Raid Shadow Legends is a fantasy gacha game developed by Plarium for mobile and PC platforms. It features champions (playable characters), and you can form a team of four to play in various game modes. The title has over 700 characters and several possible team combinations, where each unit possesses a specific role, abilities, and elemental types.
Players are always looking for the best champions, but selecting one from such a huge roster can be challenging. In light of that, this article ranks all the champions in a tier list (based on their combat power in November 2023).
Note: This tier list is subjective and solely reflects the opinions of the writer
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Ranking Raid Shadow Legends champions in a tier list (November 2023)
This Raid Shadow Legends tier list ranks all the meta and nerfed champions into SS, S, A, and B tiers under their respective factions. Here are the details of each tier:
SS-tier: This tier includes the most powerful champions of each faction in the title. They possess high damage-dealing capabilities.
S-tier: The champions under this category are the second-best characters when it comes to mobility, damage dealing, and durability.
A tier: A-tier champions possess average utility and ordinary abilities in Raid Shadow Legends.
B tier: The weakest champions in the game fall under this banner. They provide little utility in battles and are not the best options to choose for battles.
Raid Shadow Legends: Shadowkin tier list
SS tier
- Harima
- Genzin
- Jingwon
- Jintoro
- Sachi
- Lady Kimi
- Hotatsu
- Suiren
- Yoshi the Drunkard
- Riho Bonespear
S tier
- Kunoichi
- Oboro
- Chonoru
- Fanatic
- Fenshi
- Genbo the Dishonored
- Burangiri
- Gory
A tier
- Toragi the Frog
- Odachi
- Lifetaker
- Chani
- Vagabond
- Bloodmask
B tier
- Bloodmask
- Conscript
- Infiltrator
- Assassin
- Marauder
- Nobel
Raid Shadow Legends: High Elves tier list
SS tier
- Apothecary
- Arbiter
- Basileus Roanas
- Battlesage
- Belanor
- Lyssandra
- Vergis
- Yannica
- Deliana
- Skeuramis
S tier
- Elenaril
- Elhain
- Endalia
- Heiress
- Ithos
- Luthiea
- Supreme Elhain
- Tayrel
- Shirimani
- Thenasil
- Vergis
- Yannica
- Fencer
A tier
- Exemplar
- Royal Guard
- Royal Huntsman
- Hyria
- Interceptor
- Jinglehunter
- Pyxniel
- Reliquary
- Tender
B tier
- Adjudicator
- Avenger
- Magister
- Marksman
Raid Shadow Legends: Dwarves tier list
SS tier
- Maulie Tankard
- Melga Stellgirdle
- Morag Bronzelock
- Rearguard Sergeant
- Rugnor Goldgleam
- Grizzled Jarl
- Tormin the Cold
- Trunda Giltmallet
- Runekeeper Dazdurk
S tier
- Dilgol
- Gala Longbrainds
- Avir the Alchemage
- Geomancer
- Hurndig
- Kurzad
- Deepheart
- Rock Breaker
- Runic Warder
- Madman
A tier
- Underpriest Brogni
- Baerdal Fellhammer
- Mountain King
- Cudgeler
- Fodbor the Bard
- Grumbler
- Master Butcher
- Hatchet Slinger
- Gloril Brutebane
- Honor Guard
B tier
- Boltsmith
- Bulwark
- Stout Axeman
- Samar Gemcursed
- Beast Wrestler
- Dolor Lorekeeper
- Flailer
- Painsmith
- Perforator
Raid Shadow Legends: Banner Lords tier list
SS tier
- Archmage Hellmut
- Arndulf
- Baron
- Black Knight
- Eolfrig
- Lady Quilen
- Marichka the Unbreakable
- Raglin
- Septimus
- Sethalia
- Stag Knight
- Taras the Fierce
- Ursala the Mourner
- Helio
- Knight Errant
- Lord Champfort
S tier
- Cillian the Lucky
- Alaric the Hooded
- Azure
- Gerhard the Stone
- Lugan the Steadfast
- Minaya
- Oathbound
- Richtoff the Bold
- Riscarm
- Rowan
- Conquerer
- Dagger
A tier
- Chancellor Yasmin
- Chevalier
- Giscard the Sigiled
- Hordin
- Halberdier
- Masked Fearmonger
- Myrmidon
- Preserver
- Seneschal
- Vanguard
- Warcaster
B tier
- Bombardier
- Cataphract
- Courtier
- Crossbowman
- Lordly Legionary
- Questor
- Steadfast Marshal
- Valerie
Raid Shadow Legends: The Sacred Order tier list
SS tier
- Abbess
- Armiger
- Athel
- Cardiel
- Corvis the Corruptor
- Cupidus
- Deacon Armstrong
- Errol
- Fenax
- Holsring
- Martys
- Romero Roshcard the Tower
- Sir Nicholas
- Supreme Athel
- Venus
S tier
- Aothar
- Cardinal
- Godseeker Aniri
- Hope
- Inquisitor Shamael
- Juliana
- Lightsworm
- Lodric Falconheart
- Mistress of Hymns
- Mordecai
- Sanctum Protector
- Mother Superior
- Relickeeper Sanguinia
- Tallia
A tier
- Astralon
- Bushi
- Canoness
- Draconis
- Frostbinger
- Lamellar
- Outlaw Monk
- Penitent
- Sanctioned Purifier
- Solaris
- Templar
- Warpriest
- Witness
B tier
- Adriel
- Chaplain
- Confessor
- Harrier
- Headsman
- Hospitaller
- Judicator
- Justiciar
- Lady Estessa
- Maiden
- Missionary
- Purgator
- Renouncer
Raid Shadow Legends: Ogryn Tribes tier list
SS tier
- Bellower
- Big ‘Un
- Ceez
- Ghrush the Mangler
- Korugar Death-Bell
- Lorn the Cutter
- Maneater
- Old Ghrukkus
- Skullcrusher
S tier
- Cagebreaker
- Grimskin
- Gurgoh
- the Augur
- Gurptuk Moss-Beard
- Ignatius
- Klodd Beastfeeder
- Shamrock
- Towering Titan
- Uugo
A tier
- Drokgul the Gaunt
- Flesheater
- Galkut
- Geargrinder
- Grunch Killjoy
- Fortress Goon
- Magmablood
- Ogryn
- Jaoler
- Stoneskin
- Wagonbane
- War Mother
B tier
- Furystoker
- Mycolus
- Occult Brawler
- Pounder
- Rocktooth
- Ruffstone
- Siegebreaker
- Prundar
- Shatterbones
- Siegehulk
Raid Shadow Legends: Skinwalkers tier list
SS tier
- Akemtum
- Khoronar
- Norog
- Basher
- Cleopterix
- Fayne
- Gnishak Verminlord
- Graybeard
- Hakkorhn
S tier
- Bloodpainter
- Flesh-Tearer
- Channeler
- Steelskull
- Gnarlhorn
- Grappler
- Reinbeast
- Ursine
- Longbeard
- Samson the Masher
- Hoforees the Tusked
- Icecrusher
- Fleshmoner
- Smashlord
- Ursine Ironhide
- Yaga the Insatiable
- Warchief
B tier
- Bloodhorn
- Panthera
- Ripper
- Snorting Thug
- Taurus
Raid Shadow Legends: Demonspawn tier list
SS tier
- Alure
- Duchess Lilitu
- Peydma
- Prince Kymar
- Tyrant Ixlimor
- Umbral Enchantress
- Cruetraxa
- Drexthar Bloodtwin
S tier
- Candraphon
- Countess Lix
- Excruciator
- Fellhound
- Gorlos
- Hellmaw
- Infernal Baroness
- Inithwe Bloodtwin
- Lord Shazar
- Marquis
- Nazana
- Sicia Flametongue
- Tainix Hateflower
- Diabolist
- Erinyes
A tier
- Abyssal
- Achak the Wendarin
- Akoth the Seared
- Hellgazer
- Marquess
- Skimfos the Consumed
- Souldrinker
- Tormentor
B tier
- Hellborn Spite
- Hellfang
- Hound Spawn
- Ifrit
- Malbranche
- Mortu-Macaab
- Tarshon
Raid Shadow Legends: Dark Elves tier list
SS tier
- Astralith
- Blind Seer
- Coldheart
- Fang Cleric
- Foli
- Ghostborn
- Kael
- Kaiden
- Lanakis the Chosen
- Lydia the Deathsiren
- Madame Serris
- Noct the Paralyzer
- Pain Keeper
- Rae
- Supreme Kael
S tier
- Crimson Helm
- Delver
- Lua
- Luria
- Tramaria
- Ultan of the Shell
- Zavia
- Psylar
- Rian the Conjurer
- Spider
- Spirithost
- Visix the Unbowed
- Vizier Ovelis
- Paragon
A tier
- Captain Temila
- Eviscerator
- Hexweaver
- Judge
- Mystic Hand
- Queen Eva
- Warden
- Harvester
- Steel Bowyer
- Wanderer
- Retainer
- Ruel the Huntmaster
Raid Shadow Legends: Sylvan Watchers tier list
SS tier
- Searsha The Charred
- Claidna
- Elva Autumnborn
- Oella
- King Gallcobar
S tier
- White Dryad Nia
- Ruella
- Greenwarden Ruarc
- Locwain
- Wyrennon the Silken
A tier
- Ailil
- Kellan the Shrike
- Enda Moonbeam
- Mistrider Daithi
- Myciliac Priest Orn
- Duedan the Runic
- Shadowbow Tirlac
B tier
- Cormac the Highpeak
- Pathfinder Cait
- Margrave Greenhawk
Raid Shadow Legends: Barbarians tier list
SS tier
- Scyl of the Drakes
- Tuhanarak
- Valkyrie
- Warmaiden
- Fahrakin the Fat
- High Khatun
- Opardin Clanfather
- Hoskarul
- Skytouched Shaman
- Skirmisher
- Ursuga Warcaller
- Elder Skarg
S tier
- Altan
- Alika
- Atur
- Armina
- Kantra the Cyclone
- Valla
- Soulbound Bowyer
- Zephyr Sniper
- Teshada
- Sikara
- Sentinel
A tier
- Aina
- Dunestrider
- Haarken Greatblade
- Kallia
- Elder
- Baroth the Bloodsoaked
- Yakari the Scourge
- Berserker
- Suwai Firstborn
- Tigersoul
B tier
- Ragemonger
- Jotun
- Ox
- Woad-Painted
- Bloodbraid
- Scrapper
- Hill Nomad
- Maeve
Raid Shadow Legends: Lizardmen tier list
SS tier
- Aox the Rememberer
- Deacomorph
- Fu-Sha
- Krisk the Ageless
- Ramantu Drakesblood
- Rhazin Scarhide
S tier
- Basilisk
- Broadmaw
- Drake
- Gator
- Pythion
- Roxam
A tier
- Bogwalker
- Haruspex
- Jarang
- Jareg
- Jizoh
- Skathix
- Skull Lord Var-Gall
- Venomage
- Vergumkaar
- Skullsworn
- Slasher
- Slitherbrute
B tier
- Flinger
- Hurier
- Metalshaper
- Muckstalker
- Quargan the Crowned
- Skink
Raid Shadow Legends: Orcs tier list
SS tier
- Angar
- Danag Skullreap
- Dhukk the Pierced
- Galek
- Gomlok Skyhide
- Irom Brago
- Kreela Witch-Arm
- Supreme Galek
- Tagoar
- Trumborr
- Tuhak the Wanderer
- Warlord
- Bonekeeper
- Grohak the Bloodied
S tier
- King Garog
- Nogdar the Headhunter
- Seer
- Merouka
- Old Hermit Jorrg
- Robar
- Sandlashed Survivor
- Shaman
- Teela Goremane
- Ultimate Galek
- Veteran
- Vrask
- Zargala
A tier
- Bloodfeather
- Chopper
- Deathchanter
- Ironclad
- Pigsticker
- Raider
- Ripperfist
- Terrorbeast
- Toturehelm
- Twinclaw Disciple
- Wyvernbane
B tier
- Goremask
- Huntress
- Spikehead
- Totem
- Treefeller
Raid Shadow Legends: Undead Hordes tier list
SS tier
- Bad-el-Kazar
- Doomscreech
- Drowned Bloatwraith
- Ma’Shalled
- Nekhret the Freat
- Rotos the Lost Groom
- Saito
- Seducer
- Seeker
- Siptu the Lost Bride
- Skartosis
- Bloodgorged
- Corpse Collector
- Frozen Banshee
S tier
- Anax
- Balthus Drauglord
- Gogorab
- Harvest Jack
- Husk
- Lich
- Little Miss Annie
- Mausoleum Mage
- Nethril
- Suzerain Katonn
- Temptress
- Wogoth
- Urost the Soulcage
- Zelotah
A tier
- Banshee
- Bone Knight
- Catacomb
- Councilor
- Corpulent Cadaver
- Dark Elhain
- Defiled Sinner
- Elegaius
- Gravenchill Killer
- Grinner
- Hexia
- Arbalester
- Ghoulish Ranger
- Hollow
B tier
- Amarantine Skeleton
- Sorceress
- Crypt-King Graal
- Dark Athel
- Stitched Beast
- Karam
- Rotting Mage
- Wretch
Raid Shadow Legends: Knight Revenant tier list
SS tier
- Aeshma
- Doompriest
- Georgid the Breaker
- Miscreated Monster
- Rector Drath
- Sinesha
- Skullcrown
- Soulless
- Theurgist
- Whisper
S tier
- Arcanist
- Bystophus
- Crypt Sitch
- Deathless
- Executioner
- Golden Reaper
- Hegemon
- Pestilus
- Renegade
- Sepulcher Sentinel
- Tomb Lord
- Thea the Tomb Angel
- Wurlim Frostking
A tier
- Coffin Smasher
- Gladiator
- Guardian
- Kytis
- Narma the Returned
- Necrohunte
- Pitiless One
B tier
- Acolyte
- Bergoth the Malformed
- Crimson Slayer
- Centurion
- Daywalker
- Faceless
- Magus
- Pharsalas Gravedirt
- Versult the Grim
This is the end of our Raid Shadow Legends tier list for November 2023. Check out the latest tier list for League of Legends: Wild Rift to stay ahead of your opponents.
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