Making his debut in Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Pietro is something of a newcomer to the franchise. However, ever since New Leaf, this villager has made his way into every release since. His unique appearance and smug personality helps him stand out from other villagers.
Name | Pietro |
Species | Sheep |
Gender | Male |
Personality | Smug |
Service | Artist |
Birthday | April 19th (Aries) |
First Appearance | Animal Crossing: New Leaf |
Other Appearances | Happy Home Decorator, Pocket Camp, New Horizons |
Pietro has a Smug behavior type, however do not let that mislead you. Pietro is not smug in the sense that he feels superior to everyone, more in the sense that he’s very self-confident. When meeting Pietro for the first time, you’ll find that he’s extremely polite and well mannered. While Smug Villagers occasionally suffer from a case of an inflated ego, they mean well. Because of this, Pietro gets along well with Lazy, Normal, Peppy, and Snooty villagers quite well. However, he will have trouble with those who are Cranky.
Without a doubt, Pietro is one of the more unique looking villagers in the series. Although he is a sheep villager, his multi-colour facepaint is unique and helps him stand out amongst other sheep. His face is painted to resemble a clown’s makeup, with blue horns and rainbow fur. His outfit, however, changes appearance from New Leaf to New Horizons.
How to get Pietro in New Horizons
Getting a villager you want in New Horizons is particularly tricky as there is only one surefire way to do so, the rest is up to luck. There are two primary methods of getting Pietro in your village; the first is using Nook Miles to fly to an island and see if he is there. Keep in mind if you do this you’ll have to have an open plot available. The second method is to wait and see if he’ll appear at your campsite. Either way both methods are luck based, so it’s completely up to chance.
Role of Pietro in New Leaf
Pietro is a villager in New Leaf who, again, will appear randomly by chance and offers you the opportunity to invite him to stay in your town. New Leaf was his first appearance in the Animal Crossing games.
A guaranteed way to get Pietro on your island is to use his Amiibo card. Simply scan it with your Switch at the Town Hall. Keep in mind in order to do this you need to have both the Town Hall and Campsite constructed. Once you’ve invited him to your campsite, you simply need to do this three times and he’ll be part of your island!
- Pietro’s outfit changes appearances from New Leaf to New Horizons.
- Pietro’s nickname for you is honk honk
- Pietro’s name may be an allusion to “pie throw” an act that clowns do.
Explainer Video
What personality is Pietro?
Pietro has the Smug personality type.
Is Pietro Male or Female in Animal Crossing?
Pietro is a male in the Animal Crossing games.
What is Pietro’s favorite song?
Pietro’s favorite song is K.K Parade.
While he may look like a clown, Pietro does anything but clown around. His smug personality will grow on you if given the chance and his antics are as colorful as his clothes. He makes for a great addition to any island, even ones with Cranky villagers.