Persona 5 Tactica is part of Atlus’s renowned Persona series, which is part of an even bigger game universe, the Megami Tensei franchise. The events of this game take place simultaneously with that of Persona 5. The Phantom Thieves mysteriously get stuck in an alternate world, where the citizens are being oppressed by the military group, Legionnaires. Now, they must fight the military group while also unraveling the secret of their new mysterious friend named Erina.
Persona 5 Tactica Gameplay
Atlus started the development of Persona 5 Tactica in hopes of creating a tactical role-playing Persona game. The players control a three-member party on a grid-based map that is filled with enemies. Upon confronting the enemies, the players get into a turn-based fight, something which has been a staple for the Persona series.
Every character on the player’s part has unique Personas and skills. However, the characters can be equipped with other ones as Sub-Personas, which will grant them additional skills. These extra Personas can be acquired as a reward from battles or fusing multiple Personas. As for the Skills, they have different elemental affinities as in Persona 5. However, every elemental affinity would have the enemy move differently during a fight in Persona 5 Tactica.
Persona 5 Tactica Release Date
Atlus released this tactical role-playing game worldwide on November 17, 2023. However, the game accidentally got released on Steam on November 2, 2023, which was fixed within 20 minutes. Persona 5 Tactica was completely playable for those who downloaded the game during that period.
Persona 5 Tactica Characters
Persona 5 Tactica features some of the beloved characters from this game series like the protagonist Ren Amamiya along with his Phantom Thieves: Morgana, Ryuji Sakamoto, Ann Takamaki, Yusuke Kitagawa, Makoto Niijima, Futaba Sakura, and Haru Okumura. The game also has Toshiro Kasukabe as a playable character.
The game also introduces a new playable character, Erina, the leader of the Rebel Corps. The DLC introduces other playable characters: Goro Akechi and Kasumi Yoshizawa. The game also has some intriguing antagonists like Tyrant Marie, Lord Yoshiki, Nakabachi, Shadow Toshiro, Salmael, and the DLC-exclusive Guernica.
Persona 5 Tactica Platforms
The tactical role-playing game was released on multiple platforms: Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, Windows PC, and Xbox Series X/S. It was also simultaneously released on last-generation platforms like PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
Persona 5 Downloadable Content
On the same day of the game’s release, Atlus released downloadable content for it, an additional story chapter called “Repaint Your Heart.” In this DLC, the players would be investing in a mysterious painting that has appeared in Tokyo by a masked artist named Guernica.
FAQs on Persona 5 Tactica
Persona 5 Tactica takes place simultaneously during the events of Persona 5. So, it is more of a big side quest than a sequel.
While Persona 5 Royal is an enhanced version of the original game, Persona 5 Tactica is a spin-off game that takes place simultaneously with the original game.
No, Persona 5 Tactica is a strategy role-playing game but the original game is a normal role-playing game.
Players should have played Persona 5 or Royal before playing Tactica, since this strategy RPG features many characters and references from the original game.
Yes, Persona 5 Tactica features an original story about the Phantom Thieves that takes place during the events of the Origins game.
IT would take around 24.5 hours to complete the main story of the game. However, it can take up to 38 hours for 100 percent completion of Persona 5 Tactica.