For a game that is still in its closed beta, Valorant has seen some unprecedented popularity ever since its release in April.
Now, the closed beta is about to end on the 28th of May. In their latest blog post, Riot Games has announced that Valorant would be officially released on the 2nd of June. With this news in tow, many players are wondering how much of their closed beta progression would they be able to keep once the game officially launches, if at all they are allowed to keep any.
With the start of the Competitive Mode, Valorant truly took off, with its popularity spiking high enough to be able to break Twitch streaming records. There was a very high demand for beta keys among FPS fans. Those privileged enough to have had access to the game, grinded their way up the ranked ladder one step at a time.
Not being able to carry over their closed beta progression would be a very frustrating experience for many. Starting all over once again is unlikely to be an issue, but going through the solo-queue experience of trollers once again might just be a bit too much.
However, after the latest blog post, which also revealed a new Agent and a Map, we can safely say that players would now be able to keep a part of the progress that they may have earned, along with some leveling up perks.
Valorant Closed Beta is Ending

In just under two months since its release, the closed beta is now about to end. The Valorant developers have confirmed that on the 28th of May, 9 AM PT (12 PM ET / 5 PM BST) in all regions, the closed beta would officially end.
However, you would be allowed to load on to a game till 8.59 AM PT. But the queues would be disabled after that, and the servers would officially be shut off at 10.30 AM PT.
The Valorant game was initially supposed to have a worldwide official launch. But there are certain regions which do not have a server just yet. Riot Games says in this regard:
“There are still some regions that we can’t get to just yet, like Vietnam, India, the Middle East, and a few others.”
There would be no further updates and patches from the developers until the game officially launches. Valorant’s executive producer Anna Donlon in a tweet yesterday, announced that as the game is so close to its full release, putting out patches and bug fixes at this moment would not be such a great idea.
Donlon stated that there would not be any patching before the launch of the game. But the launch itself would contain fixes and improvements to many of the reported issues.
“We will not be patching again before launch since servers come down so soon. But the launch will contain fixes and improvements to many of the issues you’ve been reporting on, including hit registration feeling off, disabled blood & much more. Patch notes will be included.”
So what can you carry over to the full game from the Valorant closed beta?

In its latest reveal, Riot Games has stated that the Valorant game progress, like the Unracked and Competitive Mode standings, would be lost once the closed beta ends.
However, the Valorant players would be able to keep everything they earned in the Closed beta Player Pass. But the store purchase would not carry over, and no matter how many Valorant points one may have bought, it would be re-credited back to the player’s client, with a 20% bonus on top of it as well.
So, if you have invested around 1000 VP on getting gun skins and Agents in Valorant closed beta, not only would that amount be credited back to you, but you will get an extra 200 VP along with it.
As most of your ranked and match progress would be lost, Riot has decided to offer some incentives to those players who have been grinding it out in the ranked ladder. So the overall trade is not too bad, as not only would you be getting all your VP back, but you'll get some progress incentives as well.
You would be able to re-spend all your VP again, but this time you will be wiser about it, as you'll have more knowledge of the Valorant game.
The loss of the ranked progress would indeed not settle well with many players. But it’s important to keep in mind that when starting out again, your second progress would be far more superior than the first. Moreover, you will be able to climb up the ranks much faster than what you were previously able to. Who knows, you might just be able to pick up a few new things along the way.