On Friday, April 14, Felix “xQc's” livestream featured a gross story about mold, which also tried to teach his viewers a valuable lesson on washing their towels with greater frequency. According to the streamer, he used the same cloth for roughly a month and a half, and started smelling something gross, such as mold. As soon as he started telling the story, his viewers asked him to stop, or to just end the stream.
However, xQc persisted, and continued to tell the story of how he wound up smelling like mold for a time, since he didn’t wash his towel frequently enough. Fans and Redditors alike found themselves grossed out by the story.
“One time I used the same towel for a month and a half, and I started smelling like mold.”
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xQc tells a particularly gross story in recent livestream
Without an ounce of fear, xQc openly talked about not washing the towel that he dried himself off with for at least a month and a half.
“Yeah, I was rubbing, I was drying myself, dude, I smelled like legit mold!”
This led to the streamer smelling openly of mold, which grossed his audience out a great deal to hear.
“And the reality is, I actually had mold on me! Dude! I figured out, it was mold!”
(Clip begins at 11:01:10)
However, it got worse than simply smelling like mold. As he wrapped up the tale, he revealed that he, at one point in his life, had actual mold on his skin, thanks to not washing the towel he was using. It was likely from the streamer rubbing it on himself from the towel, not growing on his body.
Fans react to xQc's tale about mold on his body
From his stream viewers to the LiveStreamFails subReddit, people were repulsed, but some weren’t exactly shocked by Felix's behavior.
Some made fun of it, referencing The Last of Us, while others felt this was a story that the streamer really didn’t have to share with the world.
Others were confused as to how mold could even grow on a person. A Redditor remarked that they were shocked the streamer didn’t have more parasites or gross things on his body, with how poor his hygiene has been in the past.
One Redditor linked to a Wikipedia article on Diogenes Syndrome, which is also known as “Senile Squalor Syndrome.” It’s a disorder characterized by extreme self-neglect and social withdrawal, and also includes an incredibly messy, unkempt living area.
At least one Redditor agreed with the diagnosis, while another just laughed and said that the mold wasn’t on xQc, he was probably just rubbing it on himself with the wet, moldy towel.
It was a story that grossed out much of his fans, as well as the subReddit where the clip was posted. Hopefully, the streamer has learned from this, and washes his towels frequently and lets them dry to prevent the issue from taking place again in the future.
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