Tanmay Singh, renowned as "Sc0ut," one of India's leading YouTubers and content creators, is poised to collaborate with the esteemed UK-based content creation collective Sidemen. The popular Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) player was recently spotted capturing a moment alongside Sidemen members JJ "KSI," Vik "Vikkstar123," Tobi "TBJZL," and Josh "Zerkaa."
It appears that Tanmay will be featured on Sidemen's podcast called Sidecast, an exclusive content available on Side+. Naturally, a rendezvous between an Indian gamer and some of the UK's most prominent creators sparked excitement among many. One fan expressed:
"So unexpected! Big thing for Indian YouTuber."
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Who is Sc0ut? BGMI player shares picture with KSI, Vikkstar123 and more
Sc0ut is well-known in the BGMI gaming scene in India. He also delves into other titles like Palworld and EA FC 24. Currently, his YouTube channel boasts an impressive following of over 4.91 million subscribers.
Tanmay is presently the co-owner and a former player of the prominent BGMI organization TeamXSpark. Additionally, he is affiliated with 8Bit Creatives, a talent management agency, and is a content creator for S8ul.
Currently, in the UK, Tanmay is embarking on a tour across the country for various promotional events. Just yesterday (February 5, 2024), he shared on his Instagram a snapshot alongside some of the Sidemen members, hinting at his upcoming appearance in their next podcast episode:
Fans react to Sc0ut collaborating with The Sidemen
Although PUBG Mobile (BGMI in India) may not hold the same level of prominence in the UK as it does in India, Tanmay stands as one of the foremost creators in the Indian gaming sphere. Witnessing his collaboration with the Sidemen undoubtedly thrilled fans.
The update was also shared by one of Sidemen's verified fan pages on X. Here are some of the notable reactions:
Here are some more reactions to the post:
Tanmay's collaboration with renowned internet personalities isn't a novelty. In August 2020, he joined forces with none other than the YouTube veteran and star, Guy "DrDisRespect." The entire VOD of their stream together is available on DrDisRespect's YouTube channel.
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