"Coaching a team is a different experience": Team Vitality Rocket League coach Ferra on tournament preparations, and more (Exclusive)

Team Vitality Rocket League Coach Victor "Ferra" Francal (Image via Team Vitality/Sportskeeda)
Victor "Ferra" Francal, the coach of Team Vitality's Rocket League squad speaks to Sportskeeda (Image via Team Vitality/Sportskeeda)

Rocket League is a unique video game hybrid between a game of football and a racing title. In this popular online multiplayer game, players have to score goals and can only use their cars to do so. Developed by Psyonix, this highly competitive title has an active esports circuit as well. Team Vitality is one of the many organizations that has a team competing in Rocket League tournaments.

In fact, their team is currently witnessing a strong run and will be participating in the upcoming San Diego Major as well. Amitesh Dhar, on behalf of Sportskeeda Esports, reached out to Victor "Ferra" Francal, the coach of Team Vitality's Rocket League roster. Here's what he had to say about the team's preparation and what it feels like to be the coach of a team when the stakes are so high.

Ferra on Team Vitality's goals and preparations ahead of the Rocket League San Diego Major


Q. Hi Victor, it’s good to have you here with us on Sportskeeda. Could you please introduce yourself to our followers?

Ferra: Hi Sportskeeda, thank you for having me! My name is Victor “Ferra” Francal. I’m a Rocket League coach for the leading French esports club Team Vitality.

Q. How did you first come across Rocket League?

Ferra: I got to know the game by watching videos on Youtube. At the beginning, I played a lot, until I became quite good. And then, at the beginning of 2017, I turned pro for five years.

Q. Being a professional player is one thing, but being a coach is a different ball game altogether. So, how does the transitioning work from being a player on the team to coaching the team?

Ferra: Indeed, coaching a team is a really different experience than playing. In fact, my role is to make sure that our players are in the best possible conditions. I think that's where my experience as a former pro player helps me to have a lot of prior information and allows me to better anticipate their needs.

I try to ask myself what I would have liked to have at the time. Today, I try to apply these lessons to the players during the competitions and the preparation phases so that they feel good. I think it's a bonus for the team!


Q. Like most esports titles in the market today, winning a match in Rocket League requires great coordination between teammates. Keeping that in mind, what are the differences in the practice routines of the Team Vitality Rocket League roster and the other esports rosters in the organization?

Ferra: Every game is different and has its constraints. I won't necessarily be able to compare them to each other. For Rocket League, the duration of the games is very short. So, the preparation of the 'Best of X' rounds format is not the same as for a game that can last for hours.

Rocket League has about five-minute games with very little time between each game, which means very little debriefing. There's a lot of focus on the dynamics and confidence of the players.

Q. What are some of the goals that you and your team are planning to achieve this year?

Ferra: The aim is to go as far as possible. We are preparing for the year with the goal of winning the Worlds in mind! The Regionals and the Majors are one thing, but above all, we want to qualify for the Worlds.

So, we will try to adopt a positive team dynamic to succeed. We will use all of the experience that we've gained throughout the year to arrive in good shape at the last tournament of the year to win it.

Q. Considering that the team has secured a spot in the San Diego Major, how is the team preparing for the tournament? Is there a new training regime in place?

Ferra: It is indeed a bit different for the team. First of all, it's the first time we've traveled for a tournament. There's a time difference, and it's the first time we've been away from home. We had planned a bootcamp a week before the event to prepare ourselves, get used to life here, and arrive at the Major in the best possible conditions.


Q. Although Rocket League isn’t a racing game, it does involve driving a car. So, how much of an influence, do you think, that this title would have on a car enthusiast?

Ferra: Everyone has different tastes! Personally, I'm a football and Formula 1 fan. So, the combination of ball and car made me fall in love with the game. Nevertheless, the gameplay is unique and very different from a classic racing game.

Q. Apart from Rocket League, what’s your go-to title when you’re taking a break from your hectic schedule?

Ferra: I play less and less now. Apart from Rocket League, I play LoL, TFT, and sometimes, chess. But nothing as intense as when I used to play Rocket League!

Q. If not a professional esports athlete, what career would you have chosen for yourself?

Ferra: Before I was a pro, and even during, I was a computer developer. But life is full of surprises, I think I could have chosen many different paths!

Q. Any suggestions/advice for all the aspiring players out there? What are the few things they should focus on when it comes to gaining a foothold in the world of professional esports?

Ferra: This is always difficult to answer. It's a question of mentality and grind. You have to be able to play a lot, have a lot of patience, and be able to take the losses. Success doesn't happen overnight!

Edited by Atul S
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