Fortnite: Daily Trios Cup Leaderboard

(Image Credit:
(Image Credit:

The Fortnite Daily Trios Cups started recently and are set to go until late August. Seeing as this is a bit of a busy period for competitive Fortnite, the Fortnite Daily Cups are a great place to watch highly skilled players prepare for the Fortnite Championship Series set to begin on August 1st.

Fortnite Daily Trios Cup Leaderboard

(Image Credit: Republic World)
(Image Credit: Republic World)
(Image Credit: Republic World)
(Image Credit: Republic World) recently reported on the Trios Cup leaderboard as seen above. As they mentioned, prizes will be awarded to the top teams each day, with the first place trio taking home $1,200, second place taking $900, and 3rd place earning $600.

Although not quite the headline shattering amounts of larger tournaments, these cups held daily will give out a total $102,600 per region over its total run time. Any player who has achieved at minimum Contender rank in Arena mode is eligible to try their luck.

Fortnite Trios Cups Points

As is typical of the Fortnite cups, players are scored under a points based system. Teams can play a maximum of ten games towards the cup rankings with points given based on both team placement and total eliminations. What sets these Fortnite Cups apart is that the points system appears to heavily encourage placement over eliminations, with only one point given for eliminations and capping out at 20 per game.

Inversely, a first place win earns 14 points, 2nd place takes 11, and 3rd takes 9. This means that teams will be encouraged to play safely, even more passively, in order to take one of the higher placing spots. While some might consider this more indicative of which teams can make the best decisions, it has the downside of punishing overly aggressive teams. This can make the games play out slower and with less explosive moments for viewers to enjoy.

If you happen to like slower paced games, this is good, but for the casual observer be sure to look out for tournaments which encourage eliminations more than placement to see more active and aggressive games.

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Edited by Izaak
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