Raiden Shogun | Genshin Impact- Appearence,personality,Rating,Best Builds and FAQs

Last Modified Dec 14, 2021 06:21 GMT

All hail her excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho! The Raiden Shogun is the Electro Archon and supreme ruler of the island nation of Inazuma, referred to as lightning itself. She is an Electro Polearm user who supports her allies with her consistent lightning attacks and elemental burst buffs to her allies. However, she is at her most fearsome when she uses the energy stored from using aforementioned bursts to supercharge her own, unleashing a devastating flurry of sword attacks that also serve to replenish her teammates' bursts. To optimize her abilities and gain mastery over the Musou No Hitotachi, read this guide!

(Spoiler Alert:A large portion if Raiden Shogun’s true nature will be revealed to those who haven’t completed Inazuma’s Archon Quest storylines)

How to get Raiden Shogun in Genshin Impact?

At the time of this writing, Raiden Shogun is a character event exclusive character. This means that she cannot be rolled by any means until she is announced for a banner rate up.. She was last available in Version 2.1.

1. Combat Info

→ Ascensions and Stats

Ascension PhaseLevelBase HPBase ATKBase DEFSpecial Stat (Energy Recharge)
MoraGemsCharacter Level Up Materials Materials Materials
Ascension Cost (0 → 1)20,0001 Vajrada Amethyst silverN/A3 Amakumo Fruit3 Old Handguard
Ascension Cost (1 → 2)40,0003 Vajrada Amethyst Fragment2 Storm Beads10 Amakumo Fruit15 Old Handguard
Ascension Cost (2 → 3)60,0006 Vajrada Amethyst Fragment4 Storm Beads20 Amakumo Fruit12 Kageguchi Handguard
Ascension Cost (3 → 4)80,0003 Vajrada Amethyst Chunk8 Storm Beads30 Amakumo Fruit18 Kageguchi Handguard
Ascension Cost (4 → 5)100,0006 Vajrada Amethyst Chunk12 Storm Beads45 Amakumo Fruit12 Famed Handguard
Ascension Cost (5 → 6)120,0006 Vajrada Amethyst Gemstone20 Storm Beads60 Amakumo Fruit24 Famed Handguard

→ Talents

Origin- Normal Attack

Normal Attack

Performs up to 5 consecutive spear strikes.

Charged Attack

Consumes a certain amount of Stamina to perform an upward slash.

Charged Attack DMG%99.59107.69115.8127.38135.49144.75157.49170.23182.96196.86212.78
Charged Attack Stamina Cost 25

Plunging Attack

Plunges from mid-air to strike the ground below, damaging opponents along the path and dealing AoE DMG upon impact.

Plunge DMG%63.9369.1474.3481.7786.9892.92101.1109.28117.46126.38135.3
Low Plunge DMG%127.84138.24148.65163.51173.92185.81202.16218.51234.86252.7270.54
High Plunge DMG%159.68172.67185.67204.24217.23232.09252.51272.93293.36315.64337.92

Transcendence: Baleful Omen- Elemental Skill

The Raiden Shogun unveils a shard of her Euthymia, dealing Electro DMG to nearby opponents, and grants nearby party members the Eye of Stormy Judgment.

Eye of Stormy Judgment

  1. When characters with this buff attack and deal DMG to opponents, the Eye will unleash a coordinated attack, dealing AoE Electro DMG at the opponent's position.
  2. Characters who gain the Eye of Stormy Judgment will have their Elemental Burst DMG increased based on the Energy Cost of the Elemental Burst during the Eye's duration.

The Eye can initiate one coordinated attack every 0.9s per party.

Coordinated attacks generated by characters not controlled by you deal 20% of the normal DMG.

Secret Art: Musou Shinsetsu Elemental Burst

Gathering truths unnumbered and wishes uncounted, the Raiden Shogun unleashes the Musou no Hitotachi and deals AoE Electro DMG, using Musou Isshin in combat for a certain duration afterward. The DMG dealt by Musou no Hitotachi and Musou Isshin's attacks will be increased based on the number of Chakra Desiderata's Resolve stacks consumed when this skill is used.

Musou Isshin

While in this state, the Raiden Shogun will wield her tachi in battle, while her Normal, Charged, and Plunging Attacks will be infused with Electro DMG, which cannot be overridden. When such attacks hit opponents, she will regenerate Energy for all nearby party members. Energy can be restored this way once every 1s, and this effect can be triggered 5 times throughout this skill's duration.

While in this state, the Raiden Shogun's resistance to interruption is increased, and she is immune to Electro-Charged reaction DMG.

While Musou Isshin is active, the Raiden Shogun's Normal, Charged and Plunging Attack DMG will be considered Elemental Burst DMG.

The effects of Musou Isshin will be cleared when the Raiden Shogun leaves the field.

Chakra Desiderata

When nearby party members (excluding the Raiden Shogun herself) use their Elemental Bursts, the Raiden Shogun will build up Resolve stacks based on the Energy Cost of these Elemental Bursts.

The maximum number of Resolve stacks is 60.

The Resolve gained by Chakra Desiderata will be cleared 300s after the Raiden Shogun leaves the field.

Wishes Unnumbered-1st Ascension Passive

When nearby party members gain Elemental Orbs or Particles, Chakra Desiderata gains 2 Resolve stacks. This effect can occur once every 3 seconds.

Enlightened One 4th Ascension Passive

Each 1% above 100% Energy Recharge that the Raiden Shogun possesses grants her:

  1. 0.6% greater Energy restoration from Musou Isshin
  2. 0.4% Electro DMG Bonus

All-Preserver Utility Passive

Mora expended when ascending Swords and Polearms is decreased by 50%.

→ Talent Upgrade

Talent LevelRequired Ascension LevelMoraCommon Materials Talent Level Up Materials
1 → 22*12,5006 Old Handguard3 Teachings of Light
2 → 33*17,5003 Kageguchi Handguard2 Guide to Light
3 → 43*25,0004 Kageguchi Handguard4 Guide to Light
4 → 54*30,0006 Kageguchi Handguard6 Guide to Light
5 → 64*37,5009 Kageguchi Handguard9 Guide to Light
6 → 75*120,0004 Famed Handguard4 Philosophies of Light 1 Molten Moment
7 → 8260,0006 Famed Handguard6 Philosophies t of Light 1 Molten Moment
8 → 95*450,0009 Famed Handguard12 Philosophies of Light 2 Molten Moment
9 → 105*700,00012 Famed Handguard16 Philosophies of Light 2 Molten Moment1 Crown of Insight

→ Constellation

2. Availability

→ Paimon's Bargains


→ Event Wishes

As a 5 Star character, Raiden Shogun has been featured on 1 Character Event Wish so far

Reign of Serenity 2021-09-01 - 2021-09-21

3. Personality

There are two sides to Inazuma’s ruling deity, although this is not to be mistaken for a case of split personality. There is Raiden Ei, the true identity of the current Electro Archon who stashes her consciousness away in meditation in the Plane of Euthymia. Then there is the Raiden Shogun, a puppet virtually indistinguishable from any other human being. This puppet follows set directives established by Ei in the pursuit of her goal of “Eternity”, and is unflinching in its execution. With no need to do typical mortal behaviors like eat, drink or sleep, the Shogun is deadly efficient to the point no one, human or archon, could hope to match. She is not without flaws however, as her programming can be leveraged against her by crafty sabetours like Fatui.

While Ei herself is no slouch in being a stern ruler, she is much more emotive and talkative than her puppet assistant. She has a soft spot for sweets and reads light novels. While still adverse to the concept of change, she even is willing to occasionally be moved in terms of her own established definition of “Eternity”. Don’t mistake her for being soft for this however, as she is still a warrior without a match in all of Inazuma, and perhaps even Teyvat in its entirety.

4. Appearance

The most immediate striking feature of the Raiden Shogen is her calf-length violet ponytail and purple flower hairpin. Her eyes are a striking purple that change hue whenever the Shogun or Ei is in control at the moment. She wears a purple bodysuit underneath her kimono with long, draping sleeves that are adorned with the Mitsudomoe emblem of Inazuma, a red and gold ribbon tied at her back, and a singular pauldron on her left shoulder all with the same emblem. Dark purple thigh high stockings and a simple pair of gold heels round out her outfit..

5. Character Stories

→ Character Details

Since the dawn of life, humankind has always borne an intense yearning for and curiosity about the world. This is the anchor point of their cognition and is the foundation of all reason.

The world of the people of Inazuma is also thus. There, thunder, lightning, wind, and rain were primordial facts of life, as well as light, and the sea... and the Raiden Shogun.

Babes nestling in their mothers' arms hear tales of the Shogun's slaying of many gods and conquering of other races.

When young men and women roam the islands, they see the gorge split asunder by a blade of lightning and the pale, still-standing bones of the giant snake.

Soldiers take to the battlefield with "glory to the Shogun and her everlasting reign!" upon their lips.

The people work in contentment and peace, knowing that the Shogun and her loyal Tri-Commission are there.

The great name of the Raiden Shogun has long shaken off the shackles of mere life, becoming the eternal traditional belief of Inazuma.

People trust in this great name and its might, as they believe that their descendants shall witness the same sights, that the same faith will form the foundations of their inner worlds, and that this will pass on from generation to generation.

This is the eternal paradise that the Almighty Shogun promised her people.

→ Character Story 1

The true name of the Raiden Shogun is "Raiden Ei."

In her long road, she has witnessed the price that Inazuma has had to pay for progress over the hundreds and thousands of years.

The happiest years of her life had passed her by, and those she once considered friends became her foes. In the end, she even lost the reason for which she had wielded her sword.

"Where there is progress, there must be loss."

Ei believed that this was the iron-clad rule of the world, with time as its merciless enforcer.

The greatest and most prosperous nation of men collapsed overnight, and even that most ancient Liyue Harbor would say farewell to its Geo Archon. The winds of parting came whistling in from the outer edge of time.

However, resounding the Raiden Shogun's name, centuries later, millennia later. Someday, Inazuma would lose the protection of its deity.

As a warrior, she was wary of all foes. Even if that enemy was a crisis as intangible as time's passage, she had to find a countermeasure, a weapon she could use to defeat it in time.

Her answer? "Eternity." Only Eternity could freeze all things under the sky, make Inazuma truly deathless.

"Then, while things are still good, let us have stillness... Let us march towards Eternity."

→ Character Story 2

For beings with a perishable form of flesh to pursue Eternity, they must first solve the unavoidable problem of lifespan.

This limited time troubled Ei greatly, until one day when a mysterious technique came before her eyes as if by a stroke of fate.

Using such techniques, one could create intricate puppets indistinguishable from true life.

In theory, this puppet could perfectly imitate everything about Ei. It could surpass the limits of her lifespan and defend Inazuma forever. Yet, how could creating a copy of an Archon be a simple affair?

Ei conducted countless experiments to this effect, discarded a great many failed products, and spent an unimaginable amount of time and resources.

But at last, by her dogged pursuit and warrior's spirit, she was able to create a flawless puppet.

The newborn Raiden Shogun sat there silently, listening to Ei speak all about her, "her," and even about them. The future of Inazuma was here, inscribed upon a gorgeous blueprint.

The automaton had but one question to ask Ei: "There is no turning back from forsaking your form. Do you regret nothing?"

"Your existence is my answer."

Then, Ei transferred her consciousness into her blade, and thus was born the Plane of Euthymia.

→ Character Story 3

Before Raiden Ei became the Shogun, she was a samurai responsible for seeing that the previous Shogun's orders were carried out.

The previous Electro Archon, Raiden Makoto, was no great fighter, and the things Ei had charge over were mostly matters of warfare and slaughter. However, Ei also had moments of repose away from battle, sitting with her friends under the sakura trees and playing karuta.

Due to her character, Ei was always the most wooden player. She was never the final victor, nor did she ever have a taste of the prizes that the Kitsune Saiguu reserved for the winners.

Thus, she poured the effort that she put into swordsmanship into karuta practice, often pestering Makoto or Mikoshi Chiyo to karuta matches, or spending much time by moonlight reading the poetry inscribed on the cards out loud.

At last, the day came that under the sakura trees, Ei would defeat opponent after opponent. Even the mighty tengu would be felled after a hard-fought battle, and thus she was crowned the champion.

Ei let out a victorious whoop at her victory, only to be greeted by the sounds of her friends' laughter. Only then did she realize that she had lost her usual composure entirely before snapping both arms back down and reverting to her usual cool facade.

Of course, her friends did not intend to make fun of her. Indeed, they understood her character and the manner in which she had worked ever so hard to come out on top.

As for the Kitsune Saiguu, oh, how amused she looked as she presented Ei with some pastries.

"I said it was a reward, yes, but it was simply some hand-made cakes of mine. I didn't think that you would be so concerned about it, Ei. Well then, enjoy the spoils of your victory to your heart's content."

Ei was hardly one to be greedy for snacks. But as a samurai, she firmly believed that what she lost must be reclaimed. These pastries were more akin to a vindication of her desire to win.

But it was not long before that cool demeanor of hers broke into a smile again. The cakes were lovely, just like the taste of victory. As for her clumsy attempts to hide that smile, one could only say that it was an entertaining sight all around for her friends.

To this day, Ei still often remembers that sakura tree.

Even though she has not gone to see it in a long time, and even though no one sits under it anymore, she wishes that time might stop forever.

→ Character Story 4

Ei still remembers the way in which Makoto greatly loved the scenery of Inazuma, its cuisine, and the stories of its people, and how she loved telling Ei all about it.

Though they both understood the concept of erosion well, Makoto was unlike Ei, who worried about the future more often. Instead, Makoto's energies were focused on the present.

"It is precisely because we know that this scene is but a fleeting shadow that we should enjoy it all the more."

Then, Ei could only smile wryly, realizing that she, the kagemusha, was even more old-fashioned than the real Raiden Shogun. She thought to herself that she must learn to be more leisurely, just like Makoto.

Yet the times changed all too quickly, all but catching Ei off guard. Before she knew it, her hands already held the blade that the dying Raiden Makoto had passed on to her.

This day, the kagemusha was now the true Raiden Shogun.

And it was on this day that Ei truly felt the agony of erosion.

As time marched forward inexorably, even this blade, this sakura... All life on Inazuma would fade before her eyes.

This was the foundation of Inazuma, and it was the thing that the Raiden Shogun must defend. "If you look at this way, thinking ahead is not meaningless, nor is it vain arrogance."

Having resolved herself, her life exceeded its mortal shell, and eternity descended upon the mortal plane.

→ Character Story 5

One night, Raiden Ei entered a beautiful dreamscape while meditating.

Here, there was nothing left between heaven and earth but her, and a "her" that was akin to looking into a mirror.

The automaton's voice flowed into her ears like a sigh: "the eternity you resolved to establish in your heart has been shaken by the countless wishes of the people. Thus, you have become my enemy."

Back when she was creating the puppet, Ei had considered all the hidden risks involved.

She believed that anything was possible — including the worst-case scenario... in which she too would someday become a threat to Eternity.

But she had to press on. She had to reach Eternity. This, she would not permit to be stayed by any outside force.

The puppet's words were something that she had asked herself long ago:

"You believe that you are more firmly convicted now than you were yesterday, and that is why you are presently correct. Is that so?"

"Do you presently have some new ideas, or have you, too, fallen victim to inexorable 'eroded'?"

Their faces were the same, but they spoke of different ideals. The battle with herself, with her past, would come someday.

But it was not this day. Ei knew well that she was not yet ready.

Her heart was clear, and she would have remained in that state, but hearing the cries of her people, she had to command her feet to stop.

The sky above the mirror was no longer empty, and all about the silent halls, she heard the cry of crows. Dawn was coming. The samurai must take up her sword.

This dream was ever so real, and it, too, passed like a shadow.

→ Musou Isshin

A sword that, once passed on, has accompanied Ei to this day.

This sword has had two wielders, and has witnessed both time and eternity.

It was born from Raiden Makoto's divine might, but it was never once sharpened. It took after its owner, of course, for Makoto was not one for battle. It was but a symbol, a sign of true peace.

The day Makoto passed on, it was given into Ei's hands. The sword was stained with blood, then, and as the blade drew its first taste of crimson, it was blown aside by wild winds and blazing thunder.

Makoto gave it the name Musou Isshin, and desired to have it witness an Inazuma as lovely as a dream and the noble hearts that dwell in this world.

Ei did not change its name. For she, too, had looked out over that vast scene of beauty, and a stronger that was purer and stronger still was birthed in her heart thereby. The aesthetic of lightning is precisely to capture that which is precious amidst fleeting transience.

→ Gnosis

Before she came to dwell in the Plane of Euthymia permanently, Ei was troubled for a time concerning where she might store her Gnosis.

She no longer had any need of it but such an important item could not simply be placed anywhere. She had initially intended to have it modified into an energy supply device, but no matter what she did, her techniques had no effect on the Gnosis at all.

And that was when she thought of someone: the cunning and clever Yae Miko. She was not precisely someone to be trusted, but she was in many ways also Ei's best choice.

Upon hearing this request, Miko could not help but joke: "Aren't you afraid that I might just sell this off?"

"You understand the value of a Gnosis. Even if you sold it, I trust that you would have exchanged it for something of equal value, and that is no easy price to pay."

With someone of Yae Miko's character, it would be no surprise if she ever sold the Gnosis, yes, but she would not allow herself to lose out in any such exchange.

Such, then, was the tacit agreement between the two old friends. Yae Miko understood Ei's intent and took the precious Gnosis with a smile.

"Well, this is your idea, not mine. Don't end up regretting this, now."

6. Namecard

HOW TO OBTAIN: Reach Friendship Level 10 with Raiden Shogun

Description: "Not simply Ei, and not merely the Raiden Shogun. Observe yourself also with one stormy eye, and you will someday reach a breakthrough."

7. Constellation

“Imperatrix Umbrosa”- Meaning “Shadow Empress” in Latin

8. Quests and Events

→ Archon Quests

  1. Chapter II
  2. Act II: Stillness, the Sublimation of Shadow
  3. Act III: Omnipresence Over Mortals

→ Story Quests

  1. Imperatrix Umbrosa Chapter (Raiden Shogun’s personal questline)
  2. Act I: Reflections of Mortality

→ Events

9. Character Interactions

Raiden Shogun mentions the following characters in her voiceover lines

-Kamisato Ayato

-Kamisato Ayaka

-Kujou Sara



-Sangonomiya Kokomi


-Arataki Itto

-Morax (Zhongli)


Raiden Shogun is mentioned by the following characters in their voiceover lines

-Kaedehara Kazuha

-Kamisato Ayaka

-Kujou Sara

-Sangonomiya Kokomi





10. Trivia

  1. Similar to Venti, Raiden Shogun bears great visual similarities to a character in MiHoYo’s Honkai Impact 3rd, in this case Raiden Mei. They both manipulate Electro and even share the same Japanese voice Actress
  2. As of the writing of this article. Raiden Shogun cannot cook, both in story and functionally in game.
  3. She is the first character to kill a Fatui Harbinger

11. Explainer Video

12. FAQs

How does Raiden’s Burst work?

Each character in the game has a set amount of energy needed to perform their burst. Typically this value is 40, 60, or 80 energy, although certain characters like Xiao or Kokomi are exceptions. The higher the energy burst cost, the more it lights up Raiden’s burst indicator shown on her back. What this means is typically it is best to pair Raiden with characters with higher burst costs as not only does she gain more damage on her burst, she is able to quickly refill those larger bursts due to the nature of Musou Isshin.

What is Raiden’s best artifact set?

Due to the nature of having innate scaling with Energy recharge, 4PC Emblem of Severed Fate (20% Energy Recharge, Elemental Burst DMG increased by 25% of Energy Recharge) is far and away her best artifact choice outside of some niche supportive builds

What is Raiden Shogun’s best weapon?

Her signature weapon Engulfing Lighting as well as the Staff of Homa are considered two of her best options, albeit both are 5 star weapons and difficult to come by without considerable luck and primogems. A completely free and comparable alternative however is “The Catch”. It can be earned through fishing in Inazuma, although it can take a considerable amount of time to fully refine.

13. Final Thoughts

Raiden requires a solid amount of game knowledge in order to get the most out of her but when placed in the proper compositions that symbiotically feed off of each other’s strengths, she is one of, if not THE single strongest unit in the game. She is capable of being used as both a DPS battery to juice your carries or even be the carry herself. All is possible with the Stormy Eye of Judgment at your side

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