Razor | Genshin Impact- Appearence,personality,Rating,Best Builds and FAQs

Last Modified Dec 16, 2021 07:18 GMT

Razor is an electro claymore character who the traveler meets in wolvendom. He was abandoned as an orphan and raised by wolves as one of them. He was discovered by grandmaster Varka and given a name. He has a wolf spirit inside him, which he can summon and fight with.

About Razor

BirthdaySeptember 9th
Special DishPuppy Paw Hash-Brown

How to get Razor in Genshin Impact?

Razor can be obtained by wishing on the standard, event or weapons banner. He will receive a huge drop rate boost on banners he is featured on. Razor can also be obtained through starglitter exchange on Paimon’s Bargains. You can play him during his story quest Lupus Minor Chapter.

Combat Info

Ascensions and Stats

Ascension StageLevelBase HPBase ATKBase DEFAscension Stat (Physical DMG Bonus)


Claw and Thunder | Normal Attack

Skill Attributes

Claw and Thunder | Elemental Skill

Hunts his prey using the techniques taught to him by his master and his lupical.


Swings the Thunder Wolf Claw, dealing Electro DMG to opponents in front of Razor.

Upon striking an opponent, Razor will gain an Electro Sigil, which increases his Energy Recharge rate.

Razor can have up to 3 Electro Sigils simultaneously, and gaining a new Electro Sigil refreshes their duration.


Gathers Electro energy to unleash a lightning storm over a small AoE, causing massive Electro DMG, and clears all of Razor's Electro Sigils.

Each Electro Sigil cleared in this manner will be converted into Energy for Razor.

In the moment when lightning strikes, you can sometimes glimpse the look of a predator sizing up his prey deep within Razor’s eyes.

Skill Attributes

Lightning Fang | Elemental Burst

Summons the Wolf Within, which deals Electro DMG to all nearby opponents. This clears all of Razor's Electro Sigils, which will be converted into Elemental Energy for him.

The Wolf Within will fight alongside Razor for the skill's duration.

The Wolf Within

  1. Strikes alongside Razor's normal attacks, dealing Electro DMG.
  2. Raises Razor's ATK SPD and Electro RES.
  3. Causes Razor to be immune to DMG inflicted by the Electro-Charged status.
  4. Disables Razor's Charged Attacks.
  5. Increases Razor's resistance to interruption.

These effects end when Razor leaves the battlefield.

When Razor leaves the field, a maximum of 10 Energy will be returned to him which is based off of the duration remaining on this skill.

The wolf has awoken. The hunt is on.

Skill Attributes

Awakening | Ascension Phase 1 Passive

Decreases Claw and Thunder's CD by 18%. Using Lightning Fang resets the CD of Claw and Thunder.

Hunger | Ascension Phase 4 Passive

When Razor's Energy is below 50%, it increases Energy Recharge by 30%.

Wolvensprint | Off-field Passive

Decreases sprinting Stamina consumption of your characters in the party by 20%.

Not stackable with Passive Talents that provide the exact same effects.

Talents Upgrade

LevelMaterials RequiredMora Cost
2Teachings of Resistance x 3, Damaged Mask x 612500
3Guide to Resistance x 2, Stained Mask x 317500
4Guide to Resistance x 4, Stained Mask x 425000
5Guide to Resistance x 6, Stained Mask x 630000
6Guide to Resistance x 9, Stained Mask x 937500
7Philosophies of Resistance x 4, Omnius Mask x 4, Dvalin’s Claw x 1120000
8Philosophies of Resistance x 6, Omnius Mask x 6, Dvalin’s Claw x 1260000
9Philosophies of Resistance x 12, Omnius Mask x 9, Dvalin’s Claw x 2450000
10Philosophies of Resistance x 16, Omnius Mask x 12, Dvalin’s Claw x 2, Crown of Insight x 1700000
TotalDamaged Mask x 6, Stained Mask x 22, Omnius Mask x 31, Teachings of Resistance x 3, Guide to Resistance x 21, Philosophies of Resistance x 38, Dvalin’s Claw x 6, Crown of Insight x 11652500


1Wolf's InstinctPicking up an Elemental Orb or Particle increases Razor's DMG by 10% for 8s.
2SuppressionIncreases CRIT Rate against opponents with less than 30% HP by 10%.
3Soul CompanionIncreases the Level of Lightning Fang by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
4BiteWhen casting Claw and Thunder (Press), opponents hit will have their DEF decreased by 15% for 7s.
5Sharpened ClawsIncreases the Level of Claw and Thunder by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
6Lupus FulgurisEvery 10s, Razor's sword charges up, causing the next Normal Attack to release lightning that deals 100% of Razor's ATK as Electro DMG. When Razor is not using Lightning Fang, a lightning strike on an opponent will grant Razor an Electro Sigil for Claw and Thunder.


Paimon’s Bargains

  1. Razor will be purchasable through Paimon’s bargains for 34 starglitter. Starglitter can be obtained by wishing on the standard, event, and weapons banner.


  1. Razor has a large probability of appearing on a featured banner. He also has a small percentage of chance for appearing on the standard, weapons, or event wish banner.


Razor occasionally asks himself if he is a wolf or a human. Ultimately, he does not care because he finds himself happy with both his lupicals and his friends. He has a simple lifestyle which is limited to finding food, drinking water and sleeping. Apart from his wolf friends, he also likes playing with Klee. Although he loathes practice with Lisa, he tries to keep himself motivated; to make himself stronger to protect his friends. This is because of the time he got abducted by an abyss mage and many of his wolf friends tried to save him from it. In the process, he lost many of them and then swore to protect them no matter what in the future.

Razor does not speak a lot. This is not because he wishes to speak less, but because of his limited knowledge of the human vocabulary. He was raised among the wolves and grew up as one of them. Because of this, when Grandmaster Varka first approached him, he and his party were defensive.


Razor has a “Teen” body type and is 5'4" / 164 cm. He has long silver hair which has grown until his waist. His hair is split into two at the back with a bright red iris with a darker red pupil. He seems to have dark circles around his eye and a scar on his cheek. On his left ear, he is seen wearing a golden earring and covers his chest with a brown cloth. His body is full of scars. He wears a necklace with three pendants that look like fangs. Over the brown cloth, he wears an open grey hoodie who’s hood he wears over his head and the hoodie has an opening in the back for the hair to let loose. He wears his vision on the back of the hoodie with olive green pants that have patches here and there with a yellow scarf tied to his left thigh. He wears a brown belt on his waist and from his waist, an ornament similar to the one he is wearing on his neck is seen hanging to the right leg. His feet are protected by black boots and his arms are protected by leather coloured gloves.

Character Stories

Character Details

Razor is a boy whose identity is shrouded in mystery. He lives in Wolvendom and is rarely spotted by the citizens of Mondstadt.

According to a handful of eyewitness accounts, Razor has keen senses and is highly agile, traversing the forest at breakneck speed. He is often seen in the company of his wolf pack, while generally avoiding contact with humans.

Some speculate that he was an orphan raised by the wolves, while others say he is a wolf spirit that has taken on a human form.

Such rumors only add to the mystery of the "Wolf Boy," as the citizens of Mondstadt call him.

Meanwhile, Razor the Wolf Boy stands all the while on the hilltops with his head held high, basking in the warm sunlight.

Story 1

Razor lives among the wolves night and day.

All of them are as close to Razor as they could possibly be. Which wolf has the loudest howl, which wolf runs the fastest, which wolf is the best at ambushing — there isn't a wolf Razor doesn't know.

He can sense the mood of the wind, smell a scent from miles away, and knows many practical applications for plants of all kinds. The one thing he can't bring to mind is the faces of his parents.

What kind of people were they? No matter how hard he tries, he cannot remember.

His memory starts after his life with the wolves had already begun. The wolves took him in as part of their "lupical" — a word he was taught by someone else, which means family.

Story 2

Tiny singing things are flying in the sky.

The clouds are long and fluffy, like a wolf's tail.

Razor's world is a simple one.

On a sunny day, you run around hunting or try and beat your prey to the ripe fruits, on a rainy day, you hide out in a hollow tree and fall asleep hugging a furry lupine friend, with some grass and leaves for a pillow.

Eat as much as you can and drink plenty of water. Cool off in the lake when you're hot, and go find some juicy berries when you're thirsty.

Razor looks at his body and then at the bodies of his kin.

He knows he is different from them.

But there's nothing wrong with that, as far as Razor is concerned.

Story 3

One day, a tall man came to the mountains and disrupted Razor's peaceful life.

Razor did not know who the man was, only that he was a human. Seeing the confused look on Razor's face, the man gave him a friendly smile.

"Hey buddy! Why don't you come back down to Mondstadt with me?"

The man offered his hand to Razor as he spoke.

But neither Razor nor the wolves understood the gesture. Feeling protective, the wolves placed themselves between Razor and the man to keep him away.

Razor ducked down beneath the wolves' furry tails. He looked at his body, and then peered out through the gaps in the wolf fur to get a look at the man's.

Razor knew he wasn't the most intelligent of beings, and was at a loss to answer the question that has been in his mind ever since that day.

"Am I a human, or a wolf?"

Story 4

It was that man who gave Razor his name.

The simple Wolf Boy could not understand the intricacies of human language, but he knew from the look on the man's face when he produced this sound that the man was giving him a name.


The shadows cast by the trees of Wolvendom grew short, and then grew long again.

The man taught Razor how to swing a sword. Unwieldy though this steel claw may be, thought Razor, it was at least sharp enough to cut through tree branches.

"Now you can protect your friends."


Razor imitated the sounds the man made, without understanding what they meant. Similarly, he did not understand why the names of things were all that important in the first place. After all, he never learned the name of that man before he left.

Story 5

"Master, what is... 'friends'?" Razor once asked of his new mentor, working at the limits of his vocabulary. His purple-clothed mentor seemed to know it all, from how to make hash browns from potatoes in the ground, to the name of the brightest star in the summer night sky. However, Lisa simply smiled and yawned without answering him. Razor thought about it when the wind blew, when the rain fell — even when Wolfhook berries got stuck in his fur. He just couldn't figure it out.

Until one day, Razor met a bright-red, 'burny' girl. They stood in the wind together, got soaked in the rain together — she even rolled around in Wolfhook bushes with him. Her name was Klee. When Razor played with her, it was like being a wolf pup again.

"Friends... is... lupical."

Razor may not understand the complexities of human relationships, but he has an honest primal loyalty to him.

"So... protect friends... lupical... with life."

The wolf pack howls in the distance, summoning him home. Razor still does not know if he is a human or a wolf. But he is happy either way.

Razor's Crude Wooden Crate

In a box so crudely made that one has to be extra careful when opening it lies Razor's greatest treasures. The broken-off hilt of a greatsword, a children's storybook called The Wolf and the Windwheel Aster, and a dry, withered four-leaf clover. Though he understands neither the intricacies of human relations nor the ways of the world, Razor knows that these are gifts from the ones known as 'friends' — and that is what makes them his most treasured possessions of all.


The story of how Razor got his Vision is one of the few memories that he wishes he could forget.

One day, during a lightning storm, an Abyss Mage ambushed Razor from behind and dragged him away. The wolf pack ran to his aid and put up a fearless fight, but every last one of them was defeated by the Abyss Mage. As he looked on helplessly at his dear companions being harmed, Razor let out an almighty roar like that of a cornered animal.


Fueled by his almighty fury, a lightning-like power grew inside, and suddenly an overload of elemental energy was flowing within him. He was ready to protect, he was ready to avenge and threw off his shackles, raising his weapon. The Abyss Mage was overwhelmed and defeated by wild, unfettered frenzy of Electro energy, but this time it was too late to save Razor's wolven companions.


Though he had obtained a Vision, Razor was still unable to manipulate Electro energy with finesse. One day many moons later, when he met the Witch of Purple Rose, Lisa, he began to study human knowledge.

"Friends, hurt... Never again! I will... protect them."

With each day, Razor grew more skilled in the use of his Vision. He made a silent promise to himself: "I will become stronger. I will become the strongest of them all." Because the day may come when his lupical faces another threat, and this time, he will protect them.



Profile Background

Party Background


Lupus Minor

Quests and Events

Archon Quests

  1. Chapter I
  2. Act IV: We Will Be Reunited
  3. Dishonorable Trial

Story Quests

  1. Lupus Minor Chapter (Razor's Story)
  2. Act I: The Meaning of Lupical
  3. All Parts


  1. Invitation of Windblume
  2. Act III: Realm of Fog and Wind
  1. Midsummer Island Adventure
  2. Act III: Dodo-King of the Sea: Lying in Wait
  3. Act IV: The Final Riddle: A Secret Uncovered

Web Events

  1. Side by Side We Venture
  2. An Unforgettable Journey

Character Interactions



  1. Razor did not have a name since he grew up with wolves. His name was given to him by Grandmaster Varka.
  2. Razor is the only character who has a Physical DMG Bonus Ascension stat.
  3. During the Windblume festival, Razor and Bennett got stuck in a cage together, forming a deep friendship among them.

Explainer Video


Is Razor still good?

Among the 4 stars, Razor is definitely one of the best damage dealers for beginners. However, he eventually gets out-damaged by other characters later on in the game. Despite this, Razor is still a strong character and is good even in the newer versions.

Is it hard to get Razor?

He is equally as hard to get as any other 4 star characters. If he is featured on an event wish banner, it becomes easier to get him. You can also purchase him through starglitter exchange.

Is Razor worth buying?

Razor is worth buying if you do not have a dps for your team. Otherwise it is better to save your starglitter for characters like Bennett or Xingqiu. In terms of his constellations, only c4 is good enough to buy from the starglitter shop. Since it is a rare currency, saving it for other characters is advisable.

Final Thoughts

Razor is a physical damage dealer who has an incredible scaling for his normal attacks. His physical damage dealing capabilities are incredible and he can make your early game incredibly easy. Thanks to his electro element, he can easily create superconduct reactions, reducing the enemy’s physical resistance. He is one of the fastest attackers in the game, especially with his burst which also lets you do consistent electro damage. Paired with a cryo character like Kaeya, Razor can kill opponents like scooping butter out with a knife.

Because of his time with the wolves, Razor can show you how to sprint while conserving stamina while he is in your party. You can also pet him like you would a wolf. With him around, you can always expect protection from the Wolf of the North.

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