"You've never worked a job in your life": YourRage calls out Clix for comparing nine-to-five jobs with streaming

YourRage criticizes Clix
YourRage criticizes Clix's take on streamers working as hard as conventional workers (Image via Clix, YourRage/Instagram)

Kick streamer Josh "YourRage" recently criticized Fortnite creator Cody "Clix" for his comparisons between nine-to-five jobs and streaming. Yesterday, Cody went viral after he claimed that professional gaming and making content around it could be hard work. He went on to equate it with conventional jobs such as construction work.

YourRage, however, did not share this view and called him out on it, stating that the Fortnite player had never had a "job" in his life to compare the two situations:

"I do agree that Clix's opinion, I do love you Clix, but your opinion doesn't f**king matter in this situation. You've never worked a job in your life."

Josh went on to state that it wasn't meant to belittle his work in the streaming industry and expanded on his point:

"That ain't a diss or nothing, you were 14 years old and rich off of Fortnite. That's good for you, I am not dissing that. But Clix's opinion simply doesn't... I mean you haven't worked. Same as you all's opinion typing doesn't matter, you were never a streamer."

"Bro is spot on": Viewers react to YourRage's response to Clix saying streaming is hard work

The debate surrounding equating streaming and conventional jobs started last week when political Twitch commentator HasanAbi compared the two, claiming that streaming can be more soul-draining than some "real jobs." The comment caused quite a big scandal, with many of his fellow streamers calling him out on it.

YourRage appears to be one of them, and in his latest stream, went on to claim that people who have not experienced both should not be giving their opinion on the topic:

"If you haven't lived both lives, in my opinion, I don't give a f*ck about what your opinion is on this. I am not going to lie."

Clix, however, appeared to agree with one aspect of HasanAbi's argument and claimed that working hard in both fields could be equated. Josh, however, disagreed in his criticism of the take, claiming:

"The way that streaming is hard, is not the same as the way as a nine-to-five is hard. Okay?"

YourRage continued his explanation and then claimed that not all nine-to-five jobs were the same:

"Not every nine-to-five is the same. There are nine-to-fives that are f*cking easy where you don't have to do nothing and doesn't require hard work. And there's nine-to-fives that are f*cking hard. You understand me?"

The Kick streamer then listed a few things, such as how bagging groceries was not hard:

"Bagging grocersies isn't hard. I've bagged groceries... I've worked at Bed Bath & Beyond, I have worked at UPS, I was a pediatrics assistant. Those aren't hard jobs."

After explaining some more about how those jobs weren't physically hard to perform, he went on to state what the "hard part" about working those jobs was:

"The hard part comes when I am doing something that I don't want to do for money. That's what was hard. Anybody could do those jobs, the hard part was, 'Damn I am really waking up, like, what is my f**king purpose?' That was what was hard, gang."

YourRage went on to say that because he was getting paid millions of dollars to stream, the effort was worth it:

"Now streaming, yes it can be mentally draining in a way, but I am getting paid millions of dollars to do it. So yes ni**a, it better be hard in some type of way. Bro, if I came up here complaining about how hard streaming is, unsubscribe from me. I am getting millions to do this s**t... I am getting a lots of money doing this s**t, so it is worth whatever the drainage or whatever the case maybe."

Viewers appeared to be quite in tune with his thoughts, with many agreeing with him in the replies on social media. Here are some of the general reactions:

In other news, a few days ago, YourRage was in a Discord call with xQc when he revealed that he was initiating legal action after his McLaren was allegedly illegally sold. Read more about it here.

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