Overwatch 2 reveals new DPS hero Venture's gameplay at BlizzCon 2023

Overwatch 2 DPS Hero Venture
Overwatch 2 DPS Hero Venture (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Overwatch 2 developers have a tonne on the plate for the community, as seen from the content revealed at BlizzCon 2023. Among the three new heroes announced for the future, the devs have unveiled some significant information about Venture, the game's first-ever non-binary DPS hero.

Venture will be the 40th addition to Overwatch 2's hero roster. Considering season 10 is scheduled for 2024, the fans were caught off-guard when the developers showcased some of Venture's abilities from a recent playtest. In this article, we’ll dig deep into some of their abilities that have been revealed so far.

Overwatch 2 DPS Hero Venture

Venture is the first-ever non-binary character in Overwatch 2, according to Ana Martinez, a Character Tech Artist for the game. This Canadian Hero is an archaeologist by profession and is outfitted with goggles in their head, a backpack, an overcoat, an ice axe, and gum boots to cover the feet. They’re armed with a primary weapon that seems like a drill machine.

Overwatch 2 DPS Hero Venture’s abilities

After seeing the footage from BlizzCon 2023, here are some abilities we get to know:

As mentioned earlier, Venture's primary weapon resembles a drill machine that fires projectiles in a straight line, and it bursts upon impact or after reaching a certain distance to cause damage. As a result, Venture can be classified as an AoE damage hero. Their primary gun consists of 8 bullets. Furthermore, the reload animation offers a futuristic touch that synergizes perfectly with the character’s outfit.

However, by the looks of the character model, we can tell that the model is still in its early stage and needs some work on the textures and animation.

Venture has a total of 200 health, and using their right-click to launch a drill dash attack allows them to gain an additional 50 HP of overhealth. This ability possesses a cooldown of 8 seconds.

Moreover, using their Lshift/E allows them to burrow underneath the surface and emerge beneath their adversaries. Players might use this ability to get out of any tough situations or to distract enemies to create space for their team. They can stay underground for 4 seconds. This ability, too, has a cooldown for a total of 8 seconds.

Overwatch 2 DPS Hero Venture release date and time

As per the announcement from the Overwatch devs, Venture is set to release in Overwatch 2 Season 10. Considering the seasons generally last nine weeks on average, Venture's expected release is sometime around March-April 2024.

In case you missed any information on the 39th Overwatch hero Mauga, make sure to follow the page of Sportskeeda.

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