"You almost died" - YouTuber's prank goes wrong as victim pulls gun during a gasoline jest

A YouTuber almost got shot thanks to a fake gasoline prank.
A "fake gasoline" prank almost landed a YouTuber in a dire situation (Image via Daily Loud & Catch Up/Twitter)

A YouTuber’s prank went viral on May 18, 2023, where he went around to people’s cars pouring “gasoline” on their vehicles. While many of the victims didn’t appreciate being a part of this content creator’s shenanigans, an elderly gentleman pulled a gun on the unknown male in response. Things took an immediate, dark turn when the man told the prankster that he would use the gun if it wasn’t water.

Prank videos across social media often go too far, making victims out of people who have no desire to be a part of the YouTuber’s content. In this instance, however, things almost went poorly for the prankster, as they could have been shot.

“You almost died, you stupid son of a b**ch.”

YouTuber gets a gun pulled on him during a prank gone wrong

In the unknown YouTuber’s prank video, he was carrying a can of "gasoline" and waiting for people to return to or leave their cars. Then, he’d pour the “gasoline” on the hood of these vehicles, often mocking the person or saying something derogatory.

“I’m burning your car down, bro. F**k your car, man. It’s over. All of this. Yeah.”

Brandishing a lighter, the YouTuber would pretend to try and light the car on fire before chasing the man off with the fake can of "gasoline." The second time he did this in the viral clip, things did not go according to plan.

“Kanye 2020, Kanye 2020.”

As an elderly white gentleman was returning to his pickup truck, the YouTuber struck again, pouring the fake "gasoline" across the hood of the car. However, his victim was less interested in dealing with the young man’s prank.

“It’s just water, it’s a prank, it’s water. Smell it, it’s water.”

When the elderly man came to face the YouTuber, he was holding a gun, though not pointed at the kid yet. The content creator insisted it was water and that if the man smelled it, he’d see that.

“It better be water, partner, or you’re one dead son of a b**tch.”

The older man checked to make sure it wasn’t really gasoline and continued to hold the gun. When the YouTuber’s camera person tried to intervene, the victim told them to stay out of it. The prankster murmured that the victim didn’t want to use the gun, to which the older man agreed.

“You almost died, you stupid son of a b**tch.”

At the end of the video, the victim of the prank informed the young man that he could have met an unfortunate end, to which the prankster only yelled, “F**k you, p**y”, as the man got into his truck. Though nothing came of the prank, it’s a stark reminder of how badly these sorts of videos can go.

Social media reacts to YouTube prank gone wrong

Predictably, this prank video garnered a great deal of attention on social media. Some people asked whether the gun was necessary, regardless of the situation, and others replied that it unequivocally was.

A response on Twitter stated that the prankster, in this case, looked familiar. The social media post said they thought it was the same prankster that offered food to a homeless person and then ate it instead.

Others thought it should be a wake-up call for the content creator to stop making videos like this, but few were convinced that would be the case.

Thankfully, nobody was hurt during the clip in question. But it’s clear that something terrible could have happened. Prank videos across social media are incredibly dangerous, especially when the victim isn’t in on the act. In some cases, people can be hurt or killed in dangerous stunts like these.

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Edited by Angshuman Dutta
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