On Friday, Bollywood superstar Akshay Kumar, in line with Prime Minister Narendra Modi's 'Aatmanirbar Bharat' initiative, announced a new game — 'Fearless And United: Guards', or FAU-G. The game is being developed by nCore Games, a Bengaluru-based game developer and publisher under the mentorship of the popular actor.
Also, in the announcement tweet, the actor stated that 20% of the net revenue generated would be donated to the 'Bharat Ke Veer: India's Bravehearts' trust.
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PUBG Indian alternative, FAU-G, likely to release in October
This move has taken the gaming community by storm, and is viewed as an alternative to PUBG Mobile. The popular battle royale game was banned on 2nd September by the Indian government for national security reasons.
According to PTI, FAU-G is likely to be released by nCore Games at the end of October, and will be available on both Google Play Store and Apple App Store. The first level is set in the backdrop of the Galwan Valley, and third-person shooting gameplay will be added with subsequent updates.
PTI also added that FAU-G is based on real scenarios faced by the Indian Security Forces while dealing with domestic and foreign threats. Players will be able to team up in groups of five to fight against evil forces.
Also, the founder of nCore Games, Vishal Gondal, tweeted:
Indian government had banned 100+ Chinese apps this week
Earlier this week, the Ministry of Information and Technology invoked Section 69A of the Information Technology Act and imposed a ban on 118 Chinese apps and games. It included the popular battle royale games, PUBG Mobile and PUBG Mobile Lite. With the ban coming into effect, players have been looking for alternatives.
These games were removed from Google Play Store and Apple App Store yesterday, and some gamers also faced the network login failure issue, meaning the game’s servers are slowly being blocked.
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