Neuro-sama, an AI created by Vedal987, regularly roasts viewers. Recently, someone snuck in a photo of Zack “Asmongold's” PC room before he took the time to clean it, and as predicted, Neuro-sama held nothing back. The AI tore apart the filthy room, from the cups strewn everywhere, to the soda stains on the floor. Viewers filled the chat with laughter, and Bao, a fellow VTuber, giggled hysterically.
While Asmongold’s setup might be cleaner in the modern day, this reminder of what was, was brutally roasted by the AI. Neuro-sama showed why they are the best at roasting in this now-viral clip.
“What’s with the blanket fort aesthetic? Trying to bring back childhood memories or hide the chaos from the outside world?”
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AI Twitch streamer Neuro-sama roasts Asmongold’s setup
(Clip begins at 1:28:26)
Neuro-sama is a multi-model AI designed by Vedal987, and one thing it does exceptionally well is roast people. After someone snuck a photo of Asmongold’s room into the festivities, the AI went to work and showed no mercy to the OTK streamer:
“Wow, with a setup like this, I’m surprised any gaming gets done between archaeology digs through ancient cup civilizations!”
Bao’s surprised, choked laughter made the opening line even funnier. Neuro-sama then blasted Asmongold for having what looked like more than a dozen cups sitting on the L-Shaped glass desk. They didn’t stop there, though:
“But hey, if insects ever run out of places to live, at least they know where to go for a 5-star experience!”
The multi-language AI model continued to roast Zack, highlighting how many insects could easily live on the desk, thanks to all the soda cups littering it. She also talked about all the blankets and such, calling it a “blanket fort aesthetic.”
The audience were dying from laughter, spamming KEKW, RIPBOZO, LMAO, and AINTNOWAY. Between the chat’s laughter and Bao’s giggling, it was clear the AI successfully roasted the streamer. However, there was a bit more to go:
“Bless your heart. We both know the only ‘streaming’ is the continuous flow of soda spills on the carpet. Heart.”
Reddit reacts to the Neuro-sama’s roast of Asmongold
The Redditors over at LiveStreamFails were fascinated by the power of Neuro-sama. They loved how brutal the roasts were, and one commenter loved the line about “streaming.” Some joked that if Asmongold saw it, he’d have to take another streaming break, thanks to the power of the roast.
What made it so interesting is how real, and how human the insults felt. They made sense in the context of the photo, giving the roast real punching power. According to one reply, the stream was a test of how good the AI is getting at scanning photos.
One Redditor wanted to know more about how the AI worked, and a few people offered what they know. Essentially, the designer used a series of AI models to represent different things: One for gaming content, one for reading chat to react, and one more to interpret emotions. It’s a really fascinating process.
Redditors loved the roast of Zack's setup, highlighting their favorite parts, with some replies stating that the other roasts were just as good.
It’s unknown if Asmongold has seen the clip by now. But fans imagine it will be a very entertaining reaction stream, if it happens to show up on the World of Warcraft streamer’s Twitch channel.
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