Of late, Pokimane seems to have moved on from her controversies. She recently even refused donations and free gifts from viewers on live-stream. The result was that quite a few viewers called her ‘anti-simp,’ something altogether not in keeping her ‘so-called’ image.
Pokimane has, at multiple points, been caught defending her ‘simp’ fans and has even termed the use of the term obnoxious. However, the past few months have been different, and it appears as though she is well and truly past the issues that previously marred her.
We have also seen fellow creators like Keemstar and Leafy, along with the mainstream community, criticize the 24-year-old for her brand of content. It is no secret that a significant part of her community is over-obsessed with her looks, with accusations suggesting that her fame is only due to her ‘good looks’ also persistent.

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Pokimane addresses those uploading her clips on YouTube with misleading thumbnails
With such a vast number of fans obsessed with her ‘looks,’ the internet is littered with videos containing inappropriate titles that inadvertently attract attention to specific parts of her personality. Pokimane has, on multiple occasions, complained about the lack of respect that some of her fans show.
As for the content creators who upload her clips/VODs with inappropriate titles, Pokimane recently called them out on Twitter. According to the Morocco-born personality, the gross titles and thumbnails that these videos use make her uncomfortable. She noted that it is her content after all, and she does not want it to be used in the way that it is.
Of course, this is not the first time Pokimane has had a problem with colleagues for using her content. She had most famously copy-struck popular YouTuber PewDiePie back in January 2019. The two have since moved on and were recently seen playing Among Us together.
Pokimane indeed appears to have moved on from the past controversies and has been approaching previously ‘sensitive’ issues with great calm and composure. The above episode is an example of precisely that.