Free Fire India recently announced a new city-based tournament, the Free Fire City Open. The four-month event is scheduled to start on April 30th and will feature a massive prize pool of ₹60,00,000.
Registrations for the first stage, i.e., online qualifiers, will start today, i.e., on April 26th, and will continue until April 30th.
How to register for the Free Fire City Open (FFCO)
Step 1: Players can log in to the game and click on the FFC Cup (Red color icon) on the right side of the main lobby. Tapping on the yellow arrow opens an overview of the tournament.
Step 2: They have to click on the banner, and you will be directed to the FFCO lobby, where they can see key information like match schedule, scoring information, progression after FFCO, and other details like prize pool, etc.
Step 3: Users must then click on the Squad button in the lobby to join or create a team.
They should fill up all details such as squad name, contact info, region, etc., to create a team or submit a request to join a team from the Friends/Applications list.
Each team that successfully registers will receive eight tickets for use during the scheduled time. Matchmaking will start on April 30th from 4 PM IST to 9 PM IST. After the designated timeframe, all unused tickets will be voided.
After successfully forming a team with predetermined members, players can start the match by clicking "Start Game" in the Free Fire City Open lobby, then invite their registered teammates to form a squad and start playing.
The following points system will be followed throughout this Free Fire event:
- 1st Place -12 points
- 2nd Place -9 points
- 3rd Place - 8 points
- 4th Place - 7 points
- 5th Place - 6 points
- 6th Place - 5 points
- 7th Place - 4 points
- 8th Place- 3 points
- 9th Place- 2 points
- 10th Place - 1 point
- 11th Place - 0 points
- 12th Place - 0 points
- Kill points - 1
Check out the latest Free Fire MAX redeem codes here.