"If they brought cross-platform, it would be the biggest game" - Arena Breakout influencers ImOw, FabTV, and 1ceStream discuss the game (Exclusive)

ImOw, FabTV, and 1cestream open up about Arena Breakout.
What do Arena Breakout content creators think about the game so far? ImOw, FabTV, and 1ceStream briefly speak about the tactical FPS title (Image via Twitter/ImOw, NotFabTV, and 1ceStream)

Arena Breakout’s Creator Camp featured several influencers, including ImOw, FabTV, 1ceStream alongside many more. I sat down with a few of these content creators to see how they feel about the game as it stands right now. While the conversation was brief, it was fairly interesting to see what these influencers think about the game and what made it so enjoyable for them.

Furthermore, ImOw, FabTV, and Istream were asked about where Arena Breakout could stand to receive improvements. Considering that the game is still very much in the development phase, there’s certainly time to improve and change this hardcore PVP shooter. Tencent is doing something very interesting with its upcoming mobile game, in the fact that they’re aiming specifically for a hardcore shooter audience.

ImOw, FabTV, and 1ceStream chat about Arena Breakout and what makes it such an enjoyable experience

Q. So, can you introduce yourselves to our audience?


ImOw: Yeah, my name’s Owen and I’m a content creator, a YouTube influencer.

FabTV: My name’s FabTV. I’m a full-time streamer on YouTube, usually doing Tarkov stuff, any kind of first-person shooter, stuff like that.

1ceStream: Yeah, I’m 1ceStream, I’m one of the official content creators for Arena Breakout!

Q. How long have you been playing Arena Breakout?

ImOw: Since the Chinese tests. So, I actually picked it up and I couldn’t understand a thing. But the gameplay was something that just really hooked me, which is why I stayed. We definitely don’t have anything like this on mobile. Mobile games get a real bad name for just, like, casual, Burning Gun, and stupid transactions. A real bad name, but Arena Breakout brings something completely different.

FabTV: This was actually my first session, right? Those two games we played today, the first games I’ve ever played.

Jason: Damn, you stomped everybody!

FabTV: Yeah, I was poppin’ off, you know what I mean? It actually speaks volumes about the game itself, because I play a lot of Tarkov, but there’s so many parallels, and it was very comfortable for me to hop into the game and play. I felt comfortable, you know, even though I’ve never played it. I don’t play a lot of mobile games, and I’ve never played this once.

1ceStream: Since the early access of CBT2, so that's about two months.

Q. Where do you think Arena Breakout could be improved?

ImOw: Honestly, I was talking to a couple of the guys outside. If they brought cross-platform to this game, I think it would be the biggest title. There’s only one other game that did it, and that’s Fortnite, and look at how successful the mobile version is. Can you imagine this?

It would be a competitor to Escape from Tarkov. And then you’ve got mobile gamers versus PC players. We can finally show people we can kick some booty, you know?

FabTV: The only thing I felt needed to be improved was some of the menu intricacies, as far as managing your inventory, looting, moving stuff in and out of your inventory, your stash, and things like that. They can definitely improve some of those, just quality-of-life stuff. But other than that, it was pretty smooth.

1ceStream: Yeah, so, one of the biggest issues that we have right now would be the whole jumping-stamina situation. So, everyone’s just hopping around and there are no penalties for it. You can jump and burst forward from standing still. I’m pretty sure that they’re aware of it, but they need to balance that, so that everyone isn't just jumping around like grasshoppers all the time. But I’m pretty sure one of the devs stated that they’re already working on it.

Q. What is your favorite thing about Arena Breakout?


ImOw: Definitely the realism. Being ex-military myself, it brings me back to the days of just being very tactical, you know. Even though it’s not physically me doing it, it feels nice to get into my surroundings. So, like, being very tactical, like, around corners, buildings, extracting. I love that.

FabTV: The graphics are great, the game is beautiful; the game is smooth, the gunplay’s good, and there’s a lot of POIs with high-value loot and stuff like that. So, all of that so far seems pretty intriguing.

1ceStream: Really good. It’s a breath of fresh air. We have nothing this intense on mobile, so this is really good because it offers a completely different game style.

Jason: It’s way more hardcore.

1ceStream: It really is. I’ve never played a game this punishing in my life, and I like it! [Laughs]

Arena Breakout is still in development by MoreFun Studios and will officially be published by Tencent in the future. In general, this upcoming mobile shooter is a far more hardcore experience, where players lose any gear that they bring with them into a match, should they be defeated. You can find ImOw, FabTV, and 1ceStream on YouTube, where they regularly upload content built around a variety of shooters.

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Edited by Atul S
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