"I thought these guys are like family" - Pokelawls explains why he parted ways with OfflineTV

Pokelawls talks about his tenure in OfflineTV (Image via Sportskeeda)
Pokelawls talks about his tenure at OfflineTV (Image via Sportskeeda)

During a livestream on June 19, 2023, Twitch content creator Georgie "Pokelawls" explained why he parted ways with prominent streamer organization OfflineTV (OTV). He described the situation as a "movie story," stating that while he was a member of the organization, his American visa had expired. He then mentioned that he had decided to travel to his hometown in Canada and that he planned on returning in about a week to attend BlizzCon.

Pokelawls went on to say that he had asked OfflineTV members to "keep his spot." However, when he returned, the Los Angeles-based agency seemingly did not entertain him. The streamer elaborated:

"So, I left back to Canada. BlizzCon comes up. I come back to L.A., and I'm like, 'Yo, guys! You still have that spot for me?' 'No. No. There's no room anymore.' S**t like that. You know? And I'm young in the business. You know, I'm young in the industry. So, I'm like, 'What the f**k! I thought these guys are like family!' So, you guys know I got mad and s**t like that. I used to banter a little bit."

"I was pissed" - Pokelawls shares a "movie story" about what happened during his tenure with OfflineTV

Pokelawls was watching a TikTok video in which Imane "Pokimane" discussed why she left the organization. He then took the opportunity to share his side of the story and said:

"Nah, chat, I have, like, a movie story. Dude, this is some crazy s**t. It's just, like... how life works, is just so funny, chat. Like, I remember... I've told you guys this story, the Disguised one. It's the one, I was like, you know, in the process of getting like - okay... I didn't know I was... so, my visa was ending and my time in America was over, right? I did not have a visa. My time in America was over. I was on OfflineTV. I was..."

After recalling the details of the incident, Pokelawls stated that his time was "running out" in America. However, he was caught in a bind because BlizzCon was also around the corner:

"My time's running out. But in the next two weeks or so, there was BlizzCon. But I had to go back home soon. You know what I'm saying? So, I'm like, 'Oh, f**k! BlizzCon is like in the next month and my time is, like, I have, like, a week left in America. What do I do here?' So, when I was in the OfflineTV House, I went back to Canada for a bit."

Timestamp: 02:01:55

A few moments later, the Canadian creator provided the details of his conversation with OfflineTV members, in which he asked them to reserve a "spot" for him before leaving for his hometown:

"I was like, 'Okay, guys. I'm going to go back home to Canada. Come back in, like, a week or two for BlizzCon. If you guys are cool with that.' It was like a joke, 'Hey, keep my spot, please, in the room! If you guys could keep me, I could sleep in the couch or something. I need a place to stay for BlizzCon.' You know what I'm saying? They're like, 'Okay, cool!'"

After claiming that the organization seemingly said that there was "no room" for him, Pokelawls added:

"I was pissed. You know? I was, like, 'Damn!' I thought, you know, I was going to get help with visa and s**t like that. I thought, you know, it is what it is. It is what it is."

Fans react to Pokelawls' story

Pokelawls' clip in which he discussed his time with OfflineTV was shared to the r/LivestreamFail subreddit. With the conversation thread attracting over 146 responses, here's a sample of some pertinent ones:

Pokelawls is a well-known personality on Twitch, best known for hosting Just Chatting content. He joined the Amazon-owned platform in 2010 and has since amassed 1,072,499 followers on his channel.

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Edited by Abu Amjad Khan
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