Raid Shadow Legends tier list: Champions tier list (December 2023)

Raid Shadow Legends tier list
Check out the best Raid Shadow Legends champions from this article (Image via Plarium)

The Raid Shadow Legends tier list helps the community pick the best characters from 14 classes to grab more wins. Since there are plenty of champions to choose from, spending resources to get champions who do not meet their potential in this meta is not viable. That way, you save plenty of resources while always getting the best characters.


The Raid Shadow Legends tier list should help you understand the best-performing champions in all 14 classes.

Follow Raid Shadow Legends tier list for all the best-performing champions in the current meta


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The developer has categorized all the available characters in Raid Shadow Legends into 14 categories. Here are all the categories that exist in the title.

  • Dwarves
  • Shadowkin
  • Skinwalkers
  • Banner-Lords
  • Barbarians
  • High Elves
  • Demospawn
  • Dark Elves
  • Lizardmen
  • Knight Revenant
  • Ogryn-Tribes
  • Orcs
  • Sacred Order
  • Undead Hordes

The game is celebrating its fourth anniversary this year and has launched plenty of new champions, making it hard to predict the meta.

Raid Shadow Legends tier list: Best Dwarves


The peerless craftsmen have also created a name for their warrior spirits in Teleria. These champions are known for sending their most valiant soldiers to help you in battles.

  • A tier: Maulie Tankard, Morag Bronzelock, Tormin the Cold, Dilgol, Trunda Giltmallet, Runekeeper Dazdurk, Grizzled Jarl, Goldgleam,
  • B tier: Gala Longbrainds, Avir the Alchemage, Geomancer, Kurzad, Deepheart, Rock Breaker
  • C tier: Underpriest Brogni, Fodbor the Bard, Hatchet Slinger, Madman, Master Butcher, Runic Warder, Grumbler, Cudgeler, Mountain King
  • D tier: Boltsmith, Bulwark, Stout Axeman, Samar Gemcursed, Beast Wrestler, Dolor Lorekeeper, Gloril Brutebane, Honor Guard, Perforator, Painsmith, Flailer

Raid Shadow Legends tier list: Best Shadowkins


Shadowkins arrive from the Easter Continent with their sense of honor and discipline. These fierce warriors are the 14th faction to join Teleria after escaping the Demonspawn’s rule.

  • A tier: Harima, Jingwon, Jintoro, Sachi, Lady Kimi, Genzin, Kunoichi, Fenshi, Hatasu, Suiren
  • B tier: Oboro, Riho Bonespear, Genbo the Dishonored, Gory, Fanatic, Yoshi the Drunkard, Chonoru, Burangiri
  • C tier: Toragi the Frog, Odachi, Lifetaker, Nobel Bloodmask
  • D tier: Conscript, Vagabond, Assassin, Marauder, Infiltrator

Raid Shadow Legends tier list: Best Skinwalkers


Skinwalkers once had the power to transform at will. However, centuries of overuse of their powers have now struck them in forms between humans and beasts.

  • A tier: Akemtum, Gnishak Verminlord, Khoronar, Norog, Basher, Fayne, CLeopteriz, Samson the Master, Hakkorohn, Graybeard
  • B tier: Longbeard, Flesh-Tearer, Channeler, Steelskull, Grappler, Reinbeast, Channeler, Ursine, Gnarlhorn
  • C tier: Ice crusher, Smashlord, Yaga the Insatiabe, Warchief, Hoforees the Tusked, Snorting Thug, Taurus, Ursine Ironhide
  • D tier: Fleshmoner, Bloodhorn, Panthera, Ripper

Raid Shadow Legends tier list: Best Banner-Lord


Banner-Lords are the most loyal knights of King Tayba. These protectors of the king are posted at the Kaerok Castle and tasked with waging a war of expansion.

  • A tier: Taras the Fierce, Ursala the Mourner, Eolfig, Lady Quilen, Archmage Hellmut, Arndulf, Black Knight, Lady Quilen, Marichka the Unbreakable, Septimus, Sethalia, Stag Knight
  • B tier: Alaric the Hooded, Azure, Lugan the Steadfast, Lord Champfort, Gerhard the Stone, Helio, Knight Errant, Richtoff the Bold, Minaya, Rowan, Riscarm
  • C tier: Chancellor Yasmin, Hordin, Conqueror, Chevalier, Masked Fearmonger, Vanguard, Giscard the Sigiled, Myrmidon, Seneschal, Preserver, Halberdier, Dagger, Warcaster
  • D tier: Bombardier, Courtier, Crossbowman, Questor, Valerie, Steadfast Marshal, Cataphract, Lordly Legionary

Raid Shadow Legends tier list: Best Barbarian


Barbarians are the mercenaries who offer their services to the top bidder. Their pact with the servants of Corruption grants them control of the Deadlands.

  • A tier: Tuhanarak, High Khatun, Scyl of the Drakes, Valkyrie, Warmaiden, Fahrakin the Fat, Sikara, Hoskarul, Opardin Clanfather, Skirmisher, Ursuga Warcaller
  • B tier: Skytouched Shaman, Altan, Zephyr Sniper, Soulbound Bowyer, Anointed, Valla, Marked, Turvold, Teshada, Kantra the Cyclone
  • C tier: Dunestrider, Elder, Hill Nomad, Maeve, Baroth the Bloodsoaked, Yakari the Scourge, Scrapper, Kallia, Haarken Greatblade, Aina
  • D tier: Ragemonger, Ox, Suwai Firstborn, Woad-Painted, Jotun, Berseker, Bloodbraid, Tigersoul

Raid Shadow Legends tier list: Best Demonspawn


Demonspawns land in the title from a realm beyond the dark portal. These factions conspired with Necromancers to breed more of their kind.

  • A tier: Duchess Lilitu, Prince Kymar, Tyrant Ixlimor, Umbral Enchantress, Peydma,Alure
  • B tier: Countess Lix, Felhound, Candraphon, Cruetraxa, Hellmaw, Gorlos, Lord Shazar, Drexthar Bloodtwin, Infernal Baroness, Marquis, Nazana, Inithwe Bloodtwin, Sicia Flametongue
  • C tier: Tainix Hateflower, Fellhound, Excruciator, Abyssal, Akoth the Seard, Diabolist, Erinyes, Skimfos the Consumed, Souldrinker, Tormentor, Hellgazer
  • D tier: Hellfang, Tarshon, Mortu-Macaab, Malbranche, Ifrit, Hound Spawn, Hellborn Spite

Raid Shadow Legends tier list: Best Dark Elves


Dark Elves have made the borders of Teleria their homes after descending from their homelands. These independent and strong-willed factions worship the moon.

  • A tier: Astralith, Coldheart, Blind Seer, Tramaria, Zavia, Ultan of the Shell, Rae, Pain Keeper, Lydia the Deathsiren, Noct the Paralyzer, Madame Serris, Supreme Kael, Lanakis the Chosen, Kaiden, Kael, Fanf Cleric, Ghostborn
  • B tier: Delver, Luria, Crimson Helm, Psylar, Spider, Rian the Conjurer, Vizier Ovelis, Paragon, Spider, Spiritthost, Visix the Unbowed, Lua
  • C tier: Eviscerator, Captain Temilla, Queen Eva, Warden, Retainer, Mystic Hand, Judge, Hexweaver, Ruel the Huntmaster
  • D tier: Steel Bowyer, Harvester, Wanderer

Raid Shadow Legends tier list: Best Lizardmen


Lizardmen are the amphibious factions that live in the brackish waters of Teleria. These champions emerge from the sewers and swamps and trade with messengers for sustenance or ransom for captives.

  • A tier: Aox the Rememberer, Deacomorph, Fushan, Krisk the Ageless, Rhazin Scarhide, Ramantu Drakesblood, Rhazin Scarhide
  • B tier: Broadmaw, Drake, Pythion, Basilisk, Gator, Roxam
  • C tier: Haruspex, Vergumkaar, Jizoh, Skathix, Skull Lord Var-Gall, Bogwalker, Jarang, Jareg, Venomage
  • D tier: Hurier, Muckstalker, Metalshaper, Flinger, Quargan the Crowned, Skink, Skullsworn, Slasher, Slitherbrute

Raid Shadow Legends tier list: Best Knight Revenant


Knight Revenants are the disciples of the K’leth death cult who believe they are vessels for the spirits of the order’s dead. They raid to catch slaves for their sacrifice rituals.

  • A tier: Aeshma, Georgrid the Breaker, Rector Drath, Sinesha, Soulless, Miscreated Monster, Skullcrown
  • B tier: Bystophus, Crypt Sitch, Executioner, Arcanist, Deathless, Golden Reaper, Hegemon, Pestilis, Renegade, Sepulcher Sentinel, Tomb Lord
  • C tier: Coffin Smasher, Theurgist, Thea the Tomb Angel, Kytis, Narma the Returned, Necrohunter, Whisper, Wurlim Frostking, Pitiless One
  • D tier: Acolyte, Centurion, Daywalker, Crimson Slayer, Faceless, Magus, Pharsalas Gravedirt, Versult the Grim, Bergoth the Malformed

Raid Shadow Legends tier list: Best Ogryn-Tribes


These giants with prodigious bellies are sluggish, and dumb brutes are prone to servitudes. These terrifying great oafs often prove that these forces will win one day.

  • A tier: Bellower, Korugar Death-Bell, Old Ghrukkus, Lorn the Cutter, Big ‘Un, Ceez, Ghrush the Mangler, Maneater, Skullcrusher, Towering Titan, Uugo
  • B tier: Gurgoh, the Augur, Grimskin, Cagebreaker, Gurptuk Moss-Beard, Klodd, Beastfeeder, Shamrock, Ignatius,
  • C tier: Fisheater, Drokgul the Giant, Geargrinder, Fortress Goon, Ogryn, Jaoler, Prundar, Shatterbones, Siegehulk, Grunch Killjoy, Magmablood
  • D tier: Mycolus, Furystoker, Occult Brawler, Ruffstone, Pounder, Rocktooth, Stoneskin, War Mother, Wagonbane, Siegebreaker

Raid Shadow Legends tier list: Best Orcs


Orcs are the soldier slaves, and they will do anything to survive. These factions fear persecution by the men of Kaerok and thus always side with the Queen of Aravia.

  • A tier: Angar, Dhukk the Pierced, Danag Skullreap, Galek, Kreela With-Arm, Irom Brago, Gomlok Skyhide, Merouka, Old Hermit Jorrg, Tuhak the Wanderer, Warlord, Trumborr, Robar, Sandlashed Survivor, Tagoar
  • B tier: Bonekeeper, King Garog, Nogdar the Headhunter, Seer, Shaman, Teela Gorename, Ultimate Galek, Veteran, Zargala, Vrask, Grohak the Bloodied
  • C tier: Bloodfeather, Deathchanter, Ironclad, Twinclaw Disciple, Wyvernbane, Totureheim, Terrorbeast, Raider, Ripperfist, Pigsticker, Chopper
  • D tier: Goremask, Spikehead, Huntress, Totem, Treefeller

Raid Shadow Legends tier list: Best Sacred Order


These factions were once charged with cleansing Teleria from all evil. However, they have also sworn allegiance to Queen Aravia and are ready to give their lives for her.

  • A tier: Abbess, Armiger, Cardiel, Corvis the Corruptor, Deacon Armstrong, Athel, Errol, Martys, Romero, Roshcard the Tower, Sir Nicholar, Venus, Supreme Athel, Fenax, Cupidus
  • B tier: Aothar, Juliana, Godseeker Aniri, Hope, Inquisitor Shamael, Juliana, Lightsworn, Lodric Falconheart, Mistress of Hymns, Mordecai, Sanctun Protector, Mother Superior, Relickeeper Sanguinia, Talllia
  • C tier: Astralon, Canoness, Draconis, Frostbinger, Outlaw Monk, Solaris, Warpriest, Witness, Templar, Sanctioned Purifier, Lamellar, Bushi
  • D tier: Adriel, Confessor, Harrier, Headsman, Chaplin, Judicator, Missionary, Purgator, Renouncer, Maiden, Lady Estessa, Justiciar

Raid Shadow Legends tier list: Best Undead Hordes


Undead Hordes serves the Dark One and thrives on corruption. Living in the forgotten tombs and dark corners of the world, these characters are fallen Telerians lurking in the darkness for centuries.

  • A tier: Bad-el-Kazar, Drowned Bloatwraith, Rotos the Lost Groom, Doomscreech, Ma’Shalled, Nekhret the Freat, Saito, Seducer, Seeker, Skartosis, Siptu the Lost Bride
  • B tier: Balthus Drauglord, Bloodgorged, Anax, Frozen Banshee, Little Miss Annie, Harvest Jack, Husk, Lich, Corpse Collector, Mausoleum Mage, Nethril, Temptress, Ursot the Soulcage, Zellotah, Wogoth
  • C tier: Bone Knight, Banshee, Dark Elhain, Councilor, Grinner, Defiled Sinner, Corpulent Cadaver, Gravenchill Killer, Grinner, Hexia, Elegaius, Rotting Mage, Karam, Wretch, Catacomb
  • D tier: Arbalester, Ghoulish Ranger, Amarantine Skeleton, Crypt-King Grall, Dark Athel, Stitched Beast, Hollow, Sorceress

While characters feature in the first two tiers, you can also pick the champions from other tiers. If you invest enough time to master them, these heroes can also deliver great results.

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Edited by Sijo Samuel Paul
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