League of Legends patch 13.5 will go live soon and according to the notes, there will be an extensive number of balance changes that players will be able to look forward to in the update.
Some of the biggest highlights will be the mini-reworks that will make their way to Yuumi, along with nerfs for Azir and buffs for LeBlanc.
League of Legends fans looking for a detailed description of the patch can look up Riot Games' official website.
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However, for a brief overview, here are all the major highlights.
League of Legends patch 13.5 official notes
1) Champions

Base Stats
- Health Growth: 84 >>> 69
- Base Mana: 400 >>> 440
Passive - Feline Friendship
- [NEW] Base Armor: When Yuumi's spells or attacks affect champions, she heals herself and charges a heal for her allies. If she attaches within the next 4 seconds, she brings the heal to her ally as well. While attached, this effect automatically occurs.
- [NEW] Making Friends: While attached, Yuumi builds Friendship whenever her Ally kills enemy champions and minions. Each ally has their own unique Friendship score. While attached to her Best Friend, Yuumi’s abilities gain bonus effects.
- Cooldown: 20-10 seconds (levels 1-11)
- Heal Amount: 25-110 (+15% AP) (levels 1-18)
- Pouncing Passive: While Yuumi’s passive is ready her auto attack range is increased by 50
Q - Prowling Projectile
- Ability Description: Yuumi fires a missile that slows the first enemy hit. If cast while attached, Yuumi can control the missile for a short period before it becomes empowered, greatly accelerating and slowing enemies by an increased amount.
- Best Friend Bonus: This ability’s slow will always be empowered and hitting enemy champions also grants 10/12/14/16/18/20 (+10% AP) on-hit damage to her ally for 5 seconds. This damage is increased by up to 75% based on her ally's Critical Strike Chance.
- Cooldown: 7.5/7.25/7.0/6.75/6.5/6.25 seconds
- Mana Cost: 50/55/60/65/70/75
- Damage: 60/90/120/150/180/210 (+20% AP)
- Slow: 20% for 1 second
- Best Friend Empowered Damage: 80/140/200/260/320/380 (+35% AP)
- Best Friend Empowered Slow: 55/60/65/70/75/80% decaying over 2 seconds to 20%
- Projectile Missile Width: 65 >>> 60
- [NEW] Eyes like a Cat: Hitting an enemy with Yuumi’s Q now reveals them. (Note: this will not reveal stealthed enemies.)
W - You and Me!
- [REM] Adaptive Force Bonus: Yuumi and her attached ally will no longer receive adaptive force bonus stats
- [REM] Was UnfAery: Yuumi’s W no longer counts as a “Positive Boon” for Summon Aery
- Best Friend Bonus: Yuumi gains an additional 10-20% heal and shield power (based on Ally level) and her Best Friend gains 3/5/7/9/11 (+4% AP) on-hit healing. This is affected by Yuumi's heal and shield power.
E - Zoomies!
- [NEW] Trading Heals for Shields: Now shields allies instead of healing
- Cooldown: 12/11.5/11/10.5/10 seconds
- Mana Cost: 80/90/100/110/120
- Shield Strength: 90/120/150/180/210 (+30% AP)
- Movement Speed Bonus: Allies receive a 20% movement speed bonus while Yuumi’s E shield persists (until shield is broken or decays after 3 seconds)
- Attack Speed Bonus: 35% (+8% per 100 AP)
- Anchor Mana Restoration: Yuumi restores 20/24/28/32/36 Mana to her Anchor (not herself), increased by up to 100% based on their missing Mana (30% to 80% missing mana).
- A Helping Paw: E - Zoomies! does not have a Best Friend bonus because Yuumi should be able to save all her allies
R - Final Chapter
- Ability Description: For 3.5 seconds, Yuumi fires 5 magical waves that affect enemies and allies. If cast while attached, Yuumi can steer the waves to follow her mouse. For ally champions, the waves heal. The heal is increased by 130% on her Best Friend. All excess healing is converted to a shield, lasting 3 seconds after the ability ends. For all enemies, the waves deal damage and apply a stacking slow.
- Cooldown: 110/100/90 seconds >>> 120/110/100 seconds
- Magic Damage per Wave: 60/80/100 (+20% AP) >>> 75/100/125 (+20% AP)
- Heal per Wave: 35/50/65 (+15% AP)
- Slow Duration: 1.25 seconds
- Slow Amount: 10% + 10% additive per wave hit (maximum of 50% slow)
- Best Friend Bonus: Waves also grant Yuumi's Best Friend 20/40/60 (+10% AP) Armor and Magic Resistance for the duration of the spell.

W - Infernal Chains
- Cooldown: 20/18.5/17/15.5/14 seconds >>> 20/18/16/14/12 seconds
- Slow: 25% at all ranks >>> 25/27.5/30/32.5/35%
R - World Ender
- Bonus AD: 20/30/40% AD >>> 20/32.5/45% AD

Q - Ranger’s Focus
- Mana Cost: 50 >>> 30
- Empowered Duration: 4 seconds >>> 6 seconds
W - Volley
- Physical Damage: 20/35/50/65/80 (+ 100% AD) >>> 10/25/40/55/70 (+ 100% AD)
R - Enchanted Crystal Arrow
- Cooldown: 80/70/60 >>> 100/80/60
Aurelion Sol

Base Stats
- Health Growth: 100 >>> 95
- Armor Growth: 4.6 >>> 4.3
Q - Breath of Light
- Burst Proc Damage: 20 − 40 (based on level) (+ 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80) (+ 40% AP) (+ (0.031% Stardust stacks) of target maximum health >>> 20 − 40 (based on level) (+ 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80) (+ 35% AP) (+ (0.031% Stardust stacks) of target maximum health

Base Stats
- Base Health: 622 >>> 550
- Armor Growth: 4.2 >>> 5
- Base Mana: 380 >>> 320
- Mana Growth: 36 >>> 40
- Attack Damage Growth: 2.8 >>> 3.5
- Base Attack Speed: 0.625 (Note: Unchanged)
- Attack Speed Ratio: 0.625 >>> 0.694
- Attack Speed Growth: 3% >>> 5%
Passive - Shurima’s Legacy
- Duration: 60 seconds >>> 30 seconds
- Damage: 150 (+4 per minute) (+15% AP) physical damage >>> 230-410 (based on level) (+40% AP) magic damage
- [REM] Bonus Damage to Champions: 37.5% bonus damage >>> 0% bonus damage
- [NEW] Spell-cial Effects: Azir’s Sun Disc will now apply Azir’s spell effects as a single-target spell
- Sun Disc Health: 2550 >>> 3000
- Sun Disc Armor: 60 (+1 per minute) >>> 30-90 (based on level)
- Sun Disc Magic Resist: 100 (+1 per minute) >>> 30-90 (based on level)
- Sun Disc Debuff: Loses 100 armor while Azir is far away or dead >>> Loses 100 armor and magic resist while Azir is far away or dead
- Cooldown: 180 seconds >>> 90 seconds (Note: Cooldown begins after the Sun Disc falls.)
- Bugfix: Azir’s Sun Disc will no longer lose Armor and Magic Resist while Azir is untargetable
Q - Conquering Sands
- Magic Damage: 70/90/110/130/150 (+30% AP) >>> 60/80/100/120/140 (+35% AP) (Note: this will be a buff at 200 AP and above.)
- Mana Cost : 55 >>> 65/70/75/80/85
W - Arise!
- Slower Soldiers: 15/25/35/45/55% passive attack speed >>> 50/60/70/80/90 additional magic damage
- Total Magic Damage: 50-150 (based on level) (+55% AP) >>> 50-200 (based on level and W rank) (+55% AP)
- [REM] Three’s NOT a Party: Bonus attack speed granted while Azir has 3 soldiers spawned has been removed
E - Shifting Sands
- Magic Damage: 60/100/140/180/220 (+ 55% AP) >>> 60/100/140/180/220 (+ 40% AP)

Base Stats
- Base Armor: 28 >>> 27
- Base Attack Damage: 62 >>> 60

W - Seastone Trident
- Mana Restored: 20/28/36/44/52 >>> 30/40/50/60/70 (note: this is 100% of mana cost)
E - Playful/Trickster
- Magic Damage: 70/120/170/220/270 (+90% AP) >>> 80/130/180/230/280 (+90% AP)
- Mana Cost: 90/95/100/105/110 >>> 75/80/85/90/95

Passive - Trial by Fire
- Bonus True Damage: 55-310 (+ 100% bonus AD) (+ 0-200 based on critical chance) >>> 50-250 (+ 100% bonus AD) (+ 0-200 based on critical chance)
E - Powder Keg
- [NEW]Kegs Ahoy!: All players will now be able to see the number of kegs Gangplank has available beneath his mana bar.
- Keg Recharge Rate: 18/17/16/15/14 seconds >>> 18 seconds at all ranks

Base Stats
- Attack Speed Growth: 1% >>> 1.36%
W - Zap!!
- Mana Cost: 50/55/60/65/70 >>> 40/45/50/55/60
- Slow: 30/40/50/60/70% >>> 40/50/60/70/80%
R - Super Mega Death Rocket
- Damage Cap Against Monsters: 800 >>> 1200

Q - Thundering Shuriken
- Cooldown: 8/7/6/5/4 seconds >>> 7/6.25/5.5/4.75/4 seconds
- Magic Damage: 75/120/165/210/255 (+ 75% AP) >>> 75/125/175/225/275 (+ 85% AP)
W - Electrical Surge
- [NEW] Shock Zone: A range indicator will be visible to Kennen when an enemy champion becomes marked.
E - Lightning Rush
- Damage to Minions Modifier: 50% >>> 65%

Q - Sigil of Malice
- [NEW] Mana for Magic Tricks: Killing a unit with either part of Sigil of Malice restores 100% of the Mana Cost and 30% of the spell's remaining cooldown.
- [NEW] Minions, Disappear!: Sigil of Malice now deals an additional 10-146 (levels 1-18) damage to minions.
R - Mimic
- [NEW] Mimic - Sigil of Malice: R > Q will now mimic the bonus damage to minions of the original ability.

Base Stats
- Base Health Regeneration per 5 Seconds: 7.5 >>> 6
- Attack Speed: 0.644 >>> 0.658
Q - Comet Spear
- Cooldown: 13/11.75/10.5/9.25/8 seconds >>> 11/10.25/9.5/8.75/8 seconds
- Mana Cost: 30 >>> 25
- Q Tap Windup Time: 0.25 seconds >>> 0.2 seconds
E - Aegis Assault
- Cooldown: 22/20.5/19/17.5/16 seconds >>> 22/21/20/19/18 seconds

- Q - Edge of Ixtal/Elemental Wrath
- Physical Damage: 50/80/110/140/170 (+75% bonus AD)>>> 50/85/120/155/190 (+75% bonus AD)
E - Audacity
- Cooldown: 12/11/10/9/8 seconds >>> 11/10/9/8/7 seconds

Base Stats
- Attack Damage Growth: 3.5 >>> 2.75
Q - Powerball
- Magic Damage: 100/130/160/190/220 (+100% AP) >>> 100/125/150/175/200 (+100% AP)

E - Electro Harpoon
- Magic Resist Shred on One Harpoon Hit: 10% >>> 12/14/16/18/20%
- Magic Resist Shred on Two Harpoons Hit: 20% >>> 24/28/32/36/40%

Passive - Daredevil Impulse
- Movement Speed per Stack: 1/2/3/4% per stack (maxed out at 6-24%) >>> 2/2.5/3/3.5% per stack (maxed out at 12-21%)

Base Stats
- Health Growth: 112 >>> 115
- Attack Damage Growth: 3.7 >>> 4

E - Contaminate
- Magic Damage per Stack: 35% AP >>> 30% AP

E - Bladecaller
- Physical Damage: 55/65/75/85/95 (+60% bonus AD) >>> 50/60/70/80/90 (+60% bonus AD)
- Cooldown: 10/9.5/9/8.5/8 seconds >>> 11/10.5/10/9.5/9 seconds

E - Mourning Mist
- Ghoul Bonus Damage: 40% >>> 30% (Note: this is applied up to 8 times per Ghoul).

Base Stats
- Magic Resist: 32 >>> 29
E - Shadow Slash
- Cooldown: 5/4.75/4.5/4.25/4 seconds >>> 5/4.5/4/3.5/3 seconds
2) Jungle Adjustments
Counter Jungling
- Counter Jungling Damage: Junglers deal 20% increased damage to their own camps and scuttle >>> ALL CAMPS
Jungle Camp Gold
- Blue Sentinel: 80 >>> 90 gold
- Gromp: 70 >>> 80 gold
- Krugs (Medium): 5 >>> 10 gold
- Krugs (Small): 13 >>> 14 gold
- Greater Murk Wolf: 50 >>> 55 gold
- Crimson Raptor (Large): 30 >>> 35 gold
- Raptors (Small): 7 >>> 8 gold
- Red Brambleback: 80 >>> 90 gold
Jungler Lane Experience
- Jungler Lane Experience: 75% of total experience >>> 40-75% (scaling from 0-14 minutes)
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