In an unexpected twist, the online realm finds itself embroiled in a fresh conflict featuring controversial Kick streamer Jack Doherty and online personality Tristan Tate. The Tates have previously voiced their discontent toward certain younger content creators, with Jack Doherty being one of their notable targets. For context, a user sarcastically attacked Jack online (after the streamer posted a picture, seemingly flexing a bag filled with cash), labeling him with the "F-slur."
Tristan chimed in, adding fuel to the fire by asserting that Jack is financially inferior to him and throwing around the "F-word" as well:
"He’s poorer than me and a f*g."
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Jack swiftly responded to Tristan's remarks, asserting that he earns more in a month than what Tristan receives from his elder brother, Andrew Tate. He said:
"I’m confident I make more a month at 20 than whatever allowance Andrew gives you."
"Did I get in your head?" - Jack Doherty continues his troll against Tristan Tate
Kick streamer Jack Doherty is no stranger to online feuds. His latest spat involves controversial social media personality Tristan Tate. Tristan's initial comment, in fact, ended up triggering additional responses from Jack. He added:
"Tristan, are you mad? Did I get in your head?"
The war of words didn't end there. Jack responded a third time, quote-tweeting Tristan's comment and sarcastically stating:
"Tristan Tate is NOT poorer than me!"
Tristan hasn't yet responded directly to Jack. However, the peculiar feud certainly caught many by surprise, considering that both individuals inhabit vastly different corners of the internet.
What is the controversy involving Jack Doherty?
Recently, Jack Doherty has been making headlines following serious allegations leveled against him. For context, fellow streamer Rangesh "N3on" suggested that Jack was guilty of getting young girls intoxicated and pressuring them into signing OF contracts.
Jack has already responded to these claims, vehemently denying such actions. He further asserted that all the girls associated with him were over the age of 18 and claimed to have evidence to refute all of the allegations.
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