June 18th, 2021
Ocean asked his fans about the difference between the smallest emirp and its prime.
It is 13 that is the smallest emirp, while 31 is the prime number; accordingly, the difference arrives as 18.